
Chapter 2989: Door-to-door questioning

But at this moment, suddenly, a loud voice reached the Xu family, "I am Chen Feng, I want Miss Xu Ying and Xu."

Hearing the sound, all three people in the study were stunned.

Then, Xu Ying took the lead to come back to her senses, her face was full of surprise, and she ran out, "That's Mr. Chen's voice, he, he is still alive, he is not dead!"

"what happened?"

Xu Xu frowned and looked at Han Qian.

Han Qian shook her head, saying that she didn't know what happened.

But immediately took out his mobile phone and started contacting others to inquire about the news.

"Let's go out and see!"

Xu Xu said, and then walked out.

At this moment, at the door of Xu's house, a group of guards looked at Chen Fei in a panic, with a vigilant expression.

"This is the Xu family, leave immediately, otherwise we will be welcome!"

The guard shouted sharply.

Chen Fei frowned, ready to rush in.

However, at this moment, Xu Ying rushed out in a trot, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen--" "Miss!"

When the guards saw Xu Ying, they quickly stepped away.

Xu Ying rushed to Chen Fei, and when she saw Chen Fei's broken clothes and stained blood, her expression suddenly changed, "Mr. Chen, are you okay?

Your body—" Chen Fei shook his head, took a cold look at Xu Ying, and said, "I'm fine! "

"Mr. Chen, go in and have a look.

There is a doctor in my house, I will show him to you and heal the injury! "

Xu Ying greeted.

Chen Fei didn't move, "Don't bother.

I came here today just to confirm one thing with Miss Xu? "

"what's up?"

Xu Ying asked.

Chen Fei said, "Does Miss Xu know that I was attacked at the gate of the city?"

"I, I just found out!"

Xu Ying nodded, her eyes drooping slightly.

Chen Fei continued to ask: "Then Miss Xu knows who the attacker is?

How did they know my whereabouts and send someone to wait there accurately? "

"Ah, this, this—" Xu Ying's eyes flickered, her tongue knotted for a while, and some didn't know how to explain it.

Chen Fei saw a chill in his eyes.

However, he resisted the urge to shoot and continued: "I came with Li Yun.

Li Yun is the little hunter you saw when you went up the mountain. "

"She, what happened to her?"

Xu Ying asked.

"She worshipped me as a teacher! Just this morning, I went up the mountain with her to sweep the tombs of her grandfather, father and mother.

At the tomb, she told her relatives that she would follow Master and live a good life. "

"But in the afternoon.

Together with the vehicle, she was hit by artillery fire and died! "

Chen Fei's voice was flat, without a trace of emotion, telling something that couldn't be more ordinary.

But at this moment, Xu Ying heard an unspeakable chill from Chen Fei's plain words.

The moment she heard the news of Li Yun's death, she couldn't help covering her mouth, "That little girl, she died--" Chen Fei was still expressionless, nodded, and said, "Yes, it's dead! It's a terrible death," The body was charred and torn apart, and even a few intact pieces could not be found."

"I, vomit—" Xu Ying felt a little nauseous, and could hardly help vomiting up.

At this moment, Chen Fei glanced at Xu Ying and said: "Li Yun is my apprentice, she is dead.

I am her master, and I want to avenge her.

Therefore, I need to know who the enemy is. "

After saying this, Chen Fei stared at Xu Ying and asked, "Tell me, who is the enemy?"

"I, this, this—" Xu Ying's eyes flickered and her mind was confused, and she was speechless for a while.

She grew up in a wealthy family. Although she was a martial artist since she was a child, she has not experienced much suffering.

Now, in the face of this situation, she has never dealt with it.

At this time, Chen Fei looked at Xu Ying's twinkling eyes, and his heart was getting colder and colder.

Xu Yingyue is like this, it shows that the Xu family is related to this matter.

If the Xu family was really involved in this attack, it was even one of the masterminds.

Chen Fei didn't mind teaching the Xu family some lessons on the spot.

"There is no answer!"

Chen Fei looked at Xu Ying, who was difficult to speak, and his voice became deeper and deeper, "Then I ask one last thing, did you Xu family participate in this matter?"

"This, I don't--" Xu Ying waved her hand quickly, wanting to deny it.

But halfway through, the rest of the words can't be said.

After all, just now, father and Sister Han had clearly told him.

The news that the Lu family received was leaked from their Xu family.

If it is seriously investigated, the Xu family is really related to the attack.

"you have not?

What about the rest of the Xu family? "

Chen Fei sensed another layer of chill in Xu Ying's words and asked aloud.

"I, this, this—" Xu Ying hesitated.

Chen Fei's eyes were cold, his killing intent had already spread.

At this moment, Xu Xu brought a group of people and walked over.

"Who are you?

Run wild in my Xu's house! "

Chen Fei raised his head and looked at Xu Xu, his eyes squinted, showing a chill.

Xu Ying came back to her senses and hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, this is my father Xu Xu.

He—" Before Xu Ying finished, Xu Xu reached out and pulled Xu Ying back, then looked at Chen Fei and said, "You are Chen Feng! My Xu family is inconvenient to entertain guests today, please go back! "

Chen Fei did not move, and said coldly: "I won't be a guest.

I only ask one thing, the Xu family, did you participate in the attack? "

Xu Xu said: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"Does Patriarch Xu really understand?"

Chen Fei's eyes narrowed.

Xu Xu raised his eyebrows, revealing a touch of dissatisfaction, and said coldly: "Are you questioning me?"

Behind him, a group of Xu family thugs, all of them full of disgruntled faces, surging with anger, as if they were about to move forward.

After all, Xu Xu is the head of the Xu family.

The helm of one of the two big families of Yuncheng.

Absolutely big people, they are naturally not angry when they are being questioned by such an unknown person in such a tone.

Faced with the intimidation of the Xu family, Chen Fei had no expression on his face, and continued: "I'm asking you!"

"I'm not interested in entangled with you, leave here immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Xu Xu waved his hand, ready to rush people.

At this moment, the roar of a car quickly approached.

Finally, with a rush of brakes, a car stopped at the door of Xu's house.

When Xu Xu saw this posture, he couldn't help frowning, revealing a touch of dissatisfaction.

But when the car stopped, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Because he is very familiar with the license plate of this car.

That used to be the car of the emperor of the Underground World of Cloud City, Sun Lincheng, but it was just a while ago.

Suddenly, Sun Lincheng was swept and wiped out in one day.

His own territory and power were all taken over by another group.

Their boss is a boss surnamed Liu, and he also has two thugs, big and small tigers.

During this period of time, the Xu family also secretly inquired about some news, trying to figure out what the origin of this boss Liu was, and was able to sweep Sun Lincheng.

However, I have never had the opportunity to meet directly, and there are very few inquiries.

Unexpectedly, the car of the boss Liu came to the door today.

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