
Chapter 3209: Ambassador descends

The Lord Thunder, who had been screaming in despair, saw this scene, his face was choked, and he burst out laughing.

"It's done, it's successful."

"The passage is opened, and the gods are about to come."

"Haha, you are finished, you are all finished."

………At this time, Palace Master Aoki, who was still in a fierce battle with the Palace Master of Shenluo, saw this scene, his complexion changed drastically.

He turned around and called out to Chen Fei hurriedly: "He wants to open the space channel to let the people from the Earth Realm come.

Xiao Chen, stop him! "

Chen Fei was shocked when he heard the words.

His face sank, he immediately waved his arms, the scarlet long sword, and slashed towards the earth mirror in the air.

However, the red long sword, before it got close to the Earth Element Mirror, was directly shredded by the surging vigor around it, turned into countless fragments of streamer, and scattered.

At this moment, in the black hole, a yellow light could be seen faintly shining out.

"No, it's too late."

The Greenwood Palace Master was shocked.

Immediately, he stared fiercely at the Lord of the Shenluo, and said angrily: "You open the space channel and lead the people from the Metaverse to come, do you know what the consequences will be?

The entire earth is very likely to be destroyed by them! "

The Lord of the Shenluo snorted coldly, and said indifferently, "So what?"

"Me and Lei Ting are descendants of the Earth Element Realm. The passage is open and that is our way home."

"As for whether your earth perishes or not, I don't care."

Hearing this, the master of Qingmudian [Pencil Novel] suddenly woke up and realized.

Although I have lived with these people for hundreds of years, in my heart, the two sides still exist completely differently.

Palace Lord Thunder, Palace Lord of Shenluo, and others are descendants of Palace Lord Luo, as well as those from the ancient family.

They are originally from the Earth Realm.

People like Palace Master Qingmu and Xuanyuan Jiangshan were the people on Earth who were selected as Taboo Island.

In terms of identity, the two parties are not the same kind of people.

Therefore, the Qingmu Palace Master at this moment felt a sense of despair in his heart.

"Could it be that the earth is really going to perish?"

He could no longer imagine what kind of future the earth will face after the arrival of the masters of the earth element world.

At this moment, Chen Fei did not have time to despair, and continued to slash and bombard the Earth Element Mirror, but to no avail.

Instead, the black hole is getting bigger and bigger, and the yellow light inside is getting brighter and brighter.

Finally, a figure, accompanied by a yellow light, descended from the black hole.

This man was a man who looked about thirty or forty years old. He was dressed in a simple plain robe, and his outfit was somewhat similar to that of an ancient Chinese.

It's just that the clothes and hair on his body are a bit messy at the moment, his complexion is slightly pale, and there are even a few slight blood stains on his cheeks.

It looks like this, it doesn't look like a **** is coming, but a little embarrassed.

However, the Lord Thunder saw this man with a look of ecstasy on his face, and immediately knelt on the ground, kowtow and shouted: "Thunder, welcome the Earth Yuanjie Divine Envoy to come to the earth."

The man in the robe heard the words, his eyes sank, and he said displeased: "Why did you open the passage in advance before the appointment, making the passage unstable, and the turbulence of the space invaded the passage, almost hurting people."

The Lord Thunder's body trembled, revealing a frightened expression.

However, he hurriedly pointed to Chen Fei and explained, "My lord, I am guilty.

But I had no choice but to do so.

I was attacked by someone here. If I don’t seize the opportunity to open the passage, I’m afraid the passage will be destroyed by people and it will never be opened again. "


The man in the robe sank and looked at Chen Fei.

At this time, Chen Fei was still stimulating his vigor, slashing the ground element mirror in the air.

Upon seeing this, the man in the robe gave a cold snort and waved the robe casually.

In an instant, a yellow vigor rushed towards Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Palace Master Aoki hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Chen, hide away!"

Chen Fei was aware of the danger carried by this Qi Jin, and he almost used his body to its limit, using all the strength of his body's musculoskeletal force to exert the fastest speed, which could be avoided.

The yellow vigor almost flew past Chen Fei's belly.

Striding across the sky above Hailiu City, like cutting tofu, he cut open a few towering buildings, and then flew towards the distant sea.

"Uh—" Seeing that Chen Fei had avoided his own attack, this envoy was surprised and squinted at Chen Fei.


At this moment, countless audiences around the world were also watching this scene, and all kinds of discussions sounded one after another.

"That man, is that the **** in the mouth of the lord of the thunder palace?

Looks nothing special! "

"Yeah, I thought the gods were either handsome or beautiful.

This man, he looks too ordinary, completely a passerby face.

It broke my illusion of gods! "

"Is this the god?

It’s not much different from us, it’s not a big deal anymore, it’s coming! "

………But, just when countless audiences were talking about it.

At this moment, on the distant sea, a piece of sea water suddenly flew to the sky.

Then, an explosion sounded, and the sea directly flew up to a height of 100 meters, raising a huge wave.

This sea area directly triggered a tsunami, submerging the nearby islands and reefs of the table.

The huge waves rushed towards Hailiu City in the opposite direction.

The turbulent waves hit the edge of Hailiu City, rising tens of meters high.

If it weren't for the various magic circles arranged around Hailiu City to protect the city, I'm afraid this island has been completely submerged by the waves.

………Such a scene shocked almost everyone.

"In the end what happened?"

"Why did a tsunami suddenly occur? Is it an earthquake?"

………The director in charge of the live broadcast immediately called up the satellite video, and synchronized the live broadcast to the screen just now.

Countless viewers can see what is going on.

Just now, the envoy of the gods waved a burst of vigor to Chen Fei, and Chen Fei could not help but avoid it.

So, that Qi Jin flew to the ocean.

After flying over tens of kilometers, this yellow energy finally shot into the sea.

Then, this piece of sea water burst up and rushed to a height of 100 meters, triggering the tsunami.

But after the audience saw the cause and effect, almost everyone was stunned. The questioning and ridicule of the gods just now turned into panic and fear.

"This, this tsunami, turned out to be caused by the divine envoy."

"A single blow can cause a tsunami.

Is this still human power?

This is really the power of the gods! "

"This kind of power is much more powerful than Chen Fei and Hall Master Thunder.

Is this a real god? "

"God has come, I finally know what a **** has come."

"Our earth, is there anyone else his opponent?"

"The gods are invincible, let's surrender!"


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