
Chapter 3124: How is the battle

In the desperate and horrified gaze of the opponent, he cut him in half directly.

Then, without waiting for the blood friend, the flames around the long sword ignited Abraham's body, quickly burned out, turned into ashes, and was blown out of the building windows, dissolving into the endless air.

"team leader!"

Xonia, who was fighting with the fire scorpion and even had the upper hand, turned her head when she heard the movement, and just saw the scene where Chen Fei smashed Abraham to death.

As a result, Jonia let out an unbelievable and stern cry.

And Chen Fei, how could he let go of this great opportunity, his eyes curled, his body called, and he rushed towards Jonia with an afterimage.

From behind, Huo Jiao understood it, and immediately rushed over, forming a pincer attack on Jonia one after another.

Feeling the heat of the flames on Chen Fei's body, Jonia came back to her senses, and immediately found the situation, her complexion changed drastically, regardless of the height of the building which was more than a hundred meters high, she jumped directly sideways toward the window, fleeing wildly.

However, Chen Fei was still faster, and with a "shocking" shot, he shot directly from the back of Jonia and penetrated his heart.


Jonia's body was stiff, and her breath quickly dissipated.

By virtue of inertia, the body that rushed out broke the glass, flew out of the building, and was about to fall from the air with the sound of wind.

However, the fire hawk was faster, and rushed out with a sizzle. Before Jonia fell, he bit the corpse of Jonia, clicked a few times, and swallowed it directly into the abdomen.

Then, at the top of the office building, the president's office, which had become embarrassed, suddenly fell into silence at this moment.

There is no sound, only the whistling wind blowing in from the broken window, adding a bit of desolation to the scene.

However, this silence was soon broken by the sound of noisy footsteps.

Outside the president's office, a group of guards rushed over.

However, when I arrived at the door of the office, I caught a glimpse of the embarrassing scene inside, and suddenly stopped and didn't dare to move forward.

In this way, a sudden rush of footsteps came, and a figure opened the door and entered.

"you are still alive?"

A cry of surprise came from people's mouths.

Sitting on the sofa chair, Chen Fei looked at the people and said coldly, "Cao Xu, I spared your life, do you still want to die?"

Cao Xu's body trembled, and he instinctively stepped back a few steps, but then he swept his eyes around the office, staring at Chen Fei and said, "You killed Jonia downstairs?"

Chen Feng squinted his eyes and said lightly: "If I say that he accidentally stepped on the air, fell from the roof and fell to death, would you believe it?"

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Cao Xu gritted his teeth.

Chen Feng snorted and said directly: "If you are not a fool, then you shouldn't ask this kind of question."

"You--" Cao Xu was very angry, but he continued to ask, "Where is Abraham?

How is he? "

Chen Fei glanced at Cao Xu, and said, "Why, now you become someone else's running dog, do you care about the owner so much?"

"You--" Cao Xu was full of anger, almost swearing, but thinking of Chen Fei's strength just now, he still pressed back.

Suppressing his anger, Cao Xu looked at Chen Fei and said, "Chen Feng, let me tell you.

Jonia is dead, and there is still room for change.

But if Abraham died, the matter would be serious. "

"Is there any difference?"

Chen Fei's tone was not hurried and did not take Cao Xu's warning seriously.

Cao Xu's voice became anxious, and he said: "Abraham is a genius personally cultivated by the Lord of the Thunder Palace, not comparable to Angus and Jonia.

There are even rumors that the Lord Thunder will train him as the next successor. "

"Moreover, Abraham has a very high reputation throughout the United States.

If he died, the entire United States and the Thunder Palace would be greatly furious, and then it would not be a simple murder case, but an international dispute. "

Cao Xu was so anxious that his throat was going to burst into flames.

But Chen Fei still had an unhurried tone, "So what?

The U.S. wants to fight, and I will follow. "

"You--" Cao Xu was anxious, but he had no choice but to take out Chen Fei immediately and report the situation here.

In fact, when Chen Fei defeated him and broke into the building, Cao Xu had already called to report the situation.

His teacher Zheng Yu was already rushing here the moment he received the call from the students.

Now, in the middle of the journey, Zheng Yu received another call from Cao Xu, and his expression became deep. He immediately connected the phone, "Cao Xu, how is the situation?"

How is the battle? "

Cao Xu said: "Teacher, the battle is over!"


So fast! "

Zheng Yu was a little surprised, and then asked, "Who wins and who loses?

Needless to say, is Chen Feng still alive? "

Hearing what the teacher said, Cao Xu couldn't help taking a deep breath, then looked up at Chen Fei, and continued: "Teacher, Chen Feng is still alive.

And Jonia is dead. "

"What, Jonia is dead, and Chen Feng is still alive?"

Zheng Yu was shocked, but obviously he paid more attention to Abraham, "What about Abraham?

How is his situation? "

Speaking of this, Cao Xu took a deep breath again and said solemnly: "Teacher, Abraham is missing."

"Nowhere, what do you mean?

Abraham is not in the company? "

Zheng Yudao.

Cao Xu explained: "No, Abraham has always been in the company with Jonia, and even just now, they had a fight with Chen Feng.

At the scene, there was also the aura of Abraham fighting, but no one could find him, not even a part of his body. "

Speaking of this, Cao Xu paused, and his voice became even lower, "I personally speculate that Abraham is very likely to be dead.

Moreover, Chen Feng's body was destroyed. "

"how can that be?

That was Abraham, how could Chen Feng kill him and destroy him during this period of time.

Cao Xu, are you joking? "

Principal Zheng Yuzheng, who has always been prudent, yelled on the phone rare at this moment.

Cao Xu endured the teacher's anger and said solemnly: "Teacher, the scene is still the same, you will know when you come."

"Hold Chen Feng, don't let him go, I'll come right now!"

Zheng Yu snapped and hung up.

Cao Xu listened to the "beep" on the phone, smiled bitterly, and whispered to himself: "Abraham and Jonia are both dead in Chen Feng's hands. If he wants to leave, how can I stop him! "

However, fortunately, Chen Fei did not intend to run away. Instead, he sat on the sofa and looked at the various documents on the autumn group on the table.

At this time, Cao Xu was relieved.

If Chen Feng defeated him just now, it would have surprised him.

So now Chen Feng killed Abraham and Jonia alone, which shocked and frightened him.

Cao Xu now has no guts to fight against Chen Feng at all.

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