
Chapter 3114: Ninth Plan

When Xu Jianghan saw this, the muscles on his face couldn't help but tremble a few times, revealing a touch of anger.

After all, with his current status as Xu Jianghan, few people dare to ignore him so much.

"I asked you to stop, didn't you hear?"

Xu Jianghan increased his voice and shouted angrily at Chen Fei.

However, Chen Fei still turned a deaf ear, and continued to walk towards Angus, the vigor in his hand burst out again.

Upon seeing this, Xu Jianghan really couldn't help it, snorted heavily, waved his hand and gave an order, "Hands, grab him."

In an instant, the members of the Budo Alliance Security Committee, heavily armed, surrounded Chen Fei in a hurry.

Xu Lin gritted her teeth in excitement and resentment from the side: "Catch him up, give him a severe lesson, and let him dare to be disrespectful to me!"

Only when these people rushed to Chen Fei's side, ready to do it.

Chen Fei just waved his hand gently, an invisible aura surged out, directly knocking them all to the ground.

"How dare you—" Xu Jianghan's expression was startled, and he shouted sharply.

However, before the words of deterrence were finished, Chen Fei's cold words interrupted his voice, "I don't want to kill unrelated people, you better not irritate me."

After speaking, Chen Fei burst out his qi sword and raised it again, and he was about to do something against Angus.

Angus showed anxious expression on his face and couldn't help but look at Xu Lin and asked for help: "Miss Xu, I have a good relationship with Abraham. If something happens to me, then—" Xu Lin felt anxious when he heard the words. , Rushed over, took his father's arm, and shouted: "Dad, that guy is going to kill Angus.

Stop him quickly. If you don't do anything, it will be too late. Hurry up—" Xu Jianghan frowned at this moment and his expression was a little serious.

Because Chen Fei just showed off his hand, showing his impressive martial arts strength.

Such an enemy cannot be dealt with by Xu Jianghan.

However, Angus's identity is not ordinary. If he really died here, not only Xu Jianghan, but also the entire martial arts alliance, and even the entire China, would be affected by a large amount, and it would be a big trouble by then.

Thinking of this, Xu Jianghan's eyes sank, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and made some huge decision. He gave an order, "Enable the ninth plan, against the enemy!"

When this command was spoken, many of his men were instantly shocked, turning his head to look at Xu Jianghan, revealing a look of confusion.

"President, the ninth plan, I'm afraid it will—" "President, are you serious?"

"This kind of incident hasn't reached this level yet!"

………It’s not that these team members were so bold and dared to question the chairman Xu Jianghan.

Rather, the activation of the ninth plan is really extraordinary.

The so-called ninth plan, as the name suggests, is a special plan apart from the conventional plan. It is a special radical method used against the enemy when ordinary means cannot solve it.

The ninth plan, the primary purpose is to kill and stop the enemy.

Therefore, the ninth plan is much more radical than the ordinary plan, and may even affect unrelated ordinary people.

For example, since the establishment of the bill three years ago, the entire program has not been activated once since its formulation.

The original plan was also caused by a special event two years ago.

At that time, in a small town, a hunter returned from an injury in the wilderness and was treated in a hospital.

Originally, after some treatment, the hunter's injury had stabilized, and then he only needed to rest.

But what people didn't expect was that the hunter was infused with venom by the fierce beast. He woke up in the middle of the night, and his whole person became extremely violent. He went to the hospital and killed many patients and doctors.

And that was a small city, there were not too many martial arts masters, the city guards who dared to come in a hurry, were not the opponents of mutant hunters, and several rescue operations ended in failure.

At that time, the number of deaths in the hospital had exceeded 30, and there were still nearly 50 people in the hospital, whose lives were threatened by mutant hunters.

Moreover, after each murder, the mutant hunter will draw the blood of the deceased to restore and improve his strength.

Therefore, after absorbing the blood of more than 30 people, the mutant hunter is getting stronger and stronger. It can be said that in the small city, it is already invincible.

At that time, the situation was critical. If he didn't kill the mutant hunter and waited until he continued to kill and **** blood, his strength became stronger and stronger, and finally rushed out of the hospital, I am afraid the entire city would suffer.

Considering this critical situation, Xiaocheng reported the situation to the top management of the Beijing Budo Alliance and asked the top management to provide a solution.

In the end, after several emergency meetings, the senior management made a decision to stop the mutant hunter from rushing out of the hospital at any cost.

After the decision was issued, the Xiaocheng City Guard directly mobilized a helicopter, carrying a large amount of explosives, and razed the entire hospital to the ground.

In the end, the mutant hunter and the remaining fifty people were all buried in the ruins.

This incident subsequently caused a huge controversy. Numerous media, scholars, experts and the public have launched lively discussions on the matter on the Internet, arguing whether this approach is appropriate.

After arguing about the incident for almost half a year, everyone has their own reasons, and no one can convince anyone.

In the end, it was the senior leaders of the Martial Arts Alliance who directly made the decision. Taking this incident as an opportunity, the ninth plan was formulated to be used in special circumstances to respond to some critical events at any cost.

The formulation of the ninth plan can be regarded as a conclusion to the discussion.

Of course, there are still many people's disputes over the ninth plan.

Therefore, from the formulation of the Ninth Plan to the present, the decision-makers have been very cautious about the use of the plan.

Therefore, so far, the program has not been used once.

And now, in order to deal with Chen Fei, Xu Jianghan is determined to use the ninth plan to stop Chen Fei at any cost.

Even people in the entire community may become victims.

It is precisely because of this that those team members suddenly questioned Xu Jianghan's order.

After all, this fact is too big.

However, at this moment Xu Jianghan, the order has been issued, and he has no idea of ​​taking it back.

He snorted coldly, and said solemnly: "You only need to execute the order."

The players didn't dare to speak anymore, they could only nod their heads one by one, and began to take out some special equipment.

And Xu Jianghan, with Xu Lin and others, began to evacuate.

Upon seeing this, Song Yi came to Chen Fei anxiously, and said hurriedly: "Little Chen, go quickly.

They have activated the ninth plan, hurry up! "

"The ninth plan, what is that?"

Chen Fei asked puzzledly.

Song Yi quickly explained to Chen Fei.

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