
Chapter 3217: Welcome ceremony

"You--" Luo Qishao struggled to get up from the rocks.

However, before he could move, Chen Fei had already controlled the Ice Soul Orb to fly over, and the surging cold directly froze Luo Qishao, unable to move.

Chen Fei stepped forward and walked in front of Luo Qishao, condescendingly, with a cold voice, "You are defeated."

Luo Qishao's body was frozen, but his arrogance was unabated, he stared at Chen Fei with resentment, gritted his teeth and said: "Ant, you dare to move me, you are dead, you are all dead."

Chen Fei tapped his fingertips lightly, and a burst of qi glow formed and pierced down.

"I don't know if I die, but you are dying now, I'm pretty sure of that!"

Luo Qi seldom sees this, and loses his face in shock, hurriedly shouted: "No, you can't kill me."

"I am the Seventh Young Master of the Luo Family. If you kill me, my Luo Family will not let you and this person's spirit world go."

Chen Fei was unmoved, screaming in anger, getting closer and closer.

Luo Qishao looked at Chen Fei's cold and determined eyes, really scared, and begged for forgiveness, "I was wrong, spare my life.

As long as you let me go, I am willing to give you whatever you want. "

"My Luo family is a 10,000-year-old family in Nanyan City, Dayan Mansion. We have many resources and treasures, and I can give them to you."

"Even, as long as you want, my Luo family can still allow you to ascend to the Yuanyuan realm, and then my Luo family can support you--" Luo Qishao continued to open the conditions, tempting Chen Fei.

But Chen Fei was not moved at all, and his sharp aura pierced without stagnation.

Seeing that death is approaching, Luo Qishao's eyes showed despair, and he roared with a ferocious face: "Chen Fei, my Luo family will not let you go.

Will not let the whole earth go.

You are waiting to die--" The last voice, the qi glow in Chen Fei's hand, came to an abrupt end when it penetrated through Luo Qishao's head.

At this moment, the whole world suddenly quieted down, and the noise just now vanished in an instant.

Even the turbulent sea breeze and huge waves around him stopped.

The sky was in the middle, the clouds spread out, and the golden light was scattered, falling on the sea, sparkling.

Countless audiences on the earth who watched the live broadcast also fell silent at this moment.

Then, this silence suddenly erupted into a cheer.

"Won, Master Chen won, we won."

"The earth was saved, and the gods were defeated by Master Chen."

"As expected of Master Chen, he once again saved us humanity."

"Master Chen, good job."

……… Huawu Pavilion headquarters, a voice of celebration also sounded.

Lin Qiuhan stood up from the chair with a brilliant smile on his face.

Su Momo, Wei Ling and others also gathered around and celebrated together.

………At this time, following the death of Qishao Luo, the spatial passages that stood on Hailiu Peak also disappeared and completely vanished over Hailiu City.

The people on the island, all their eyes fell on Chen Fei at this moment, their eyes were shocked and awed, and they didn't even dare to move while standing still.

The still excited Palace Master Qingmu rushed over first, hugged Chen Fei, his expression was full of excitement, "Xiao Chen, that's great.

I knew you could do it.

I knew it! "

"Hall Master, you didn't say that just now.

It seems that you were ready to let me leave a last word just now. "

Chen Fei murmured, but didn't say anything.

In the corner, Palace Master Thunder and Palace Master Shenluo had their faces full of horror at this moment. They looked at this scene with ugly expressions.

They didn't expect that such an earth martial artist that they hadn't put in their eyes would kill the gods like Luo Kang and Luo Yi in public, and also kill Luo Qishao, the real master of the earth realm.

For a time, the two were extremely frightened.

They glanced at each other, there was no sound, but they knew it well.

In this state, they are almost bound to die.

As a result, the two backed silently, seeming to want to take advantage of Chen Fei's carelessness and quietly escape.

However, just after the two moved a few steps, a cold voice rang.

"You two, where are you going?"

The two suddenly became stiff, and their faces were full of horror.

Seeing Chen Fei stepping forward, the two of them suddenly knelt in front of Chen Fei and knocked their heads.

"Master Chen, spare your life!"

"Master Chen, we were wrong."

Chen Fei squinted his eyes and shot directly, two qi glow burst out of the air, and blasted at the two people's Dantian, directly smashing the two people's core, completely abolishing their cultivation.

Suddenly, two screams sounded, and the two of them fainted on the ground with pain.

Immediately, Chen Fei waved gently, took the two of them, and flew away.

Upon seeing this, Palace Master Aoki immediately followed.

At the same time, he asked aloud with some doubts: "Xiao Chen, why didn't you kill them?"

Chen Fei said: "There are some things, I want to ask them."


Palace Master Qingmu paused, then thought of something, his eyes changed, and his fingers pointed towards the sky, "What do you mean, something about the Earth Element Realm?"

Chen Fei nodded, and said with a serious face: "Yes.

Although their plan fell in vain this time, I was still worried when the Seventh Master Luo was dying. "

"You mean, people in the Earth Element Realm might open the channel again and come to Earth?"

The main road of Qingmu Temple.

"It's possible, and it's very possible."

Chen Fei's tone was a little serious.

At this time, Palace Master Qingmu also became nervous about it.

The two flew directly back to China.

As soon as he landed in the capital, before Chen Fei had time to speak, he saw a group of Yinggeyanwu rushing towards him.

Lin Qiuhan, who had always been calm and introverted, trot over immediately, and in the eyes of everyone, he plunged into Chen Fei's arms.

"You're back!"

Lin Qiuhan's pretty face was full of tears.

These tears are joy, excitement, and relaxation.

Chen Fei held his wife in his arms, feeling the warm fragrant nephrite, suddenly couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed it.

With this kiss, Chen Fei almost forgot about time and environment, just wanting to stay in this tenderness forever, not wanting to leave.

In the end, it was the voice of Yingying Yanyan next to her that awakened the two of them.

"Brother-in-law, have you kissed enough?

Is everyone watching? "

"Ahem, the TV station is there too, this is a live broadcast.

Pay attention to your image. "

"Master, when did you become so open?"

………Lin Qiuhan woke up in shock, blushing, hurriedly lowered his head, and broke free of Chen Fei’s embrace, "You go ahead!"

Chen Fei was not afraid at all, even in front of the camera, gave Lin Qiuhan a kiss, "Wife, wait for me at home, I'll be back soon."

After speaking, Chen Fei walked to the high-level Huaxia who greeted him and started the formal welcome ceremony.

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