
Chapter 3130: A basin of cold water

The two are also straight to the point, speaking straight.

"Chairman Long, Palace Master Qingmu suddenly came out of the mountain this time, really came down the mountain to seize power with us?"

Zheng Yu asked.

Long Changyu shook his head and said: "There is no way to judge at the moment, but even if he doesn't have this idea at the moment.

But no one can guarantee whether he has this idea after the war! "

Hearing this, Zheng Yu looked resentful, gritted his teeth and said: "The Greenwood Palace Master is too much!"

"Three years ago, the world was in chaos, the major martial arts halls chose places to develop, and our Chinese martial arts world was dim.

At that time, we asked him to come out of the mountain, to support my Chinese martial arts world. He excused that the martial arts technique was not suitable for us, and he chose to stay hidden from the world. "

"Now, three years have passed. We established the Martial Arts Alliance, and finally developed and took control of China.

His Palace Master Aoki is clever, and he is too clever to pick peaches at this time! "

After listening to Zheng Yu's complaint, Long Changyu finally sighed and said: "People have such a'smart' capital, and we can't help it! Who tells us that our skills are not as good as others!"

The strongest helm of China, the highest authority in the martial arts alliance, at this moment, there was a sigh of helplessness.

After hearing these words, Zheng Yu's face also darkened, then he lowered his voice and asked: "President Long, what is your current strength?

How far is it from the Greenwood Palace Master? "

Speaking of this, Long Changyu sighed again and said: "I'm still in the eighth level of the seventh-level martial artist, not too far from the nineth level, but it is almost impossible to hit the eighth-level martial artist's original soul state in a short time thing."

"And Palace Master Qingmu, his specific realm of strength cannot be judged at this time.

But what is almost certain is that he has definitely reached the eighth-level martial artist realm, that is, the original soul realm.

It is impossible to know whether it is the primary or secondary level of the Primal Soul Realm, or something else. "

"Essential Soul Realm, Essence Soul Realm!"

After listening, Zheng Yu also muttered and pondered.

After a pause, there was a fierce color in his eyes, leaning against Long Changyu, and said in a deep voice: "President Long, we are all at the seventh level and sixth level.

If we and President Long you join forces, do you have any chance of winning against Palace Master Qingmu? "

After listening, Long Changyu was silent for a few seconds, and finally shook his head and said: "According to my inference, the odds of winning are not great.

The elementary body state and the elementary soul state are two completely different states, with essential differences. "

"Furthermore, even if we can defeat Palace Master Qingmu, we will certainly be injured very much after the war.

At that time, those forces in the Thunder Palace, I'm afraid they will take the initiative to reap the benefits of the fisherman. "

"Besides, even if I agree to join forces.

Do you think that with the attitude of Cang Xu and Li Zhentian just now, would they really agree to be the enemy of Palace Master Qingmu? "

"Ah—this—" Zheng Yu was also silent at this moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said in a harsh voice, "Li Zhentian and Cang Xu, they didn't think about the essence of the matter, they were a little confused."

"Especially Cang Xu, the Wan Wuzong he is in charge of was originally composed of the original martial arts sects, and it is not closely related to our martial arts school.

So, this time he was a little gaffe. "

Hearing this, Long Changyu faintly said: "The martial arts sect, in this era, is out of date!"

Hearing this, Zheng Yu's eyes lit up and he was a little excited. He wanted to say something, "President Long, if it is Wanwuzong——" However, Long Changyu cut off his words aloud, "This is not in a hurry, after all. Xu is still a member of our martial arts alliance.

The most important issue we have now is the readiness committee and confronting the enemy. "

"Yes, I know.

Related things, I will prepare. "

Zheng Yu said, "Chairman Dragon, you will retreat with peace of mind, and strive to break through to the seventh-level martial artist's ninth realm, and attack the eighth-level martial artist realm as soon as possible."

Long Changyu nodded and responded softly.

Then, Zheng Yu got up and said goodbye.

………In recent days, Angus was killed, Chen Feng was arrested, Jonia fell to his death, and Abraham’s whereabouts were unknown. It was originally a major event in the martial arts world in the capital. Countless people are paying attention to the results of the development of the event.

However, the follow-up of the development of the matter, let all the followers did not expect.

First, Chen Feng was acquitted, and the case of his killing Angus was officially recognized as a legitimate defense, while the deaths of others are still being investigated due to insufficient evidence.

This incident caused countless controversies in an instant, causing countless supporters of Abraham to jointly protest on the Internet and demand that Chen Feng be severely punished.

However, there are also many netizens who support Chen Feng and even bluntly say that these foreign **** are killed well.

In the midst of the heated debate, what was being prepared by the Strategy Committee was made public, detonating the entire network once again.

In particular, the Qingmudian actually sent people to participate in the preparations of the combat readiness committee, and Chen Feng was appointed as the representative of the Qingmudian, which triggered a round of heated discussions.

Countless people are analyzing the reasons, objectives, and structure of the preparations for the readiness committee.

On Zhong Xu's side, he also deliberately or unintentionally revealed from other channels that some other foreign forces are looking for excuses to jointly attack China.

For a time, the preparation committee for combat readiness has become a sign of a war against the enemy.

The people, the sentiment is exciting, countless Chinese people shouted, united against the enemy.

Said that they would do their utmost to support the readiness committee.

However, there are bound to be mixed with some other voices, and some people question the authenticity of the news that foreign forces have jointly attacked.

Some people also said that we should actively negotiate and cooperate with foreign forces, and we should not make preparations for battle so intensively. This may deepen misunderstandings and increase the probability of war.

For a time, another round of online controversy was triggered.

However, on the whole, the Chinese people still support the readiness committee and support the challenge.

However, just at this time when the whole people are excited and united to fight the enemy.

What happened next made countless enthusiastic Chinese people feel chilled.

Because, as China's current strongest force and actual controller, the Martial Arts Alliance, in the preparation work of the War Readiness Committee, has only invested 20 billion Singapore dollars.

Although this figure is twice that of the Armed Forces Committee, which invested 10 billion SGD, it is still far behind the 100 billion SGD invested by Qingmu Temple.

Moreover, beyond the two tens of billions, the Martial Arts Alliance did not take the initiative to send a martial artist to join the combat readiness committee. Instead, they told Chen Feng that they would not force the martial artist to join. If they want to select people, the combat readiness committee can go to major martial arts schools and The sect makes selections.

With such a perfunctory attitude, the atmosphere of one-heartedness and the whole people's challenge instantly became cold, as if a pot of cold water was poured on the head.

For a time, the voice of opposition to the war and calling for negotiations grew rapidly among the people.

The skepticism of the combat readiness committee has also grown several times.

The vigorous pre-war preparatory work seemed to come to an abrupt end at this moment.

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