
Chapter 2995: Thousand Fantasy Swordsmanship


With a cold snort, Chen Fei stopped talking nonsense with this Lin Jue-duo, and rushed up with his body like an electric shock.

Upon seeing this, Lin Jue danced with the silver long sword in his hand, weaving a silver net of vigor in the air, covering Chen Fei.


Chen Fei directly rushed out, smashing the opponent's silver gas net abruptly.

The whole person was like a fierce chariot, rushing towards Lin Jue.

Lin Jue was slightly taken aback, but his toes lightly touched the ground, and he quickly backed away from Chen Fei.

And Chen Fei continued to rush over.

In this way, Chen Fei shocked and Lin Jue kept backing away.

This scene fell into the eyes of onlookers and caused a lot of discussion.

"Lin Jue is at a disadvantage, then Chen Feng, is he such a strong one?"

"No, Qian Huanjian was forced to be like this! How strong is Chen Feng?"

"Does Lin Jue also lose?"

………Someone sneered disdainfully and unceremoniously said, “A bunch of idiots who don’t understand martial arts, don’t talk nonsense, they will only make people laugh!”

"who are you?

Why do we not know martial arts? "

"You know martial arts, then tell me, Lin Jue is in a disadvantage now, what's the matter?"

With a cold snort, he continued to say: "An idiot is an idiot. You can't even see the battle situation. What kind of martial arts are you talking about."

"Although Lin Jue seems to be forced to retreat again and again, haven't you noticed it.

That Chen Feng's successive attacks didn't really hurt Lin Jue at all.

On the contrary, it was Lin Jue, who had figured out the strength of Chen Feng in the process. "

"Furthermore, Lin Jue is nicknamed the Thousand Fantasy Sword.

How can it be said that he fell into a disadvantage? "

"I judge, it won't be long before Lin Jue uses the Thousand Illusory Sword Technique, then Chen Feng will undoubtedly lose!"

As soon as this remark came out, many onlookers whispered.

"Is it really?"

"Thousand illusion swordsmanship, I remember, Lin Jue did have such a trick?"

"Perhaps Chen Feng also has his own tricks?"

"However, I think he has some truth in what he said."

"I don't think so, maybe Chen Feng is also hiding his strength?"

……… While everyone was arguing and arguing, Lin Jue, who had been forced to retreat by Chen Feng’s offensive, suddenly took a stop to stop Chen Fei’s bombardment.

Then, he curled his mouth slightly, showing a sneer, and said: "Enough, next, it's time for me to attack."

Following his words, the silver long sword in Lin Jue's hand danced like a phantom.

The silver sword body turned into a silver light curtain, mixed with a stream of energy, like countless Qi swords, whizzing through the air, and rushing towards Chen Fei.

In an instant, Chen Fei, who had been on the offensive one after another, was immediately suppressed by this offensive, and his whole body was under siege.

The situation in the field changed drastically in an instant.

"It has changed, the situation has changed, and Lin Jue has the upper hand!"

"It's a trick, Lin Jue is going to do it!"

"Sure enough, Lin Jue still has spare energy!"

"Is this the Thousand Fantasy Sword Technique?

so horrible. "

"Then Chen Feng will undoubtedly lose!"

………Amidst the discussion, Xu Xu, City Lord Luo and others also smiled at the corners of their mouths, bowing their heads one by one.

"The result is already out."

"As expected of Lin Jue, as expected of the Lu Family."

"From now on, Yuncheng, the Lu family dominates!"

………"call out!"

On the battlefield, Lin Jue's thousand illusion swordsmanship rushed towards Chen Fei with a sharp streamer, killing intently.


Lin Jue's mouth is smiling, his face is confident and proud, as if everything is under his control.

However, just when the Streaming Qi Sword was about to stab Chen Fei.

Chen Fei blasted out with a punch, and smashed the streamer directly with a snap.

"Uh, how is it possible--" Lin Jue was taken aback, but then his face sank, and his hands moved continuously, "There are two shots! But, you can catch a streamer, how about ten, hundred?"

"Shoo, shoo, shoo..." In an instant, a series of breaking winds sounded, and countless silver streamers, like meteor showers in the sky, pulled out a long trace and rushed towards Chen Fei.

"Thousand Magical Sword Technique!"

Lin Jue's breath erupted, with a slaying determination on his face.

This trick is his unique skill and his trump card.

Recruit and die! At this moment, Chen Fei also felt the threat of this terror.

It is indeed very powerful, if it were a general fourth-level martial artist, I am afraid that these streamers would have been stabbed into a hedgehog long ago, and died.

But for Chen Fei, the situation is completely different.

Although he is currently in the realm of strength, there is only the highest level of heaven, that is, the realm of the fourth-level peak.

However, the body refined from the Primordial Body Realm is extremely powerful, equivalent to the strength of a seventh-level martial artist.

Therefore, resisting these Qi swords is nothing at all! As a result, Chen Fei hardly took any special actions, just a little condensed his true vitality, and then, with his powerful body, directly greeted him.

Suddenly, there was a crackling, and countless Qi sword stabs fell down.

Almost everyone was waiting to see the scene where Chen Fei was pierced and died.

But the immediate results made them all dumbfounded.

Those fierce qi swords slammed into Chen Fei, like porcelain, crackled and cracked, not hurting Chen Fei at all.

"How can it be?"

"You, how did you do it?"

"who are you?"

For a while, everyone was stunned.

Lin Jue was the most unbelievable, his eyes rounded, and he looked at Chen Fei incredulously.

Chen Fei raised his right hand and said lightly: "Who am I, you are not qualified to know!"

As he spoke, a layer of red flames condensed on Chen Fei's right hand, and he was about to attack Lin Jue.

Lin Jue felt the terrifying pressure of this offensive, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly backed away. At the same time, he shouted to Lu Aotian, "Hurry up! Otherwise, we will all be dead."

Hearing the call, Lu Aotian was stunned. Only at this moment did he come to his senses, and hurriedly gave an order, "Do it, do it all, kill him!"

In an instant, everyone in the Lu family rushed up.

Including Lu Aotian and the Lu family elder, also shot together.

For a time, Chen Fei fell into a circle.

However, soon, these people surrounded by Chen Fei waved a large area into the air.

In the end, only Lu Aotian, Lu's elders, and Lin Jue were left to stand on the scene against Chen Fei.

However, after the three of them joined forces, they were still suppressed by Chen Fei. They kept backing away, and wounds appeared on their bodies, splashing blood.

All this, in just a few minutes.

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