
Chapter 3127: Rumors and Omens

The person here is a woman who looks only in her early thirties, with a beautiful face and a touch of unspeakable temperament on her body.

"She is—" The justice and the others looked at the woman, but they didn't recognize the other person for the first time.

But Zheng Yu was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of surprise, "Miss Mu, why did you come out?"

"Miss Mu!"

Hearing this name, the expressions of everyone in the meeting room changed suddenly, and their faces were written with amazement.

"Miss Mu, this, this is Mu Yuqing!"

"The eldest lady of the Greenwood Hall, the daughter of the Greenwood Hallmaster."

"Why is she here?"

In the sound of surprise, Zheng Yu took the lead to come back to his senses, looked at Mu Yuqing, squeezed a polite smile, stroked his chest with his right hand, and bowed in salute: "I have seen Miss Mu."

Others also got up and saluted.

Mu Yuqing waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be polite."

After speaking, Mu Yuqing took the initiative to sit down, and by coincidence, she was right next to Chen Fei.

Under this situation, Zheng Yu's eyes couldn't help but sink, and he immediately asked: "Miss Mu, you are coming, we will hold a welcome ceremony for you immediately."

Mu Yuqing waved his hand and said, "The welcome ceremony is unnecessary. I am here today to discuss an important matter with you."

"important things!"

These words caused Zheng Yu and the others to look at each other with surprise and doubt on their faces.

After all, Mu Yuqing is the daughter of Palace Master Qingmu, and the important things in her mouth are definitely not trivial.

The justice immediately said: "Miss Mu, since the matter is important, let's talk quickly, and we will discuss it together."

However, before Mu Yuqing could speak, Zheng Yu suddenly said, "Miss Mu's matter is very important.

However, before discussing major issues, let's settle the small issues set in the meeting just now! "

"After voting by everyone just now, we found that Chen Feng was guilty of killing Angus.

According to the law, corresponding punishments must be imposed.

Moreover, he illegally escaped from prison, which is even more sinful. "

After finishing speaking, Zheng Yu waved his hand, and the guards clattered forward and were about to arrest Chen Fei.

Zhong Xu's expression sank immediately, and he wanted to stand up to refute.

However, Chen Fei, with a calm expression on the side, stretched out his hand to hold Zhong Xu, "Chairman Zhong, don't worry, it's okay."

At this moment, Mu Yuqing looked at Zheng Yu and said, "Yes, I forgot to tell you all.

Chen Feng, I brought it out with his father's pardon token. There is no escape from prison. "

"Moreover, the major issues I want to discuss with you are also closely related to Mr. Chen Feng."

As soon as he said this, Zheng Yu's face suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that Mu Yuqing would defend Chen Feng in such a way, and even used a pardon token to bring Chen Feng out.

For a while, Zheng Yu also had nothing to say.

After all, the pardon token was sent by the Chinese Martial Arts Alliance three years ago when they were about to take control of China, and invited them to win the Palace Master Qingmu.

Now, Mu Yuqing is holding the token to rescue Chen Feng, even Zheng Yu can’t deny the token’s legitimacy.

Upon seeing this, Zhong Xu rolled his eyes, and said cleverly: "Since Chen Feng is innocent, please tell Ms. Mu to talk about that important event!"

Mu Yuqing nodded, her eyes sank, looked at everyone, and said: "The things I want to talk about are of great importance and may even affect the survival of China. You must keep it secret and pay attention."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that what Mu Yuqing said was so serious that it would involve the survival of China.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

Mu Yuqing also took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "Do you know the rumors about the Earth Element Mirror?"

"Earth Element Mirror!"

Hearing this term, everyone at the scene looked at each other and then nodded.

Obviously, as everyone present, they naturally know the relevant rumors.

Upon seeing this, Mu Yuqing nodded, and continued: "Before, the major martial arts halls and forces headed by Thunder Palace have been spreading various rumors, saying that the treasure of the Lord Luo Yi Palace was used by my father Aoki. The hall master got it."

"They have been using various methods to pressure Qingmudian and my father to hand over the Diyuan Jing and the treasures of the Tianluo Palace."

"And just yesterday, the media in Europe and North America discovered a piece of news one after another, saying that in our territory, they found the breath of the earth mirror.

It has aroused heated discussions in foreign martial arts circles, and many foreign warriors are calling for the Diyuanjing to be the treasure of the world, and that Huaxia and Qingmudian cannot be monopolized, and we are required to surrender the treasure for the warriors of the world to fight together. "

"The media has been building momentum for a day. Today, the four major forces of Thunder Palace, Shenluo Palace, Lingyun Palace, and Qunlong Palace, as well as other small forces, have spoken out or secretly asking Qingmu Palace to hand over the Earth Element Mirror.

Even on the Thunder Palace, they said bluntly that if the Qingmu Palace wanted to monopolize the treasure, they might clean up the door on behalf of the three palace masters. "

Speaking of this, Zheng Yu and others were surprised.

"Thunder Palace has made a sound, is the matter so serious?"

"Clean up the portal, the Thunder Palace do you want to do it?"

"They want to unite and deal with our China!"

...... Mu Yuqing glanced at several people, nodded and continued: "According to my father's inference, the situation may be more serious than expected.

These behaviors are probably a sign that they are about to do it. "

"Let the situation continue to develop, and the major military palace forces will unite and enter China to attack the Qingmu Temple. It should be an inevitable outcome."

"The attack on China is a serious act of provocation and invasion, which will cause international war.

They wouldn't do this in the Thunder Palace, would they? "

The judge couldn't help but speak out.

Mu Yuqing snorted coldly, glanced at the judge, and said coldly: "You won't do this?

Do you think they will show mercy to China's subordinates in the face of interests? "


The justice shook his head.

Mu Yuqing said: "Since you all know that the other party will not be merciful, then don't hope for luck."

"So we have to prepare for the worst now.

Prevent the opponent from jointly attacking China.

I am here today to discuss this matter with you all. "

As soon as this remark came out, the scene fell into a brief silence.

In the end, Li Zhentian, who was from a military school, said, "It is indeed possible.

Miss Mu, what I want to ask is, Palace Master Qingmu, what is the method? "

Mu Yuqing glanced over several people, and finally said solemnly: "My father said, with the current strength of China, once the major forces of the other party really unite, we will definitely not be their opponents, and we will undoubtedly lose."

"However, it is unlikely that they will be fully united. They must each have their own calculations.

Therefore, at this critical moment, we must unite and use all of China's martial arts power to guard against the opponent's attack. "

"If the opponent can be in the early stage of probing, it will hurt them, and they will be scared, so that they will not dare to be so bold in the subsequent attack, or even dare not to make a follow-up attack, that is a huge success."

"So, what my father meant is that now, whether it is the Martial Arts Alliance, the Armed Forces Committee, the Aoki Temple, or other organizations, everyone must unite and set up a special preparedness committee to organize forces as soon as possible to deal with the upcoming attack. "

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