
Chapter 2961: Start by negotiation

The boss Du had a cigarette in his mouth, looked up and down Chen Fei, and said: "You want to do business with me?

what kind of business? "

Chen Fei said directly: "I'm going to Southwest Cloud City."

"If you want to go to Cloud City, then go to the station to buy a ticket. What are you doing here!"

Du Lao Avenue.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Boss Du, Mingren don't talk secretly.

If we go to the station to buy tickets, we won't come to you. "

"Do you have a way, if not, then I'm going to find someone else."

Chen Fei got up, ready to leave.

Boss Du squinted his eyes and said, "Of course there are ways.

However, Cloud City is not close, it is not easy to go there! "

"How much can you pay?"

Boss Du rubbed his fingers.

Chen Fei shook his head and said, "I have no money!"

"You kid--" The three men were furious, and they were almost ready to do something.

But Boss Du was calm and looked at Chen Fei and said, "Then what do you have?"

Chen Fei pointed to the crushed iron kettle on the table, and smiled: "Is the strength of the second-level warrior enough?"

"Second-level warrior!"

Boss Du's eyes lit up, but then he pretended to be indifferent, "It's okay."

"Wait here, I will give you an answer in an hour."


Chen Fei nodded.

Boss Du waved to lead people away.

The girl who brought Chen Fei in just now, both scared and curious, posted to Chen Fei.

"Little handsome guy, are you really a second-level warrior?

Is there a certificate? "

"Second-level martial artist, go to work in the official department, at least five or six thousand a month, why don't you go!"

"Did you encounter any trouble when you came to us?"

Chen Fei glanced at her coldly, and said coldly, "I like being quiet."

The cold eyes and the terrifying chill made the girl shiver in an instant, her body stiffened, and she hurriedly left.

Forty minutes later, Boss Du came back and said to Chen Fei: "Good news, there will be a caravan going to Cloud City tomorrow. You can go with them.

But you need to be the bodyguard of the caravan to ensure their safety. "

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and said, "How big is the caravan, how many bodyguards are there, and are there any indicators for casualties?"

Du Lao Avenue: "Twenty people, two cars.

The opponent already has two security guards, both of which are Level 2 martial artists. "

"Yes, I promise!"

Chen Fei hardly hesitated, nodded and agreed.

Du Lao Avenue: "Be refreshed.

Then you will rest here tonight, and I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow. "

"it is good!"

Chen Fei nodded.

After a one-night rest, nothing happened. At nine o'clock the next morning, Mr. Du sent Chen Fei to the outskirts of the city.

When Chen Fei arrived, there was already a team of people here.

Boss Du is also chatting with a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses.

The subordinates brought Chen Fei over, and Mr. Du immediately introduced the man with sunglasses: "Boss Liu, the person you want is here."

Boss Liu in sunglasses looked at Chen Fei, and said with some doubts: "Boss Du, is this kid all right?"

Looking thin and weak, is it really a second-level warrior? "

Boss Du patted his chest and said, "Boss Liu, we have cooperated so many times, can you still trust me?"

After speaking, he winked at Chen Fei and said, "Xiao Chen, show me your hand to Boss Liu."

Chen Fei didn't say much, and directly kicked a gravel on the ground.

The rubble hit a stone more than 20 meters away, and it slammed the stone directly.

With this move, Boss Liu and the people behind him were cheered up.

Boss Du smiled, "Boss Liu, how is it?"

Boss Liu nodded and said, "Yes, not bad."

Boss Du immediately poked his finger.

Boss Liu knows it and takes out a stack of brand new banknotes that Chen Fei has never seen before, and hands it to Boss Du, "This is 20,000 yuan. When the team arrives in Yuncheng safely, I will give you the remaining 20,000 yuan."

Boss Du nodded and said, "Boss Liu's credibility, I can rest assured."

Then, Boss Du came to Chen Fei and said: "Wait, the team will leave.

You are the bodyguard of the team, you have to listen to boss Liu to ensure the safety of the team's personnel and cargo.

Understand? "


Chen Fei nodded.

Boss Du nodded and was about to leave.

But Chen Fei put one hand on the shoulder of Du boss, and said, "Wait!"

"what's happenin?"

Boss Du turned his head back.

Chen Fei looked at the banknotes in his hand and said, "He said that he arranged for me to go to Yuncheng, but he sold me as a bodyguard to make money.

It’s not so good to earn these two ends! "

"What do you mean?"

Boss Du raised his eyebrows and his eyes sank.

Chen Fei said, "I want to divide the money you collect."

"Of course, I know that you find a way and you have to make money as a guarantee.

So, I won’t ask for it all. Give me 10,000 out of 20,000.

When I arrived in Yuncheng, the remaining 20,000 yuan belonged to me. "


Boss Du almost categorically refused, "A total of 40,000, you will get 30,000 alone.

This is impossible! "

Chen Fei held the boss Du who wanted to leave, and said solemnly: "Don't forget boss Du, I am the main force for this mission.

Your empty glove white wolf earns 10,000 yuan, which is enough. "

"If you are too greedy, be careful to burst your belly."

"Are you threatening me?"

Boss Du stared at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei disapproved and said, "How do you understand it?

If Boss Du is unwilling, it's a big deal that I won't do this business.

Or, I went directly to talk to Boss Liu, and I believe that Boss Liu would be happy to save one million yuan. "

"You—this is a broken rule."

Boss Du gritted his teeth and said, "Moreover, the smuggling route in the wild is not something everyone can take.

Without my care, let alone the beasts, the bandits along the way will be enough for you to drink a pot. "

"is it?

Then I can lower the price again, which is better than if I can't get this penny. "

Chen Fei said.

"You--" Boss Du was a little anxious, "Thirty thousand yuan is too high to be possible.

Five thousand yuan, I will give you five thousand yuan. "

"Haha, Boss Du, I don't know much about the situation here, but I'm not a fool."

Chen Fei sneered, and then prepared to walk towards Boss Liu.

Boss Du was a little anxious, and quickly increased the price: "Ten thousand, ten thousand yuan."

Chen Fei stretched out three fingers, bit them, and said, "Thirty thousand yuan, one point can't be less.

Otherwise, don't talk about it. "

"You--" Boss Du was really angry, waved his hand, and was about to call the follower behind him.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei squinted his eyes, pressed his right arm on Boss Du's shoulder, exerted a slight force, and said coldly: "Boss Du had better be wise, otherwise, if people die, no amount of money will be spent. ."

Feeling the terrifying power on Chen Fei's arm, Boss Du finally didn't dare to bet.

I only nodded and agreed, "I promise you, 30,000 yuan will go to you."

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