
Chapter 2931: ?Master's Thousand Years Past

The curses that seemed a bit noisy on weekdays were very cordial in Chen Fei's ears at this moment.


Chen Fei stepped forward and gave Xuanyuan Jiangshan a big hug.

"Okay, you kid.

When I went down the mountain, I didn't learn anything else, but I became more and more hypocritical! "

Xuanyuan Jiangshan patted Chen Fei on the shoulder.

After finally calming down, sitting opposite Xuanyuan Jiangshan, Chen Fei had thousands of questions in his mind, "Master, this, what is going on?

Taboo Island, the four masters, the double-edged organization, and the seed of the tree heart..." At this moment, he has too many doubts in his heart.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan sighed softly and said leisurely: "When I first adopted you, I knew that one day in the future, I will tell you all this.

Unexpectedly, all this would come so soon. "


It's almost thirty years! "

Chen Fei was a little puzzled.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan's mouth curled, and said, "Thirty years, but only a short time."

"Master, you are pretending again.

How old are you, you are over a hundred years old, how can thirty years be just a short time? "

Chen Fei looked at Xuanyuan Jiangshan's sigh, and it seemed that he had regained the feeling of being on Tianwu Mountain, and couldn't help but complain.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan glared at Chen Fei and said, "You kid, who said I'm only over a hundred years old! Your master, I am over nine hundred years old this year."

"Nine hundred years old?

It's almost a thousand years, how is this possible?

Master, stop joking. "

Chen Fei waved his hand.

"Who is joking with you, what I said is true."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said seriously.

"Ah, really?"

Chen Fei was also a little confused, wondering if what the master said was true or false, "Master, you, are you lying to me?"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said: "Not only I am more than 900 years old, but the Devil Dragon, Michael, Dracula and Zulu are all more than 900 years old."

"What, this-doesn't it mean that they are top players who have only been famous for nearly a hundred years?"

Chen Fei was really shocked.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan said: "Who told you that they have only risen in the past 100 years, they have always been the top masters of the earth.

It's just that the previous generations of masters have passed away one after another, and only they have survived to the present. "

"Live, live for nearly a thousand years.

Is this possible? "

Chen Fei still felt unbelievable, "Even if you reach the Primordial Body Realm, you can't live that long, right?"

Xuanyuan Jiangshan faintly said: "A general Yuan-body realm martial artist, under normal circumstances, can live more than 500 years old, even if it has a long life.

But for the five of us, the situation is different. "

"what's the difference?"

Chen Fei asked aloud.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan let out a long sigh, looked at Chen Fei, and slowly began to speak.

"Things must start from nearly a thousand years ago.

I still remember that I was just a teenage cowherd baby, who almost couldn't eat enough every day. "

"Later, one day, a green light suddenly fell from the sky, like a huge tree standing between the sky and the earth.

The giant tree shook the world and shook the entire earth.

On that day, everyone thought that the gods were coming and the end was coming, and they were very scared. "

"But I didn't expect that the next day, the giant tree disappeared, the previous light also dissipated, and everything returned to normal again.

It seems that what happened yesterday was just a dream. "

"I thought I was dreaming at the time, and I continued to go up the mountain to herd the cattle the next day.

As a result, in a bush of grass, I accidentally found a fruit with a fresh color and a fragrant aroma. "

"At that time, I couldn't even eat enough to eat, and I almost lost my head from hunger.

Disregarding everything else, he picked up the fruit and ate it. "

"After eating, I feel a lot more energetic, and my body seems to have become lighter."

Hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Master, it won't be so bloody! That fruit is a treasure. You meet an adventure, and then rely on the fruit to learn martial arts and become stronger day by day."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan glared at Chen Fei, "What is a dog's blood? That's how it is.

Fruits make my body stronger, more energetic, and learn things quickly.

Therefore, I soon became a master of the party, Megatron Martial Arts.

Even the court wanted to recruit me. "

"However, I didn't want to be constrained at the time, so I brought a group of brothers to eat, drink and have fun, and play in the gym.

"At that time, I played almost all over China, and I didn't meet a single opponent.

Therefore, I am very proud and think that I am invincible in the world.

I even thought about slaughtering the emperor Lao'er and becoming the emperor by myself. "

Chen Fei grew his mouth wide, "Master, are you making up stories?

Have you been emperor? "

"It can be, but I am not interested in being."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan glared at Chen Fei, "Smelly boy, don't interrupt me."

"At that time, I thought I was invincible in the world.

But at this moment, a young man suddenly appeared and defeated me with one move.

I was dissatisfied at the time and challenged him several times, but all of them were defeated.

Only then did I know that I was not invincible in the world, there are still people who are stronger than me, and they are still much stronger. "

"So, I asked the young man where he learned martial arts and could he teach me.

The young man told me that he has his own teacher and will not easily teach it to outsiders.

I said at the time that I can worship his teacher. "

"After repeated requests, the young man promised to take me back to the teacher's door to see if he could apprentice to learn art.

I was very excited. I left China with him and came to an unknown island on the sea. "

"On the island, I found out, except for me.

There are more than two hundred people who want to apprentice and learn art from other places. They are all brought to the island. "

"At that time, it was also the first time I saw blacks and whites other than the yellow race.

At that time, I almost treated them as monsters, and almost started fighting. "

"Later, more than two hundred of us learned martial arts together on the island."

"After several years of learning arts, five people finally stood out with outstanding academic skills."

"Master, the five people you are talking about are you and the four, right?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but say.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan nodded and said, "It's me, Devil Dragon, Michael, Dracula and Zulu."

"You knew each other at that time, and you are still the same brothers."

Chen Fei felt a little incredible.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan nodded, and continued to say, "That's it!"

"At that time, the people on the island also valued the five of us very much.

Bring us into the inner door and teach more core martial arts.

Our strength is constantly improving. "

"That's it, ten years have passed.

The five of us have almost reached the peak of our strength at the time, which is equivalent to the current god-level realm. "

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