
Chapter 3207: Outline the circle

However, Palace Master Qunlong was injured, and the speed was still slower.

The cold air contaminated her arm, and then quickly spread to her entire body, freezing her in place.

Then, a stream of light shot out from the hole of the ice soul bead, smashing the frozen dragon palace master, bursting into countless ice fragments, and floating to the sky.

The lord of the dragons, died.

Qianjun avoided the chill of the Shenluo Palace Master. At this moment, he looked at the lingering ice soul bead with a lingering fear. The fear in his eyes had not dissipated, and even the blood on the corner of his mouth had not had time to wipe it off.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei ignored the Shenluo Hall Master, and screamed directly, rushing towards Hailiufeng.

At this moment, the Hall Master Thunder, at the top of Hailiu Peak, noticed the movement here, and couldn't help but screamed, "Shen Luo, stop him!"

After hearing the words, the Shenluo Palace Master showed a struggling color in his eyes, as if hesitated.

The Lord Thunder clearly noticed his thoughts and immediately shouted sharply: "If you don't stop him now, we all have to die here."

"Chen Fei, stop!"

The Lord of the Shenluo gritted his teeth fiercely, ignoring the injuries on his body, and rushed towards the ice soul orb.

At this moment, the Shenluo Hall Master roared, a golden light burst out, condensing behind him, forming a huge golden figure.

The figure rumbling and striding heavily, patted towards the ice soul orb.

The terrifying force actually blocked the impact of the Ice Soul Orb, and even shot the Ice Soul Orb back hundreds of meters.

"what is this?"

Chen Fei was shocked.

At this time, people around were making noises.

"Then, that is the unique trick of the Shenluo Hallmaster! He is really moving."

"Titan supernatural power, that is the titan supernatural power of the Shenluo Hallmaster."

"With a big move, Chen Fei will undoubtedly die.

Not enough, to force the Shenluo Temple to take the initiative to use the power of the Titans, even if Chen Fei died, it was worth it. "

… Hearing these voices, Chen Fei suddenly remembered that in the pamphlet prepared for him by Palace Master Qingmu, Palace Master Shenluo’s trick was to guide the divine power of the Titans to come, and use the power of the gods to crush mortals.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei's heart sank.

However, the Ice Soul Orb was still consuming the spirit aura continuously, and Chen Fei had no time to waste.

Without thinking about it, Chen Fei took control of the Ice Soul Orb and launched an attack on Hailiu City again.

But the Lord Shenluo obviously also knew Chen Fei's intention to control the power of the Titans and block Chen Fei's impact.

In this way, an ice hockey puck, a giant, in front of the ocean current peak, not a collision impact.

The huge impact seemed to make the entire island tremble.

Although the Titan's supernatural power was under Chen Fei's impact, the golden light began to shake, and it seemed that it was about to be unable to hold it.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei was uncontrollably anxious.

There is not much left of his spirit aura.

At the top of Ocean Current Peak, the Thunder Palace Master seemed to be opening some formation and what to activate.

Once he succeeded, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei looked up at the sky.

The green beam of light that connects the world is getting brighter and brighter.

At the top, among the clouds, thunder and lightning continued to flicker, and the entire sky trembled, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Such a scene made some bystanders on the island feel a little scared.

Began to whisper in a low voice.

And the other disciples of Thunder Palace, staring at the beam of light on the top of Hailiu Peak with excitement one by one, with their faces full of excitement, and even some disciples knelt and worshipped directly.

"The way of the gods, this is the way of the gods that the hall master said, it is true, the hall master did not lie to us."

"The gods come, the thunderbolt, we surrender, and the world is peaceful."

"The path of the gods is opened, and the world will usher in a bright future."

………This situation made Chen Fei feel more and more bad.

He gritted his teeth fiercely and looked at the Titan's supernatural power standing in front of him, like a wall, ready to rush out.

At this moment, a whistling wind quickly approached.

"Xiao Chen, I'm back."

Chen Fei turned his head and saw that it was Palace Master Qingmu who had returned, and he was immediately happy.

He hurriedly said: "Palace Master Qingmu, block the Master of Shenluo for me."


The Greenwood Hall Master hurried back, before he landed on the island, he inspired his own life-wood intent, condensing a green towering giant tree, and rushed towards the Shenluo Hallmaster’s Titan divine power.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In an instant, the impact and collision sounded loudly.

Chen Fei seized this opportunity, squeaked out, and rushed towards Hai Liufeng.

Around the current peak at this moment, there was a dark blue protective shield that shone with electric light.

Chen Fei was not afraid, and left with a direct impact.

The lightning flashed and thunderbolt, but when it fell on the ice soul orb, it was instantly overwhelmed by the chill, and it hardly caused much damage.

Instead, the Ice Soul Orb broke through the blue protective shield with a cracking sound, and appeared on the top of Hailiufeng Mountain.

On the top of the mountain at this moment, there is a very flat round stone.

On the surface of the stone, a complex and exquisite array was etched.

The green beam of light rising into the sky was emitted from this magic circle.

And in the magic circle at this moment, a red breath can be vaguely seen, flowing slowly along the outline of the magic circle.

This red breath, only the last corner is missing, can completely outline the lines of the entire circle.

Although Chen Fei didn't know what the magic circle was, but seeing the situation, he also knew that he couldn't let the magic circle be completed, otherwise something bad would definitely happen.

So Chen Fei glanced at the magic circle, immediately controlled the Ice Soul Orb, and rushed towards the Lord of the Thunder Palace.

The lord of the thunder palace roared and slapped his hands forward. In an instant, a flash of thunder flickered, intertwined into an electric light, and the cage faced the ice soul bead.

Chen Fei was aware of the power of these thunder and lightning, but he was not afraid of it and did not back down.

He roared and rushed away head-on.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the collision, the cold air and the lightning thundered, and the roaring and bursting sound continued.

Both sides were under tremendous pressure and remained deadlocked for a while.

However, in the circle on the stone, the red liquid was still spreading slowly, almost finishing the last little corner.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei roared and his eyes were scarlet, arousing all the last spirit aura in his own divine sea.

In an instant, the Ice Soul Orb vigorously shook, smashed the Thunder Palace Master's thunderbolt, and rushed away.


The Lord Thunder was directly hit, and the whole person flew out, then blocked by the light, and fell to the ground, spouting a big mouthful of blood.


Chen Fei's offensive kept coming and struck again.


Another mouthful of blood spewed out, and the thunder palace master's legs were broken by the ice soul beads, and the whole person sat on the ground, with blood on the corners of his mouth, pale and very embarrassed.

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