
Chapter 2981: Yuncheng Lu Family and Xu Family

"Also, what Cao Xu said last is also a major event."

"Don't forget everyone.

When Chen Fei was in the limelight, how many spiritual resources were occupied by one person.

After he died, all those things were taken away by his relatives and friends. "

"Now, our Huaxia Martial Arts is developing slowly and the situation is lagging behind.

Some people want them to spit out something to help China develop.

But those relatives and friends of Chen Fei turned a blind eye to them, and didn't want to let go.

In order to escape, he even hid in the deep mountains and old forests. "

"This kind of selfless behavior, what is the Chinese hero.

Ha ha, a group of selfish villains. "

"That's right, I want to see.

The authorities have treated them well enough, and now they should let them spit things out.

If you don't give it, use force directly.

This is a national event and cannot tolerate any softness. "

... Chen Fei did not continue to read the remaining online comments.

But Li Yun looked angry, and she slammed her fist on the table, extremely angry.

"Too much, this group of people actually slander Master Chen so much."

"Now, we must not only deny the merits of Master Chen, but also say that Master Chen's behavior is the cause of the backwardness of Chinese martial arts.

He even wanted to **** the spiritual resources of Master Chen's relatives and friends.

This Cao Xu is simply too shameless. "

On the side, Chen Fei smiled lightly.

Upon seeing this, Li Yun said: "Master, are you still smiling?

Master Chen has been slandered like this by them.

In my opinion, Cao Xu is not a good person, so he should be expelled. "

Chen Fei shook his head lightly, and said, "This is not Cao Xu alone."

"Master, what do you mean by this?"

Li Yun asked.

Chen Fei did not explain, but looked into the distance and sighed softly in his heart.

Before, he had some doubts about what he encountered after waking up.

But now, by linking these things one by one, the context of the matter is very clear.

In the beginning, Chen Fei was a Chinese hero. He erected a statue and was admired by people and worshipped by all the people.

The official propaganda is the same.

But now, the trend of propaganda seems to have begun to change.

Since the slackening of control in Lincang County, people have come to hunt for treasures, but the authorities have not stopped them.

When they arrived at Qiuhan, they were attacked by the poisonous cloud hall and others, and they had no choice but to leave.

In today's live broadcast, the statue was first publicly broadcasted, and then a strong newcomer was introduced to weaken Chen Fei's influence. Finally, the newcomer directly aimed at Chen Fei.

After this series of actions, the intention is already very obvious.

At the official level, the propaganda of Chen Fei began to turn.

No longer promoted Chen Fei as a Chinese hero, and even wanted to put him in the ranks of Chinese sinners.

"Why did the Budo League and the official do this?

Is there too much pressure from the outside world, or is there a problem within yourself? "

Chen Fei thought in his heart, with no result.

With a light sigh, Chen Fei turned off the TV.

Li Yun still looked angry, "These people are too much, I want to refute them, I want to go online."

Seeing the apprentice's angry expression, Chen Fei didn't say anything, just smiled lightly.

......And at the same time, inside the first martial arts school in Beijing.

Cao Xu, who had just finished the interview, returned to the school.

Many equally young students gathered in an instant.

"Cao Xu, today you are in the limelight."

"Cao Xu, you will be our first martial arts school in the future, and even the representative of our Chinese martial artist."

Of course, some people mentioned the interview just now.

"Cao Xu, your interview just now stabbed a hornet's nest.

Now, there are countless people scolding you online! "

"A lot of veterans have jointly asked the school to expel you.

If they disagree, they will come to the capital to protest. "

Cao Xu sneered, disdainful, "It's just a group of ants, what can it do? Let them call it."

"My real goal has never been in China."

Speaking of this, the expressions of other students also changed.

"This year's youth warrior exchange conference from various countries will be held in China!"

"Time is running out, less than three months."

"Cao Xu is up, we have to cheer too.

Go back to practice! "

…At the same time, in the Lu family of Yuncheng, the head of the Lu family, Lu Aotian, sat on a chair with a gloomy expression, looked at the man who was half-kneeling below, and said in a deep voice, "Is the investigation clear about Yuan'er's death?"

The next person said: "Report to the Patriarch, the investigation is clear."


Lu Aotian said.

He said: "At first, we asked Xu Ying about the situation at the time. She said that she had encountered Seven-leaf Red Shouwu. When the second young master went to pick it, she encountered the guardian fifth-level fierce beast, the Red Fire Boar."

"In the end, the Second Young Master and all his men lost to the Red Flame Anaconda and unfortunately died."

To Lu Aotian's side, a woman in her forties, with red eyes, said with a crying voice: "Impossible, Yuaner brought so many masters, how could she die so easily.

If you really meet the Red Flame Fire Boar, then why can Xu Ying come back alive safely? "

Lu Aotian looked at the middle-aged woman on the side, patted the back of her hand, and gave a comforting cry.

Then, he looked at the next person and said: "I only found these?"

The servant hurriedly said: "Patriarch, there are more."


Lu Aotian said.

The servant hurriedly said: "We didn't believe in Xu Ying's statement either. We finally figured out a way to get in touch with Xu Ying's close female companion, Han Qian.

She explained the situation to us. "

"On the surface, Xu Ying's words are not a lie.

The second young master and his subordinates were indeed dead in the hands of the Red Flame Fire Anaconda.

But among them, there are other reasons.

At that time, the second young master and Miss Xu went up the mountain together and asked a local young man to be a guide. As a result..." After listening to the story, Lu Aotian's face sank, and he slapped his palm on the armrest of the seat, his eyes full of anger.

The middle-aged woman on the side was angry and sad, and cried: "That guy killed Yuan'er, Aotian, you must avenge Yuan'er, and you must not let him go."

Lu Aotian's eyes were gloomy, "My son of Lu Aotian, not everyone can touch him."

"Come here, go and call me the White Wolf."

Lu Aotian ordered.



Not long after, a white-haired man with two attendants left the Lu's compound and headed towards Lincang County.

At the same time, another big family in Yuncheng was in the home of Xu's family.

Xu Ying sat in her room, feeling a little uneasy.

She waved her hand and called Sister Han, "Sister Han, how is the matter?

Is there any news from the Lu family? "

Han Qian Sister Han's face changed when she heard the words, she paused, and said: "Miss, the Lu family is preparing for Lu Er Young's funeral, there is nothing else."


You didn’t tell anyone about Lu Yuan, did you? "

Xu Ying was still a little worried.

Han Qian nodded and said, "Miss, I followed your instructions, no one said anything."

"That's good!"

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, "I see, go down!"


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