
Chapter 2968: Sun Lincheng Arrives

"Let's go!"

It wasn't until Chen Fei uttered that the dull boss Liu and the big and small tigers came back to their senses.

They looked at Sun Yu and the curvaceous girl who fell to the ground in the house, with horror on their faces and almost speechless.

"This, Mr. Chen, this—" Chen Fei understood their thoughts and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will take care of everything."

"Let's go!"

Even though Boss Liu had thousands of words at this moment, he couldn't say it at this moment. He could only nod his head, followed Chen Fei, and walked out of the private room.

Outside the private room, Sun Yu's subordinates, who heard the movement, have gathered around at this moment and are hesitating whether to knock on the door and enter to see what happened inside.

As a result, the door opened and Chen Fei and the others walked out, and inside, there was a mess.

"Master Sun!"

"They killed Sun Gongzi and can't let them go."

"Kill them!"

A group of people rushed over.

Chen Fei gave a soft snort, waved his hand, and directly blasted away a group of people who had rushed over.

"Don't be afraid of death, just come over!"

The voice was cold, with a sharp killing intent.

Suddenly, the remaining people were shocked, and he didn't dare to come over at all, but automatically gave way to the road.

Chen Fei took Boss Liu and the others and left the hotel swaggeringly.

Back at the inn, Boss Liu and Tigers, big and small, looked anxious at the moment, like sitting on pins and needles.

"Mr. Chen, I, let's run away!"

"Yes, hurry up and leave Yuncheng. I can't stay here any longer."

Chen Fei calmly picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "No need!"

"Mr. Chen, that's Sun Yu, Sun Lincheng's only son! Sun Lincheng will not give up if you kill him."

Boss Liu said.

Chen Fei said, "I killed Sun Yu because Sun Yu wanted to grab my things and kill me.

I'm just passive defense. "

"Mr. Chen, it is correct to say that.

But that's Sun Lincheng, who can't make sense! "

Boss Liu said.

Chen Fei smiled softly, "If you don't make sense, then talk about fists. I'm not afraid."

"Mr. Chen, I know you are strong.

But Sun Lincheng has many masters, he himself is also a fourth-level martial artist, you are alone, not their opponent! "

Boss Liu continued to persuade.

Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "Boss Liu, don't worry, I have my own measures.

do not worry. "

"Chen--" Boss Liu still wanted to persuade.

Chen Fei's eyes changed and interrupted him, saying, "Boss Liu, needless to say.

It's too late to leave now. "

"Uh, what--" Boss Liu was taken aback.

Then, he heard a noisy and dense footsteps, and quickly approached here.

Boss Liu poked his head out of the hotel window, and his complexion suddenly changed.

Because, on the street downstairs, there were at least three or four hundred people, densely surrounding the hotel.

Among them, a man with a big belly and a majestic complexion is the emperor of the underground world of Yuncheng-Sun Lin Chengsun, the boss.

"Sun Lincheng has brought someone here."

Boss Liu's face sank suddenly.

The big and small tigers were surprised when they heard this.

"Come so fast!"

Chen Fei smiled at several people, and said: "I will solve it, nothing will happen."

While talking, the door slammed and was kicked open.

Then, a group of people rushed into the room, filling the small space full.

Sun Lincheng walked in, glanced away, and fell on Chen Fei who was drinking tea with a teacup, his eyes sank, and said, "It's him!"

By his side, someone immediately nodded and said, "Boss, it was he who killed Sun Gongzi."

Sun Lincheng squinted his eyes, glared at Chen Fei, and said in a deep voice: "Say, how do you want to die?"

Chen Fei was calm, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, a smile appeared, and he said: "You are the boss Sun!"

"It was you who killed my son!"

Sun Lincheng asked.

Chen Fei nodded and said, "I killed it."

"Then you **** it!"

Sun Lincheng gritted his teeth.

Chen Fei's tone was dull, "It's him that **** it.

Take my things and kill me.

Such a person, **** it! "

"That's my Sun Lincheng's son!"

Sun Lincheng said angrily.

Chen Fei raised his head and asked, "So what?

If you don't follow the rules, you will have to pay a price.

Since Boss Sun is doing business on the road, he shouldn't be ignorant of this truth. "

Chen Fei's tone sank, and there was a strong aura in his words. For a while, he calmed Sun Lincheng, and he couldn't help but think about it.

"In the face of so many people, this kid can still be so calm, and even comfortable.

Is there any background?

Could it be the martial arts school, the second generation of Zongmen from the big city in the east? "

With these thoughts popping up in his mind, Sun Lincheng immediately winked at a lean butler with a horoscope beside him.

Although he didn't speak, the butler was obviously an old man who had been with Sun Lin for many years. He immediately understood, stepped back, and began to send someone to check Chen Fei's news.

And Sun Lincheng continued to stare at Chen Fei, and said: "If you can't agree on a small business conflict, then don't talk about it.

You killed my son, which is too much. "

"Ha ha!"

Chen Fei shook his head and smiled, "Boss Sun's words are too selfish.

I also said that the business need not be discussed.

But your son, don't let us leave, you have to **** it, or if you don't give it, you will kill. "

"The knives are on my neck, you say, can I not resist?"

"If this situation falls on you, Boss Sun, what should you do?"

Chen Fei asked rhetorically.

Sun Lincheng's face sank, he paused, and said, "Then you shouldn't kill him, because that's my son."


Chen Fei shook his head, sighed, and said, "Speaking of speaking, it's better to help or not to help your relatives.

If it is your son, you can threaten to kill others, but others cannot threaten to kill your son, Boss Sun. In your heart, this is the truth, right? "

At this moment, the butler came back and whispered something in Sun Lincheng's ear, "Boss, checked the kid's information.

Can't search, can't match.

However, I got the news from the boss Du on the seaside.

This kid is a dark household with no background. "

"Hey, no background.

This is enough. "

Sun Lincheng nodded.

Then, he looked at Chen Fei and said proudly, "This is in Yuncheng, in my Sun Lincheng's site, that's the truth.

The person I want to move can't escape, my person, don't want to move. "

"It seems that Boss Sun is very domineering!"

Chen Fei pursed his mouth.

Sun Lincheng said solemnly: "Since you know, get out and die!"

Chen Fei shook his head and exhorted Boss Liu and others who were trembling behind him, "Protect yourself and don't interfere!"

Then, with a click, Chen Fei smashed the tea cup in his hand towards Sun Lincheng.

Sun Lin was shocked, and with a bang, he broke the teacup.

Then he was furious, and roared: "Go on, kill him!"

In an instant, a group of thugs rushed towards Chen Fei.

Obviously, the strength of these thugs is very good, and they are all third-level martial artists.

But Chen Fei didn't pay attention to them at all, standing still, banging out with his arms.

Every time a fist hits a person, one falls down.

In less than a minute, the eight third-level warriors who rushed up all fell to the ground.

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