
Chapter 3121: Skyrocket

Cao Xu's ten thousand swords have been unified, and Chen Fei has been completely enveloped, and there is no room for dodge at all.

At this moment, almost everyone believed that Chen Fei was defeated and might even be killed by a single blow.

However, just when countless qi swords roared and were about to penetrate Chen Fei.

Suddenly, a layer of crimson flames surged from Chen Fei's body. These flames spewed out and rose into the sky, forming a layer of extremely hot flame armor around Chen Fei's body.

After Cao Xu's Qi sword rushed into Chen Fei's flame armor, it quickly melted into nothingness.

After that, Chen Fei, who was covered in flames, did not retreat but instead moved forward. Against the dense sword curtain in the sky, he took out a long flame dragon and rushed in the direction of Cao Xu.

The flame is like a dragon, roaring endlessly.

The scorching and formidable vigor, like a wild beast, came from the ancient wilderness, roaring and rushing towards Cao Xu.

Cao Xu felt this terrifying aura, and his face suddenly changed.

Although he lost to Abraham, Cao Xu is a martial arts genius after all.

The moment he felt this vigor, he immediately understood that Chen Feng had indeed hidden his strength, and his hidden strength exceeded his expectations.

Previously, he predicted that Chen Feng's strength would not exceed the sixth level and the ninth level.

But now from this momentum, Chen Feng's strength has definitely reached the level of a seventh-level martial artist.

Moreover, it is even possible that, like his Cao Xu, he has reached the seventh-level martial artist's second stage.

Thinking of this, a crisis arose in Cao Xu's heart, and the Dantian Qi in his body surged crazily, and quickly gathered towards his right arm.

At the same time, with a clear cry, a long sword appeared in Cao Xu's right hand.

The long sword and Qi Jin were brought together, making the long sword look like a roaring dragon, and rushed towards Chen Feng's roaring fire dragon.

"Chen Feng, I am going to kill you."

Cao Xu made a roar with a sullen face, and then came.


The two dragons collided together, and a group of light bloomed at the collision, like a gorgeous flower.

Then, the flower quickly bloomed and expanded, with a shocking vigor, it whizzed and rushed towards the surroundings.

The nearest billboard and other sundries smashed to pieces, and the glass curtain walls of the surrounding buildings shattered one after another, falling from the sky, and there was a gorgeous and dangerous glass rain.

Even, the shock of horror spread to the top floor of the building, causing the specially-made glass curtain wall to tremble, as if it was about to shatter at any time.

Qiaonia felt this energy, and couldn't help showing a look of surprise, "This Chen Feng has really reached the seventh level, not even weaker than Cao Xu!"

"However, who wins and who loses is not certain now!"

However, as soon as Jonia's voice fell, Abraham on the side said: "Cao Xu, I lost."

"No, then Chen Feng won, is he really that strong?"

Jonia was still suspicious.

But at this moment, at the collision center downstairs, Cao Xu, who gritted his teeth and struck his life, felt the unstoppable force in front of him. A look of despair appeared on his face. Zhenfei went out.

With burning energy, the flame followed Cao Xu's pursuit, like a ferocious beast, to swallow him in one bite.

"I, Cao Xu, am I going to die here?"

"I thought I would die in the ring, at the hands of Abraham.

Unexpectedly, he survived the ring.

He died in his hands. "

At this moment, Cao Xu was desperate and was about to close his eyes.

However, just when he was about to die, the madly howling fire dragon was greatly reduced in momentum and shrank back.

"Uh, Chen Feng, you--" Cao Xu looked at Chen Feng with a look of stunned expression.

Chen Fei didn't mean to explain at all. Instead, he turned his gaze and looked up at the top of the building.

At this moment, his gaze seemed to cross a distance of tens of meters, through the glass curtain wall, and confronted Abraham.

Almost at this instant, Abraham's complexion sank, and a group of flickering lightning bolts suddenly gathered on the palm of his right hand.

Then, across the glass curtain wall, he directly faced the direction of Chen Fei downstairs, with a thunder and lightning knocked down.


The lightning pierced the glass curtain wall, carrying a faint blue electric light, and hurriedly rushed towards Chen Fei.

"Captain, you are—" Jonia on the side looked at Abraham in amazement.

At this moment, Abraham looked serious and said solemnly: "This Chen Feng is a hidden danger.

If there is a chance, we must get rid of him. "

"But—" Jonia was still puzzled, with a puzzled expression on her face.

However, at the moment downstairs, the onlookers saw the flickering thunder light falling from the sky, and they exclaimed one by one.

"what is that?"

"It's coming down from the sky. Could it be that the gods made the move?"

"Don't be silly, that is obviously an attack from the warrior.

I think the people upstairs made the shot. "

"The man upstairs, isn't that Abraham?

How could he—" "I'm sure it was Abraham.

This Lei Guang was exactly the same as when he was fighting Cao Xu in the ring. "

………Amidst the exclamation, Cao Xu, who ran away from death with a sorrowful face, was also stunned when he saw the electric light.

"This lightning, it's Abraham, he shot! Chen Feng, it's dangerous!"

At this moment, Cao Xu's first thought was that Chen Feng was in danger.

It's not that he thanked Chen Feng for letting him go, but in his heart, Abraham has always been his enemy, the mark of his defeat, and the shame he must work hard to wash away in the future.

In contrast, Abraham, the enemy, he hates even more.

Therefore, at this moment, he had a thought to worry about Chen Feng for the first time.

However, after thinking back to thinking, Cao Xu at this moment naturally wouldn't do anything.

Chen Fei, who had just let go of Cao Xu's horse, naturally noticed the attack falling from the air.

His eyes sank, a flame flickered in his eyes, and he snorted coldly in his heart: "Good, you Abraham, I haven't done it yet, but you came first."

"If that's the case, then go to death!"

With a soft snort, Chen Fei bends his legs slightly, accumulates his strength, and then kicks the ground abruptly. The whole person is like a rocket and suddenly rises into the sky.


A ball of flame shot from the palm of Chen Fei's palm and hit the ball of thunder accurately.

With a "pop", the flames collided with thunder and lightning, bursting open, exploding a group of brilliant sparks in the air, and then it seemed to dissipate.

However, Chen Fei's momentum was unabated, and he rushed directly to the highest floor of the building, facing the building, looking at Abraham inside through the breach in the glass curtain wall.

When Abraham saw Chen Fei's murderous gaze, he couldn't help frowning, snorted, waved his right hand, and was about to shoot again.

But Chen Fei moved faster, smashing the glass curtain wall directly and rushing into the luxurious office on the top floor of the building.

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