
Chapter 2971: Into the mountains with letters

Listening to these conversations, Chen Fei couldn't help but get worried, and couldn't sit still anymore, just got up and settled the bill.

Regardless of other things, Chen Fei dived into the mountains and forests, and then quickly marched out based on the location in his memory.

Chen Fei's feet were fast, but he walked in the mountains and forests for more than three hours.

Finally, a gourd-shaped pass appeared in front of him, and Chen Fei sighed, knowing that he was there.

Trying to slow down as much as possible, without causing any movement, Chen Fei entered the pass.

Inside is a valley, now full of various plants, extremely luxuriant, densely dense almost filling up the entire valley.

Going through these plants, came to the side of the valley, split the vines, and a hole appeared inside.

Enter the entrance of the cave and go inside.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Chen Fei's eyes lit up, and a small lake appeared in front of Chen Fei.

Above the lake, the sunlight gleamed on the water along the **** of the ridge, sparkling like fine gold in a place.

Bypassing the lake, a two-story house was built in it according to the topography of the ridge.

If it weren't for Chen Fei to be familiar with this place, at a glance, I am afraid that there is still a house here.

When Chen Fei came to the house, he couldn't help frowning.

Because, at the door of the house, there was a mess of scattered plants, and there were dust and dirt stains at the door, and it was quiet inside, with almost no sound.

"no one?"

Chen Fei frowned, but still slowed down and entered the house cautiously.

The house is not too big. Chen Fei turned around on the first floor and didn't see a single person. Judging from the living utensils and rooms inside, it has been a while since the people left, and it seems to be a little rushed. There was no time to sort out.

"Could it be that what the passers-by in the small town under the mountain are all true, what happened the night three months ago--" Chen Fei became worried.

Immediately, Chen Fei came to the second floor. It was almost the same as the first floor. There was still no one. All the rooms were empty, but most of the contents were still there. It can be seen that everyone was in a hurry when they left.

After reading all the rooms, Chen Fei finally came to his wife Lin Qiuhan's room.

Sitting on the wooden bed, Chen Fei stretched out his hand to stroke the messy quilt on the bed, and said to himself worriedly: "What happened?

Wife, where are you now? "

Just when Chen Fei was sad, he suddenly saw a piece of paper under the pillow.

Take a look, you can see that the paper is full of words.

Chen Fei recognized at the first glance at the Juanxiu font, it was written by his wife Lin Qiuhan.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's heart became tense, and he throbbed fiercely, looking down at the contents of the paper.

"Fei, if you read this letter, then my firm belief has come true.

I believe you will be fine, and I believe that one day, you will be back.

And now, I'm waiting for you. "

Just looking at the mouth, Chen Fei's eyes became a little wet.

After rubbing the corner of his eye, Chen Fei continued to look at it.

"Fly, if you come here and don't find me and my friends, don't be nervous, we are fine."

"Since you disappeared for three years, we have been here to live quietly.

At the very beginning, everything was calm, the excitement of the outside world had nothing to do with us, we just waited for your return wholeheartedly. "

"However, in the second half of the second year, things gradually began to change.

In various media, there have been more speculations about you, and the legends of various hidden treasures have gradually increased.

Here, naturally, it has become one of the key points of suspicion. "

"So, one after another, someone came here and started looking for your treasure in their mouths in the mountains.

Of course, with the presence of Xu Junshan, they did not gain anything in the end and left empty-handed. "

"But the changes in the situation are becoming more and more obvious.

In the third year, the world's major countries have basically become a country dominated by warriors, and warriors are becoming more and more important in society and their status is getting higher and higher. "

"So, more warriors came here under the banner of treasure hunting.

Although Senior Xu tried his best to shoot, but in the end, our place was still found. "

"They said that they are members of the Thunder Palace. They will ask us to go out and cooperate with the publicity to investigate your affairs."

Seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help narrowing his eyes, "Poison Cloud Palace?"

The content on the paper seemed to be as convincing as Chen Feixin, and he immediately explained it.

"After you left, Forbidden Island was shattered. At that time, many hall masters led people to escape.

Later, you closed the gap and calmed the earth.

Those hall masters gradually came out of the mountain.

Because the new world respects martial arts, the masters of the palace are strong and powerful, and there are martial arts and martial arts from the Metaworld of Taboo Island, so they quickly rise up and become the overlords of various places. "

"Among them, the Poison Cloud Palace occupies the South Asian area and becomes the true leader of the South Asian countries.

Other martial arts halls, such as Qunfang Hall, became the absolute bosses of the island nation.

The Crazy Dragon Palace almost unifies the Korean Peninsula, and the Thunder Palace, on the U.S. side, has also developed into a major power. "

Seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but pause, and looked up at the window.

He recalled that when he fought Luo at the time, he did notice that the palace masters had fled one after another.

Unexpectedly, he killed Luo Yi and was in a coma for three years.

They even made these hall masters bigger and became the overlord of one party.

But the Poison Cloud Palace, the Mad Dragon Palace, the Qunfang Palace, and the Thunder Palace, these martial halls were originally in Forbidden Island and had a poor relationship with Chen Fei, which can be regarded as a hostile existence.

Now that Poison Cloud Palace found where his relatives and friends were, nothing good would happen naturally, which made Chen Fei more worried.

With a worried mood, Chen Fei continued to watch.

"We know your relationship with the Poison Cloud Palace, and of course there is no condition for agreeing to the Poison Cloud Palace.

So, Poison Cloud Palace wanted to do something, but was beaten back by Senior Xu. "

"However, it didn't take long before the Poison Cloud Palace sent a group of stronger masters.

Senior Xu and us are hardly their opponents, and we are about to lose.

At the critical moment, A Fei, your master rushed over, and he took action to help us fight back the Poison Cloud Palace.

Also shouted to the Poison Cloud Palace, not to intervene in our affairs. "

"In this way, we have been quiet for a while, and we are also planning to find other places to live in seclusion."

"Unexpectedly, a few days later, one night, a group of people suddenly came and launched a joint attack on us.

After getting close, we knew that after the Poison Cloud Palace was repulsed by Senior Xuanyuan, we were not reconciled, so we entangled with the people of the Qunfang Palace and the Crazy Dragon Palace and attacked together, trying to catch us and ask A Fei about you. secret. "

"Although there are Senior Xu and Senior Xuanyuan, they are many and powerful, and they are all masters. We quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Chen Fei's heart almost touched his throat, extremely nervous.

The hand holding the paper became harder and harder, almost grabbing the paper.

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