
Chapter 3148: Public opinion offensive

In the next few days, Chen Fei has been busy preparing for the combat readiness committee.

After all, no one knows when those martial arts forces will unite and suddenly launch an offensive.

Therefore, it is the best choice to prepare as soon as possible and strengthen the response force.

However, Chen Fei's busyness and loss of voice have become another voice in the media.

Because, during this period of time, reports related to Long Chao have been flooding in overwhelmingly.

Various award ceremonies, various lectures, various military inspections, one by one, Long Chao became the most famous young warrior in China in just a few days.

The title of "Chinese Hero" has also spread almost all over China.

Because Long Chao is very hot, the discussion of real heroes and fake heroes related to Long Chao has naturally become the focus of people's discussion. In addition, reporters have raised relevant issues on the spot from time to time.

So, even with the discussion of Chen Feng, this period of time has been continuously on the Internet.

It's just that it's different from the previous praise for killing Flash Thunder.

Now, most of the discussions about Chen Feng are in contrast to Long Chao, who regards Chen Feng as the opposite of Long Chao, and the title of fake hero is constantly spreading.

This situation became worse and worse, and even began to affect the combat readiness committee.

On the Internet, there are already people discussing the significance of the establishment of the readiness committee.

Because this committee is now leading the Qingmudian and the Wushu Committee. Although the Wudao League is nominally involved, few people have joined it.

As a result, some people questioned on the Internet that it seemed ridiculous to let an invisible organization and a less powerful Armed Forces Committee lead the readiness committee to conduct the so-called anti-enemy preparations.

This kind of questioning voice has spread more and more widely on the Internet, and the questioning voices of the combat readiness committee have gradually begun to increase.

Some people even turned out all the previous voices that questioned the Qingmudian.

After all, because of the backwardness of Huaxia Martial Arts, there were many warriors who complained mainly because Chen Fei had offended the Martial Arts Hall and did not have the support of the Martial Arts Hall, which caused Huaxia Martial Arts to lag behind other countries.

The Qingmu Temple, which lives in China in seclusion, has naturally been questioned.

Many netizens questioned them. They stayed on Huaxia's site, but they were unwilling to teach martial arts. To contribute to Huaxia, Qingmu Temple should be driven out.

However, these voices were not too many at the time, and everyone was still in awe of Wudian, and the Martial Arts Alliance also controlled the corresponding news.

Therefore, similar questions have not spread too widely.

But today, these remarks have been turned over again, and the discussion is more enthusiastic than before.

Coupled with the various rumors and rumors of the Combat Readiness Committee and Chen Feng, these parties are intertwined with each other, causing more doubts.

Some people even played a conspiracy theory on the Internet, saying that Qingmu Temple was born suddenly and led the establishment of the so-called readiness committee, which is basically for self-interest, not the so-called joint resistance against the enemy.

These rumors have become increasingly fierce, and even directly affected the preparations of the combat readiness committee.

In just two days, the warriors who had signed up for the combat readiness committee had already been set up before, and more than a dozen people chose to withdraw temporarily.

This situation shocked Chen Fei, Mu Yuqing and Zhong Xu.

The three had a meeting and discussed it, and they were almost certain that this matter was definitely being pushed by the forces behind it, and the most likely thing was the Martial Arts Alliance.

So, the three of them came to the Martial Arts Alliance and talked to them with Zheng Yu.

In the conference room, Zheng Yu looked at the three people who came to him, and said blankly: "The three are coming here together. Is there anything wrong?"

Zhong Xu first spoke: "President Zheng, there have been frequent internet rumors recently.

Some are very bad in nature and have affected the work of our readiness committee.

I hope President Zheng can strengthen management. "

"is it?

This is the first time I have heard of this kind of thing. "

Zheng Yu had a surprised expression, and said, "However, since President Zhong has spoken, I will deal with it naturally."

After speaking, Zheng Yu looked at the three of them, smiling at the corners of his mouth, and said nothing.

When Zhong Xu saw this, he not only frowned.

His words were already very obvious, but Zheng Yu didn't accept the move at all, making it clear that he was going to fool him.

He frowned and said again: "Principal Zheng, maybe we have some differences.

But the combat readiness committee was prepared to fight the enemy, and that was a major matter related to the survival of China. "

Zheng Yu raised his eyebrows, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and said: "President Zhong's words, I naturally understand.

This point was made very clear when the War Readiness Committee was established.

Our martial arts alliance is also very supportive. "

It's a cliché again, and Zheng Yu made it clear that he would not take the move.

This time, Zhong Xu frowned deeper.

On the side, Mu Yuqing said: "Principal Zheng, maybe you have other ideas.

But on behalf of my father, I want to be clear again.

Qingmudian is a friend of Master Chen Fei and Chen, and also a friend of the Chinese people.

The Qingmu Temple was considered for the benefit of China.

I hope Principal Zheng, you can convey this to Chairman Long. "

Seeing Mu Yuqing speaking, Zheng Yu's posture finally straightened.

With a serious look, after listening to Mu Yuqing's words, he nodded and said: "Miss Mu's words are very reasonable, I will tell President Long."

Mu Yuqing frowned lightly, her expression not very pretty.

Zheng Yu's attitude was just perfunctory, not responding or doing anything.

Finally, Chen Fei stepped forward and suddenly dropped his hands and patted them on the table.

"You--" Zheng Yu was taken aback by Chen Fei's actions.

Chen Fei leaned down, staring at Zheng Yu fiercely, and said in a deep voice: "I don't care about you or Long Changyu, what are your thoughts and little calculations.

I have one point to warn you, if your actions endanger the safety of Huaxia people. "

"I will let you know what regret is."

After speaking, Chen Fei turned and left.

Zheng Yu blankly watched the backs of the three of them disappear, and then he suddenly came back to his senses.

An anger rushed directly to the top of his head, making him stand up with a swish, and knocking the papers on the table to the ground.

"Chen Feng, you are a brat.

What are you, dare to talk to me like this! "

After the anger, Zheng Yu also had some doubts. He was the vice president of the Martial Arts Alliance, a master of the seventh level and the sixth level.

Then Chen Feng, although he didn't know **** Flash Thunder, he was just a brat after all. He dared to talk to himself like this, threatened him, and made himself feel a sudden sense of oppression.

This made Zheng Yu feel a little ashamed and angry, so anger surged at the moment.

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