
Chapter 3194: Hall Master Qi Zhi

Almost at the moment when the blue thunderbolt sounded, a blue electric light burst toward the valley where the Chinese army was located.

This electric light carries a shocking power.

At this moment, the Chinese soldiers in the valley felt that the sky seemed to have collapsed, and an unspeakable atmosphere of terror enveloped them.

For a time, many soldiers' complexions changed drastically, stimulating their auras, and wanted to use them to resist this terrifying blue electric light.

However, their vigor was almost useless in the face of this awe-inspiring lightning.

It is a kind of crushing and oppression in an absolute sense, just like a higher level god, crushing the ants on the ground.

At this moment, almost all Chinese soldiers had a pessimistic and helpless thought in their hearts, "We're done!"

Li Zhentian naturally discovered this, and shouted desperately, "Run away!"

At the same time, he put down the Vice-Hallmaster of the Dragon Palace who was fighting fiercely at hand, shot out several rays of light, and blasted toward the blue electric light, trying to block this offensive.

However, his vigor was smashed and dissipated before it hit the blue electric light.

"what is this!"

In an instant, Li Zhentian's face turned pale.

At this time, Chen Fei waved the towering giant tree in his hand, suddenly accelerated and smashed it a few times, blocking Fano and Long Chao and the others.

Then, he suddenly changed his direction, making a green wooden meaning, and blasting away at the blue electric light.


The blue electric light and the green wooden meaning collide in the air.

The swiftly hitting blue electric light was like a sports car that suddenly hit the wall. With a bang, a loud noise made the entire sky tremble. The blue electric light burst, and there were faint shadows. The blue cracks spread around.

Chen Fei's green wooden meaning also burst and exploded, dropping a green light spot in the sky.

The two dissipated.

There was silence, and then there was a burst of cheers.

The Chinese soldiers in the valley burst into celebration.

Li Zhentian and Cang Xu also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei's expression was very serious, staring at the source of the blue electric light, and whispering to himself: "This is not an ordinary master, but a top master.

Even, it is possible to reach the eighth level of the soul state. "

"Could it be that the master of the palace master level is here?"

Just as Chen Fei was thinking about it, suddenly, a bang rang out behind him.

Turning his head to look, I saw a huge hand behind him, like a legendary giant descending from the sky, shooting down from the air, and the target was the Chinese people in the valley.

With this palm, the momentum was violent, like a mountain falling from the sky.

The coercive breath is no worse than the blue lightning just now.

Just breathed a sigh of relief, and fortunately everyone in China who had saved their lives, the heart of the moment was mentioned in the throat again.

"Another one!"

"What exactly is this?"

"It's over, we are dead."

………Amid the exclamation, even Chen Fei was shocked at this moment.

"Another hall master level master!"

Chen Fei gritted his teeth and prepared to shoot.

However, Fano, Long Chao and Moiré Panthers, who were blocked at this time, rushed in and interfered with Chen Fei's shots.

With regard to this delayed technique, the huge palm fell down.

Seeing thousands of Chinese soldiers will be buried here.

At the critical moment, a roar came from the sky.

At the same time, a green light broke through the air and hit the giant palm.


The green light hit the giant palm and exploded directly.

At the last moment, the giant palm was smashed to pieces, and the Chinese soldiers were rescued again.

At this time, a figure wearing a bamboo-green robe came quickly from the sky with a voice of questioning, "Hall of Shenluo, master of the dignified soul realm, do you feel embarrassed to start with ordinary people?"

Above the giant palm, a burly, middle-aged white man wearing leather armor hung down in the air, looking at the figure in the bamboo green robe in front of him.

"Hall Master Qingmu, after hiding for so long, you finally came out!"

Palace Master Qingmu chuckled and said: "You have prepared for such a big move, and if I don't come out, wouldn't it be that I failed your "good intentions"."

After he finished speaking, he paused, then looked at Skyrim, and said again: "Hall Master Thunder, since they have all taken action, aren't they coming out?"

"There are also Palace Master Qunlong, Palace Master Lingyun, there is no need to hide it, come out!"

Following the call of the Greenwood Palace Master, a blue figure broke through the air from a distance. One of the middle-aged men wearing a blue patterned gown, with thunderbolts of lightning, whizzed towards him.

Obviously, this should be the Lord of Thunder Palace.

In the other two directions, a pair of men and women also appeared separately.

The man wore a simple and very simple clothes, as if only a piece of cloth was used to cover the body, the whole person was thin and dark.

However, a pair of eyes were exceptionally dark and bright, and they seemed very energetic.

Around his neck, surrounded by a green python, the constant hissing sound was frightening.

This one should be the Hallmaster of Lingyun.

The remaining woman, with a big red dress hung on her body, exposing patches of white skin, as she walked around, the gully and long legs complemented each other, coupled with her exquisitely non-human face.

Just looking at it was incredibly charming and made many men's eyes straight.

Needless to say, this is the Lord of the Dragons.

The four hall masters came together, plus the Qingmu hall master, five hall masters appeared here at the same time.

In such a scene, let alone ordinary soldiers, even experts such as Zheng Yu and Li Zhentian were stunned and shocked at this moment.

"Hall master, several hall masters are here."

"Five hall masters gathered, is this a world war?"

……… The Greenwood Hallmaster glanced at the other four Hallmasters, his complexion was as usual, his tone was calm, and he said: "Several Hallmasters are coming here, what are you doing?"

The charming Palace Master Qunlong laughed, and said: "Hall Master Qingmu, everyone is old acquaintance, so why bother to have such a good relationship? It's better to have a good chat."

Palace Master Qingmu didn't even look at Palace Master Qunlong, even with disdain in his tone, he said: "Hallmaster Qunlong, I know who you are, your charms, let's put it away!"

"You--" Qunlong Palace's voice suffocated, and his face sank.

The Lord Shenluo let out a cold snort, stared at the Lord Qingmu, and said: "Hall Lord Qingmu, we are here for the Diyuan Jing, you know in your heart, why pretend to be stupid.

If you are interested, hand over the Diyuan Mirror. "

"I've said it many times, the earth mirror is not in my hands."

Palace Master Qingmu said, he looked at Palace Master Thunder, "I believe Palace Master Thunder is very clear about these words."

Hall Master Thunder said with a chuckle: "Hall Master Qingmu, we are not trying to seize your Earth Element Mirror.

However, that Diyuan Jing was originally the treasure of the Lord Luo Yi, and it was the common property of everyone on Taboo Island.

It’s not good for you to swallow it in private! "

"Palace Master Aoki, I am too greedy and will not end well."

The Lord Lingyun also said in a leisurely voice.

For a while, the atmosphere on the court suddenly became tense.

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