
Chapter 3146: Beijing Airport

In addition to the comments below related news, Chen Fei flipped through it casually, and soon found several news reports about himself.

The basic routine, similar to the comment just now, is to compare himself with Long Chao, praising Long Chao as a real hero, and Chen Feng is just a fake hero who deceives the world.

What's more, the matter of directly killing Chen Feng on Flash Thunder was defined as a fight of personal grievances.

Long Chao, on the other hand, is really saving the country and the people, and the two are not at the same level.

As the news fermented, Chen Fei quickly discovered that the names of Long Chao and Chen Feng were both on hot searches, and there were more and more related discussions.

Most of these discussions were praises of Long Chao and criticisms of Chen Feng.

Therefore, Chen Feng, a Chinese young master who was highly respected and cheered two days ago.

At this moment, it seemed to fall from the clouds to the ground in an instant, and countless netizens stepped on a few feet severely, spit on them, yelled "deception", and left angrily.

After reading various news and comments, Chen Fei called Jiang Hao again.

"Brother Lin, have you finished watching the news?"

Jiang Hao asked nervously.

Chen Fei said, "Well, I watched it all!"

Jiang Hao said, "Brother Lin, the direction of the news is not so good for you now.

So, you go to Yucheng now, I think you can clarify some. "

"Do you think these news and comments are the spontaneous voices of netizens?"

Chen Fei did not answer, but asked back.

Jiang Hao paused and said, "I don't think so, I looked through the comments under the cover.

Many netizens still support you, Brother Chen.

They are also very sensible, and such things should not be compared. "

"I suspect that there are other forces behind this matter."

Chen Fei said: "Since there are other forces pushing, even if I arrive in Yucheng now, it will not have much effect."

"After all, just pick an angle when the time comes.

Saying that I was cheating, Long Chao had finished the battle, and he rushed over to catch the heat, and criticized it. "

"Ah, this—" Jiang Hao didn't know what to say, "Brother Chen, what should we do now?"

Chen Fei said, "Go back to Beijing and talk about it."

"But—" Jiang Hao was still a little worried.

Chen Fei snorted coldly: "A false voice may be able to deceive everyone for a while.

But it is impossible to blind everyone. "

After speaking, Chen Fei turned directly, returned to the nearby city, and then took a plane back to the capital.

On the Xiangjiang side, Jiang Hao and Qin Song also boarded the flight back to Beijing.

Regarding Long Chao, things continue to ferment on the Internet and major media.

More and more battle scenes were published, and they all showed the wise and martial arts of Dragon Super vs. Black Rock Sawtooth Tiger.

Moreover, various TV stations and media have also begun to explore news reporting on Long Chao.

It even produced a column program, which was specially broadcast on the official TV station in turn, which can be described as influential.

In the column program, Long Chao from birth to enlistment to the final sudden rise, killing the Black Rock Sawtooth Tiger in one fell swoop, all kinds of things and details were picked up and analyzed one by one in the column.

After the show was broadcast, Long Chao became a Chinese hero with extraordinary talents, hardworking, starting from the bottom, climbing all the way, and finally a blockbuster hero.

Countless people immediately became fans of Long Chao after watching the show.

Almost all of China Huaxia is vigorously promoting China's heroic deeds of fighting the Black Rock Sawtooth Tiger and saving Yucheng.

The Budo League is even quicker. An official announcement will be made immediately that Long Chao will be awarded the title of "Chinese Hero", and a grand award ceremony will be held for Long Chao, which will be broadcast live nationwide.

………After half a day, Chen Fei, Qin Song and Jiang Hao appeared at the Beijing International Airport.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the exit, they saw a crowd of people crowding at the door.

"So many people are here to welcome Brother Chen?"

Jiang Hao was taken aback.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Qin Song on the side tugged at his clothes, pointed to a light sign in the crowd, and said, "Look for yourself."

"Welcome to Long Chao, a Chinese hero!"

Jiang Hao's expression sank as soon as he saw these words, "I am a fan of Long Chao."

Chen Fei glanced at the two of them and said lightly: "It's nothing, let's go."

The three were about to leave, but at this moment, a deafening sound suddenly sounded.

The fans in front of them yelled and rushed up, and immediately blocked the way for the three of them to leave.

At the same time, a neat voice rang.

"Long Chao!"

"Long Chao!"

"Long Chao!"

Chen Fei and the three of them had to stop [Xinbi Quge] and turn around to look.

A sturdy man of about 1.85 meters tall and wearing military uniform walked out.

Looking at the man's face, it was this time that Long Chao had been bombarding the media continuously.

Long Chao smiled and waved to the fans who greeted him, "Hello everyone, thank you very much for coming to pick me up, it's my honor."

Suddenly, there was another cheer.

Among them, some reporters with professional equipment squeezed in.

"Long Chao, can you tell us, what was your condition when you rushed to Yucheng?

That is a seventh-level fierce beast, are you really afraid? "

Long Chao smiled faintly, looked at the reporter, and replied: "I didn't think so much at the time.

Because I am a soldier, and my duty is to defend my home and the country and serve the people. "

"At that time, when I learned that the people in Yucheng were threatened with death, I didn't think so much at all, and I just took my brothers over."

After listening to the answer, there was a warm applause and cheers.

"Hero Long Chao, great!"

"A military role model!"

"Chinese Hero."

……… After a reporter finished asking, the rest of the reporters immediately swarmed to speak.

"Long Chao, can you introduce yourself?"

"Long Chao, how did you feel when fighting the Black Rock Sawtooth Tiger?"

"You and your brothers, there are nine people in total, all of which are so good, how did you train?"

Long Chao had a good temper and was not irritable, so he answered the reporters' questions one by one.

Under this circumstance, Chen Fei and the three of them were also surrounded, unable to get out at all.

When Jiang Hao saw this, he was a little dissatisfied, and muttered, "Is this a soldier or a star?"

Qin Song glared at him and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Fei said lightly: "We're just waiting, it's nothing."

……… Questions one after another, half an hour, almost passed in the blink of an eye.

The staff around Long Chao reminded him that he could only ask the last question.

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