
Chapter 3179: Question Hu Lie

"Chen Feng, you--" Zheng Yu said angrily, trying to explain.

But Chen Fei's face sank, and suddenly he said, "Principal Zheng, haven't I told you before?

Long Weijun He Jun is dead! Do you know how he died? "

"He Jun is dead, you--" Zheng Yu's expression sank fiercely.

Mu Yunxi, Li Zhentian and Cang Xu on the side were surprised and confused.

"He Jun is the eighth master of the Dragon Guards, how could he—" "What happened on earth?"

"Old Zheng, what else did you hide from us?"

A series of questions were raised, but Zheng Yu was silent and did not answer.

And Chen Fei continued to speak at this moment: "He Jun, I killed him."


"Chen Feng, you are so bold.

Killing a Wang Di, not to mention, now killing He Jun, you are too wanton. "

"Chen Feng, if you can't give a reasonable explanation for this matter.

My martial arts alliance will definitely investigate to the end. "

The three said again.

Zheng Yu still didn't say anything, but the gaze that looked at Chen Fei became even more gloomy.

Chen Fei ignored the voices of the other three, still looking at Zheng Yu, and continued to say: "When I killed He Jun, he was with the fierce beast.

Yucheng, I know about the beasts attacking the city. "


Hearing this, Zheng Yu, who had been silent for a long time, his expression changed drastically, pointing towards Chen Fei, the aura on his body surged, as if he wanted to do it on the spot.

Chen Fei gave a cold snort, didn't shrink back, and directly sighed back.

"Does President Zheng want to kill others?"

Although Zheng Yu's strength is stronger than Mu Yunxi, it is also capable of reaching the seventh level and six levels. Against Chen Feng at this moment, he is really not an opponent.

Halfway up his hand, he stopped in the air. Zheng Yu squinted at Chen Fei and said, "Chen Feng, what do you want to do?"

Chen Fei said solemnly: "I just said, I want to show justice to my brothers."

"Furthermore, I want to remind Principal Zheng.

I will keep track of the attack on the city by the beasts in Yucheng. "

"In addition, I will give you a suggestion to President Zheng.

On the Dragon Guards side, it's better to rectify it, and Long Chao should be on guard.

This is for your good! "

After speaking, Chen Fei turned around and walked out of the big tent.

The expression on Zheng Yu's face fluctuated for a long time, and he could not speak for a long time.

Beside him, Mu Yunxi, Li Zhentian, and Cang Xu looked at Zheng Yu with all doubts on their faces.

"Old Zheng, what exactly is Chen Feng talking about?

Is there anything you are hiding from us? "

"He said that the beasts in Yucheng attacked the city. Hasn't he already checked it out?

What's the inside story? "

"Also, he said to beware of Long Chao, what does this mean?"

………Zheng Yu looked at the three of them, did not answer, turned around and said: "I want to report to President Long!"

When Chen Fei walked out of the big tent, Jiang Hao and Qin Song immediately surrounded them.

"Brother Chen, the matter is resolved?"

"Did they say, how to punish Hu Lie?"

Chen Fei said, "They didn't say, I'll do it myself."

"do it yourself?"

The two looked at Chen Fei in surprise.

Chen Fei directly soared into the air and flew in the direction of the fifth division barracks of the Longwei Army.

Soon, Chen Fei fell into the barracks and walked directly to the big account.

In the big tent, the wounded Hu Lie, supported by the soldiers, moved slowly, seeming to be doing adaptive training.

Chen Fei came in and looked at Hu Lie's face, but he recovered very well and was very energetic.

Even the legs that were broken by Chen Fei were recovered by finding a way, and he was able to walk slowly at this moment.

Seeing Chen Fei coming, Hu Lie was immediately shocked.

"How did you come?

What do you want to do? "

Chen Fei said coldly, "What do you mean?"

Hu Lie's expression changed and said, "The headquarters has investigated the Yuanxikou incident.

Don't be foolish! "

At the same time, he kept winking at the guards around him, and asked them to inform the news.

Chen Fei took a step forward and continued: "What happened to Yuanxikou?

Tell me the truth, maybe I can consider keeping you alive. "

"You, you want to kill me!"

Hu Lie's eyes widened, "I am the commander of the Fifth Division of the Longwei Army, dare you to move me!"

Chen Fei shook his head, his voice became cold, "Killing hundreds of my brothers, no matter what your status is, it's useless!"

"My patience is limited. Thirty seconds. Either tell the truth or die right away?"

Hu Lie's eyes flickered, dragging his injured legs, and backing constantly.

"Twenty-five seconds--" "Twenty seconds--" Chen Fei started the countdown.

Hu Lie's eyes flashed more intensely, and he kept glancing out of the window, as if he wanted to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Chen Fei ignored it and continued the countdown.

"Fifteen seconds—" "Ten seconds—" "Nine—" "Eight—" Seeing Chen Fei getting closer and closer, and the energy surging in his palm, Hu Lie was really scared, and quickly waved his hand. : "Don't kill me, I say, I say, I will tell you all."

"Five, four--" Chen Fei's tone was cold and continued the countdown.

Hu Lie didn't dare to delay any longer. He knew that Chen Fei really dared to kill himself in the barracks.

The fear caused by death made Hu Lie limp to the ground and said: "I deliberately let the coalition army come in for the Yuanxikou incident, in order to weaken or even eliminate the combat readiness committee."

Although Chen Fei had already guessed that there was such a possibility.

But when Hu Lie confessed, his heart still filled with anger.

There was a conflict between the Dragon Guards and the combat readiness committee, which was something that almost all Chinese people knew.

But he did not expect that in the face of the invasion of foreign enemies, his own people who should have united against the enemy, at this time, did not forget the internal struggle and put his own people before eliminating the enemy.

An anger spurted from Chen Fei's eyes, and he almost couldn't help but kill Hu Lie on the spot.

However, Chen Fei resisted the impulse and continued to ask: "Why are you doing this?

Was it Long Chao’s order, and what is the connection between Long Chao and the fierce beast? How did you drive the fierce beast? "

At once, Chen Fei threw out a series of questions in his heart.

Hu Lie obviously didn't expect Chen Fei to know so much, his eyes changed and he was very surprised, "Why are you—" "Time is limited!"

Chen Fei warned coldly.

Hu Lie hesitated, "This, this matter was under the command of Longjun——" At this moment, a sharp shout suddenly sounded, and a strong wind rushed into the big tent.

"Chen Feng, what do you want to do!"

Chen Fei turned around and saw Long Chao rushing in with a solemn expression on his face, and stared at Chen Fei fiercely.

"Long Commander, save me!"

Hu Lie hurriedly asked for help.

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Long Chao, Hu Lie has admitted that the matter at Yuanxikou is your order."

"You, follow me to the military court!"

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