
Chapter 3170: March in the dark

After listening to the story, Li Kang and Morrison also frowned, with a worried look on their faces.

After all, such a fierce man who suddenly appeared, Long Chao, was so strong that he almost caught them by surprise.

For a while, they were all at a loss and couldn't find a way to deal with it.

At this moment, Chen Fei, who was listening to the narration while hiding next to him, his eyes sank.

But what he was thinking about was not about the battle situation, but what Mozi, the island countryman who obviously came from the Palace of Dragons, told that after Long Chao recovered, there were several more fierce beasts attacking the city.

This made Chen Fei very vigilant and suspicious.

After all, after entering the space with a strong crack, he learned from the conversation between the Black Rock Sawtooth Tiger and the others that Long Chao can communicate with them, and even drive them.

Long Chao personally directed and arranged Yucheng's attack on the city.

Let the fierce beast attack first, then descend from the sky with the heroic halo of the savior, kill the fierce beast, and make a name for himself.

If this matter is true, then the several fierce beast attacks on the city that happened after Long Chao's recovery in the story just now may have been driven by Long Chao in order to restore his reputation.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's eyes were cold, and there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Long Chao, you better pray, things are not what I guessed, otherwise, I will never forgive you."

Chen Fei whispered firmly in his heart.

After talking about Long Chao's information, Morrison, Likang, and Mozi, the three elder-level masters, began to discuss countermeasures again.

Chen Fei was thinking about whether he was attacking and harassing the opposing team from the rear, or returning to China to join China's team to fight.

Just before Chen Fei made a decision, suddenly, with a move in his ear, he heard a familiar name, the War Readiness Committee.

In an instant, Chen Fei became concerned, concentrated, and began to listen carefully.

It turned out that after the three Morrisons discussed, they came to the conclusion that the Dragon Guards currently led by Long Chao is too strong to face the battle, which is not a suitable choice.

If it can break through from the side, it will open a gap in China's defense force, and then both sides will attack.

The four major martial arts united forces have a great possibility, relying on the advantage of numbers, to wipe out the Chinese martial arts army.

And after they discussed, the selected side breach was the place guarded by the War Preparation Committee of Huaxia.

After listening carefully for a while, Chen Fei also understood the reason why Morrison and the others chose it as a breakthrough point.

The combat readiness committee has been developing like a raging fire, and the situation is very good.

But then the rapid rise of Long Chao has dealt a huge blow to the development of the combat readiness committee.

Next, in the battle of Longji Mountain, Chen Feng defeated Long Chao. Originally, the combat readiness committee showed signs of coming out of the trough and began to climb again.

However, Chen Feng's sudden disappearance, coupled with Long Chao's rapid recovery and re-emergence.

As well as the Budo Alliance’s deliberate suppression of the War Readiness Committee, the War Readiness Committee, which had just shown signs of re-emergence, fell to the bottom again, even worse than before, and the number had fallen to less than two hundred.

In this battle, the team of the combat readiness committee was also squeezed out and arranged directly at the edge of the position. It was often dispatched by various dispatches, running around, without a stable position at all.

Moreover, the relevant treatment of the combat readiness committee team is almost the worst among all teams.

What is even more puzzling is that the terrain guarded by the combat readiness committee at this time is a funnel-shaped open space.

It's just that the combat readiness committee is not guarding the slender bottom of the funnel, but the wide opening.

This kind of terrain can be described as easy to attack and difficult to defend. Once the enemy attacks, the guarding soldiers will gradually retreat, and finally converge to the slender bottom of the funnel. That is, there is no retreat, no escape, almost a dead end.

For these reasons, Morrison and the others negotiated and decided on a strategy for leading troops to attack the readiness committee team.

After the order was decided, the coalition army quickly moved into action.

A team of five hundred warriors gathered quickly. The elders of the Dragon Palace, the elders of Qianye Mozi and Lingyun Hall, who reached the seventh-level double realm, and the two Likang of the same seventh-level double realm, led the team together. Combat Readiness Committee.

That evening, under the cover of the night, a team of five hundred people began to march towards the zone held by the War Preparation Committee.

Just as the coalition army was marching quietly and quickly in the night, a figure, like a phantom, quietly disappeared into the night, and marched towards the Huaxia position to the north.

The night is getting darker, the moon in the sky is also covered by dark clouds, and the sky and the earth are silent and dark.

In the Huaxia camp, the patrol team was meticulously patrolling the combat readiness committee camp in the most fringe zone.

The whole camp was awe-inspiring, hardly any other sounds could be heard.

Only in a tent in the center, the light can be seen through and can be heard vaguely, and a sound and discussion can be heard from inside.

In the tent, there is a long table, and a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties sits on the first seat in the middle.

He is Yu Deng, the commander-in-chief of the combat readiness committee this time, and is also Zhong Xu's old subordinate for many years.

However, Yu Deng's strength was average, with only a six-level dual stage, and he was considered the commander-in-chief of strategy.

The leader of the real battle is the two young men sitting on either side of him.

The two of them were Chen Fei's old acquaintances, Zhong Xu's disciple Qin Song, and Jiang Hao, who was recruited by Chen Fei from the First Military Academy in Beijing.

Both of them have the strength of the sixth level and the eighth realm, and they are considered the strongest combat power in the combat readiness committee.

At this moment, the three of them are sitting around the table, their faces are serious and their expressions are not very good-looking.

Jiang Hao was the youngest and had the hottest temper. He slapped the table and said: "I want to say that Zheng Yu deliberately targeted us and arranged our readiness committee team in the most remote place, not to mention, not to provide enough supplies, and to treat them differently. , This is so chilling.

Now, the brothers in the team have complained. "

The opposite Qin Song nodded and said, "In terms of supply, we can manage it by trying our own way.

But in terms of action, Zheng Yu is completely nonsense.

Let the team of our readiness committee rush back and forth on both sides, and give us such a defensive point. "

"A big funnel, the opponent is easy to attack and difficult to defend. Does Zheng Yu have any military knowledge? Doesn't this make us die in vain?"

"Qin Song, pay attention!"

Yu Deng in the first seat reminded.

Qin Song shut up immediately. He knew that in the army, he should have resolutely obeyed the orders of his superiors and could not have any complaints.

But the reality still made him have to complain.

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