
Chapter 2963: See and hear all the way

Chen Fei took the lunch box and opened it casually.

Xiaohu immediately took a spoon with a spoon, stuffed it into his mouth, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen don't mind, I'll try it."

Chen Fei smiled and understood what he meant.

He wanted to prove that this lunch was fine.

After lunch, Xiaohu did not leave. Instead, he approached Chen Fei and asked with a fawning expression, "Mr. Chen, where are you from?

What did you do before?

You are so skilled, did you graduate from a martial arts school or came out of the sect? "

Chen Fei chatted with Xiaohu from time to time, and gained a lot of confidence from him.

Big and small tigers are brothers. They were born in the countryside and worked in the city.

Three years ago, the earth's aura changed, and the two of them had good luck. They got a local training technique, and under the silly practice, they actually entered the door.

Later, he passed the Martial Arts Association's second-level martial arts assessment and officially became a licensed martial artist, which is a truly spectacular scene.

As a result, they did not expect that the first time they set out on a mission, they encountered a bad thing.

At that time, the leader of the team was the son of a martial arts school leader who was not very strong, but he had to go deep into the forest against the rules. As a result, he encountered a third-level fierce beast, which caused the kid to lose his arm.

After returning, the association investigates the matter and must punish them.

The two tried to defend themselves, but they were still to no avail, and they had to be revoked their martial arts certificates and expelled from the martial arts association.

At the same time, because the other party's father was the leader of the martial arts school, the two brothers were blacklisted, and the two were unable to find work locally.

In the end, he could only go underground and set up this kind of smuggling **** business.

However, these two brothers are not the kind of treacherous and evil men, nor do they have the courage and strength.

If you can't participate in the smuggling of high-end goods such as martial arts, weapons, and blood and blood, you can only smuggle some daily necessities and food with a small boss like Boss Liu.

For example, transport seafood from the seaside to the inland Yuncheng, and then exchange for some local mountain herbs and the like from there, and then transport it back to the seaside to make a difference.

Because of the fierce beasts' contention, the road was destroyed and blocked.

These foods and products that ordinary people could buy in supermarkets three years ago are now becoming precious.

After lunch, I drove all the way into the afternoon.

The road has been ruined by the lush vegetation, the car bumped up, and the plants on the roadside flourished. Chen Fei felt like he was in the forest.

However, along the way, it was very peaceful, and no beasts were encountered.

At night, the car stopped and stayed overnight.

Boss Liu arranged for someone to watch the night, Xiaohu voluntarily asked to join Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, in the wild, night is the most dangerous.

Many fierce beasts appear at night, so the night watch must be more cautious than during the day. "

That night, as expected, a group of wild dogs attacked all the time.

However, the strength was not strong, and before Chen Fei took a shot, he was beaten back by big and small tigers.

While wiping the blood from his hands, Xiaohu introduced to Chen Fei: "Most of these wild dogs are gradually changed after stray dogs flow into the wilderness.

It is one of the most common kinds of fierce beasts.

However, these wild dogs are not strong, and occasionally a few can evolve into first-level fierce beasts, most of which are not fierce beasts. "

In the middle of the night, there were several attacks by wild dogs, weasels and other animals, but they were not strong, and they were repelled easily.

Early the next morning, the convoy set sail again.

At about 10:30 in the morning, a silhouette of a city appeared in the front left of the convoy.

Boss Liu suddenly became nervous, and gave everyone a special order, "The city ahead is Lake City, and there is a group of large-scale bandits around.

If you encounter it, don't act rashly.

Don't do it unless necessary. "

Although Boss Liu was ten million unwilling, when the convoy drove across the boundary of Lake City, it was still surrounded by a group of people.

Chen Fei looked around in the car and found that there were a lot of people on the other side, there were as many as 30 or 40 people, but the composition of the staff was quite complicated. There were young boys, rickety old men and children under the age of ten. .

After letting go of his breath and feeling it, Chen Fei found that, except for a small number of martial artists, most of them were ordinary people.

Although they looked fierce and wicked, they didn't have much combat effectiveness.

"These people can all come to be bandits?"

Chen Fei pointed to those old, weak, sick and disabled, and asked.

Xiaohu explained: "Mr. Chen, these people are actually not real bandits.

Most of them are ordinary people who can't live in Lake City and can only come out to make a living. "

"The earth has changed drastically in the past three years.

The transportation was interrupted a lot, the raw materials could not be delivered, the goods could not be delivered, and many factories collapsed.

Therefore, many ordinary people are unemployed.

On the other hand, due to the closure of factories, the prices of various daily necessities have skyrocketed, and ordinary people cannot afford them.

You can only get out of the city and gather on the edge of the city to find a way out. "

"The boss of this group is quite authentic.

The asking price will not be excessive, and some material exchange services can be provided.

It can be used as a service station on the smuggling road. "

After listening to Xiaohu's account, Chen Fei nodded slightly, and his thoughts surged as he looked at the group of people below.

What he considered before was the change of spiritual energy to the martial artist.

For ordinary people, he does not think it has much influence.

But now it seems that the impact on ordinary people is equally huge, or even greater.

Not long after, Boss Liu seemed to have negotiated the price with the other party. After paying the money, the team successfully passed the journey and continued on.

Another day passed, and the night was not too dangerous.

Basically, they were wild dogs and wild cats, which was easily solved by Chen Fei.

At dawn, the convoy set off again.

However, this time it didn't go far, and the team suddenly stopped.

Boss Liu got out of the car and said something aloud.

Chen Fei took a probe and found that in front of Boss Liu, there were two warriors in leather uniforms standing in front of them, begging to say something to each other, and begging for mercy from time to time.

At the moment, Boss Liu has a sad look and constant complaints.

Under this situation, Chen Fei became curious and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?

Who are those two? "

Xiaohu looked at the probe, sighed, and said helplessly: "It's a warrior from the hunting team."

"They are all regular warriors, and they are professional teams specially organized in nearby cities to hunt ferocious beasts and collect raw materials in the wild.

Generally, the martial artist of this kind of hunting team is not weak. "

"Boss Liu was so lucky. When he met them, he was going to bleed heavily this time.

Maybe, this trip was a waste of time.

But there is no way, our business, there is no way to report them. "

Xiaohu sighed and shook his head.

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