
Chapter 2944: ?Co-attack Luo Yi

The questioning of one blow made Luo Yi's expression more and more ugly, and the killing intent towards Chen Fei in his eyes became more and more vigorous.

Originally, he also wanted to woo Chen Fei with a pretense, maybe it still had some effect.

But now it seems that persuasion is impossible.

If this is the case, Luo Yi didn't bother to speak any more, and he said coldly: "If this is the case, then go to death!"

At the moment of speaking, Luo Yi shot.

A terrifying broadsword slashed in the air.

The blade was awe-inspiring, as if it was about to split the world.

Chen Fei even felt his skin numb, and he felt that his body was about to be cut apart by the intent of a knife.

Gu Tianzhong's face sank, he took a step, excited his vigor, and greeted the past, while shouting loudly, "You two, stand back."

The two hurriedly backed away and stretched the distance.

Then, there was a loud bang, and a violent explosion broke out between Gu Tianzhong and Luo Yi.

The entire ice-bound desperate situation was shaken by shock.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Chen Fei, who retreated, had to try their best to excite their true essence before they could barely resist the aftermath of the explosion.

After the explosion, a huge spherical crater appeared between the two sides.

Luo Yi and Gu Tianzhong stood on both sides, their expressions dignified.

However, Chen Fei saw the blood leaking from the corner of Gu Tianzhong's mouth.

"Master he--" Xuanyuan Jiangshan gritted his teeth: "Luo Yi is now showing the strength of the Ninth Level of the Yuan Body Realm. The master is hurt and can only display the strength of the Ninth Level of the Normal Yuan Body Realm.

If you continue to fight like this, you will definitely lose. "

"Master, let's go help!"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth.

Xuanyuan Jiangshan paused, nodded and said, "Don't come close, harass outside.

Interfere with Luo Yi and relieve the pressure on Master. "

"I see!"

Chen Fei nodded.

Immediately, the two rushed into the battle group, did not approach, wandering far away, and attacked from time to time.

In this way, the three generations of masters and apprentices joined forces to spin together with Luo.

The sound of explosions, howling vigorously, and the cracking of ice cubes continued to sound in the ice-bound territory, and the battle became increasingly fierce.

Chen Fei and the three of them, only Luo Yi and Luo San were the only opponents, and Luo San was seriously injured, and he had almost no combat effectiveness.

It can be said that Chen Fei has an advantage in number.

But as the battle progressed, the three of them were suppressed by Luo Yi and fell into a disadvantage. They were attacked by the other's energy from time to time, and the wounds on their bodies continued to increase.


Once again, Xuanyuan Jiangshan hit the opponent with a Qi sword, a large opening was cut in his left abdomen, and blood spurted out.

"Can't go on like this anymore! Jiangshan, you take Xiao Chen to the depths of the ice road."

Gu Tianzhong said solemnly.

When Xuanyuan Jiangshan heard the words, his expression changed, and he knew what Master meant to let him take Chen Fei and escape for his life.

"Master, I can still fight."

Gu Tianzhong glared at him and shouted, "Don't waste time, hurry up."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan gritted his teeth severely, and was about to pull Chen Fei to retreat.

At this moment, Chen Fei also had a lot of wounds on his body. Although his condition was better than Xuanyuan Jiangshan, it wouldn't be much longer.

If this continues, he will probably die in Luo Yi's hands in less than half an hour.

However, at this moment, letting him abandon his master and flee for his life alone, which made Chen Fei a little unacceptable.

"Boy, this is Master's order, don't hesitate."

Xuanyuan Jiangshan gritted his teeth and said to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei nodded, and was about to retreat.

But at this moment, there was a whistling sound, a bang, a streamer, shot in from the gap in the back, and directly blasted on Luo Yi's back.

Luo Yi was caught off guard, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Tianzhong sent out several companies in succession, blasting Luo Yi.

There were a few more wounds on Luo Yi's body.

Luo Yi quickly backed away, pulled away, then looked at the breach and screamed, "Who is attacking me."

At the breach, a dense burst of vigor, like raindrops, crackled down.

Luo Yi hurriedly resisted these energies.

At this moment, a figure fell in the rain, and quickly came to Gu Tianzhong's side.

"Second Uncle!"

When the visitor saw Gu Tianzhong, he shouted out.

Chen Fei took a closer look and found that the visitor turned out to be the senior Gu Yu he had seen in the Forbidden Island dungeon, that is, Gu Tianzhong's nephew.

"Gu Yu senior!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but yelled out.

At this moment, Luo Yi, who was opposite, also recognized Gu Yu, his face sank, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How did you come out?"

Gu Yu looked at Luo Yi and snorted coldly: "Luo Yi, all three of you traitors are gone.

Do you think that the remaining waste can keep me? "

Luo's expression changed, still a little unbelievable, "My dungeon is not so easy to break open."

"It's not that easy, otherwise, I wouldn't spend eight or nine hundred years to grind away a little bit."

When talking about this, there was a chill in Gu Yu's eyes, "Of course, I also want to thank Xiao Chen.

Last time, if he hadn't entered and loosened the seal of the dungeon, I hadn't broken the dungeon so quickly and got out of it. "

"You--" Hearing this, Luo gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

Chen Fei didn't expect that the last time he entered the dungeon to deliver a letter, he would inadvertently help Gu Yu.

Luo Yi looked at the people on the opposite side with a resentful expression, gritted his teeth, and said: "If you are more than Gu Yu, you have no chance."

"I have been imprisoned for nearly a thousand years of waste, what strength can you have."

"Die together!"

With a sharp shout, Luo Yi burst out with a raging breath and attacked again.

Gu Yu snorted coldly, with a proud expression on his face, and waved his hand, a meniscus-like vigor, whizzing out, and Luo Yi's vigor bombarded together, for a time, it was even up and down.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help being overjoyed, "Gu Yu-senior is so good, and Luo is evenly matched."

However, at this moment, Gu Yu's voice rang in Chen Fei's mind.

"You guys, don't be stunned, let's attack together! My body is very weak now, I can barely use the strength of the eighth layer of the Elemental Body Realm, hurry up and join forces to kill Luo Yi.

I can't hold it any longer as time goes on. "


Chen Fei was startled and couldn't help but look at Gu Yu.

At the same time, he also saw surprise in the eyes of Xuanyuan Jiangshan and Gu Tianzhong.

Obviously, Gu Yu also gave them a voice transmission.

After a brief astonishment, the three of them stopped hesitating and immediately attacked Luo Yi.

It has to be said that with the help of Gu Yu's eight-fold combat power in the Elemental Body Realm, the four of them pressed Luo Yi down at once.

Within a period of time, Luo was actually beaten back again and again, and the wounds on his body continued to increase, and he was already a little overwhelmed.

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