
Chapter 2934: ?Treasure Hunt

Gu Tianzhong saw that Chen Fei understood, he nodded slightly, and continued: "Earth Element Realm needs to open a space channel to enter the human spirit world, and opening a space channel is not that simple.

Generally speaking, there is only the official united by the nine major palaces of the Earth and Metaspheres. In some important spiritual realms, they arrange formations, open official space channels, and charge expensive fees for passage.

Most people in the spiritual world don't even have an official entry channel. It's not that simple to enter. "

"Plus, our ancient family wanted to hunt for treasure in secret, so it was naturally impossible to go through official channels.

Therefore, our ancient family secretly figured out a way and finally found a seed of the world tree. "

"The World Tree is a kind of wonderful spiritual tree. After planting, it can penetrate the two realms, connect and exchange the breath of the two realms."

"In the beginning, the World Tree was originally used to purify some special realms.

For example, certain territories with special environments are filled with various poisonous gases and waste gas. Ordinary monks can enter directly, and they can hardly survive for long. "

"But because some cherished materials may exist in certain realms, some masters eventually cultivated the World Tree.

Plant the world tree in that realm, take advantage of the characteristics of the tree, absorb the poisonous gas inside, exchange breath with the earth element realm, and finally change the environment inside, suitable for monks to survive, and allow monks to enter safely. "

"Because it can penetrate the two realms, it is equivalent to opening up the passage between the two realms.

Therefore, in theory, people can also travel between two realms through the world tree. "

"Of course, compared to the official formation.

The passage of the World Tree, after all, is not used for human passage, and the corresponding risks and restrictions are much greater. "

"But there are still quite a few people who, for various reasons, use the World Tree to communicate with different territories."

"At that time, our ancient family wanted to use the world tree to enter the earth and find that treasure."

"Next, we planted the seeds of the World Tree into the earth through the cracks in space, and after nearly a hundred years of cultivation, we finally allowed the World Tree to grow and mature and penetrate the earth and the earth."

"So, our ancient family mobilized people and horses, led by me, and led a team of twelve people through the World Tree. Recently, we entered the earth without risk and started to hunt for treasure."

"Of course, because of the limits of the will of the realm world, our strength has all been suppressed.

At that time, I could only display the strength of the god-level realm. Others, weaker than me, probably only had the strength of the half-god realm.

However, these strengths were sufficient for the earth at that time. "

Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Jiangshan on the side added another sentence.

"At that time, the shock I encountered while herding cattle was caused when Master and the others entered the earth from the Earth Element Realm."

"The fruit I picked up is the fruit that the World Tree bears after it matures for the first time.

It is precisely because of eating the fruits of the World Tree that I have become more talented and improve by leaps and bounds. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei recalled what Master said just now, and felt that they were all connected in series, "It turns out to be like this!"

"By the way, Master, you have found the world fruit.

That magic dragon and the four of them are also—" Xuanyuan Jiangshan nodded and said, "They were just ordinary people like me, but they were lucky enough to pick up the world fruit, and then they achieved their later achievements. "

At this moment, Chen Fei thought clearly, no wonder he had a vaguely familiar aura when he met the Skull and Bones masters, and when he was in the temple, the Illuminati, and the Wolf Soul tribe.

It turned out that from the root cause, those four people and their master came from the same source, and they all came from the fruit of the world.

Chen Fei sorted these clues together in his mind.

Then he thought of something and asked aloud: "Master, you brought your own family to the earth, what happened to the three palace masters of Taboo Island?

Did they also find the treasure? "

Mentioning this, Gu Tianzhong couldn't help but let out a long sigh, his expression a little sad.

Then, Gu Tianzhong's tone sank, and said leisurely: "Actually, the three of Taboo Island are among the twelve people I led."


Chen Fei was really taken aback. "It's not that the people who led the team in Shikm are from the ancient family. How could they—" Gu Tianzhong narrowed his eyes and said, "Because those three can also be regarded as members of our ancient family. ."


Chen Feizhen [] was shocked.

Gu Tianzhong said in a deep voice, "The three of them are servants of our ancient family."

"The big family in the Earth Realm has a history of one to two thousand years, and a history of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. The family is very large."

"Therefore, almost all of these big families have dedicated people who serve as servants, guards, and stewards of the family to serve the big families.

Some servants have lived in large families for generations. Several generations before and after, they have served the same family, and they almost become members of the large family in the end. "

"The three servants all come from a family that has been raised by our ancient family for three thousand years, and they are dedicated to serving our ancient family.

Because of their age, our ancient family treats them very well, almost as family members.

Even, they gave them the surname of our ancient family. "

"The three of them are still young, and their talents are pretty good.

So, I took it under my command and brought them to the earth together, looking for treasures. "

"Because we are outsiders, our activities on earth will be suppressed by the will of the local world.

Every activity consumes a lot of time, and recovery is slow. "

"So, in order to better move around the earth, look for treasures.

We used the place where the World Tree was connected as a base, arranged the formation, and built a camp.

Because the World Tree is connected to the Earth Element Boundary, the environment there is closer to the Earth Element Boundary and is suitable for our lives. "

"World Tree, formation, camp.

So, is that campsite the current Taboo Island? "

Chen Fei suddenly thought of something.

Gu Tianzhong nodded and said: "You guessed it right, the camp we built back then is now Taboo Island."

"At the beginning, the Taboo Island was built and the survival problem was solved.

We began to look for the lost treasures on the earth.

The earth is not too big, and it took us less than a year to find the place where the treasure is. "

Chen Fei's eyes rounded, his face full of curiosity, and he could hardly help asking questions.

When Gu Tianzhong saw this, he couldn't help laughing. He pointed to his feet and said, "It's here."


Uh, ice-bound.

Could it be said that the treasure is in a frozen state? "

Chen Fei said.

Gu Tianzhong nodded and said, "Well, it's here."

"At that time, we explored so far and found an impasse.

Judging almost at first glance, this is where the treasure is.

Because the frozen environment and the concentration of spiritual energy are not at the level of the earth. "

"Therefore, we concluded that the treasure fell to this point and the breath leaked out, which led to the birth of a Jedi of Frozen Despair."

"After that, our team went into an impasse and began to search for treasures."

"But it turned out that we were very disappointed.

We have been searching hard for several years, but we still haven't found the treasure.

Moreover, Frozen Despair seems to have changed aura because of the treasure, gradually began to block itself, and even disappeared from time to time, and finally evolved into the situation of indeterminate entrance as it is today. "

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