
Chapter 3221: Coming to the Earth Realm

At noon, Chen Fei reached a crack in the space.

This space crack is located not far from Hailiu City, and it is less than one kilometer away from the anchor point.

When Chen Fei arrived, almost all leaders from all over the world were on the scene.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Fei.

Chinese masters such as Palace Master Qingmu and Xuanyuan Jiangshan directly greeted them.

"Xiao Chen, here you are!"

Greenwood Palace Master greeted.

"Little guy, you must pay attention to safety.

When you get there, don't try to do what you can't beat. Running is also a strategy.

Also, if it doesn’t work, just think of a way to come back.

Saving the earth is not your responsibility alone. Don't put everything on your shoulders. "

Master Xuanyuan Jiangshan, unusually long-winded, exhorted Chen Fei for a while.

Chen Fei, who usually likes to quarrel with his master, did not refute at this moment, but listened carefully.

After the elders had greeted them, all friends and peers came over to say goodbye to Chen Fei.

After a greeting, with a cry, the space crack in the air suddenly became bigger, like the big mouth of a monster, swallowing everything around.

Chen Fei did not delay any more time, waved to everyone, then soared into the air and flew towards the crack in the space.

"I'm going!"

There was no long story, just a simple farewell, and Chen Fei flew into the space crack head-on.

For almost a moment, Chen Fei's figure was swallowed by the cracks in the space, and he could no longer see it.

But below, countless people still raised their heads and looked at the sky, with firm and awed expressions in their eyes.

"Master Chen, a hero of mankind."

"Master Chen, you are our human hope!"

"I hope Pavilion Master Chen can succeed."

"Bon Voyage!"

"Heroes are fearless!"

………At three o'clock in the afternoon, the space crack disappeared completely.

Palace Master Qingmu rose into the air, and said in a deep voice, "Chen Fei has done what he did, and then we have to do our own thing."

"Even if the Earth Element Realm is strong, we can't give up.

We must strengthen ourselves and maximize our strength.

Even if there is only a little hope, we must never give up.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for Chen Fei's adventure and dedication. "



A tidy call sounded.

Palace Master Qingmu nodded, and flew away.

The others left immediately.

In the villa, Lin Qiuhan looked at the sky, raised the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, and muttered: "I said, I will send you away with a smile.

I will also wait for you to come back with a smile.

I believe that there will be that day. "

It's just that the tears in the corners of my eyes can't be controlled.

Along Lin Qiuhan's smooth cheeks, she slipped down quietly.

………In the space cracks at this time, Chen Fei took Huo Jiao, and he was familiar with the road, and came to the position of the previous space channel.

There is no World Tree in that place now.

However, in Chen Feidan's core, the little world tree sapling gave out a different feeling, faintly, it seemed that this feeling connected the two worlds.

Following this feeling, Chen Fei stimulated the core.

Suddenly, a group hurriedly emerged from the core, forming a small beam of light, leading to the unknown distance.

Without any hesitation, Chen Fei took Fire Jiao directly into this beam of light.

In an instant, Chen Fei felt that the scene in front of him began to bloom, and the whole world was turned upside down like a kaleidoscope.

I don't know how long it took, when Chen Fei was about to faint, he suddenly felt that his back fell on a piece of soft ground.

Around, a gust of breeze swept across his cheeks, still carrying a fragrance of vegetation.

Opening his eyes, Chen Fei first saw a green, vibrant green.

This is a forest, with green trees and branches on top, and a soft grassland underneath.

Take a deep breath, and the air pours into the body.

Chen Fei suddenly felt that his internal organs seemed to have been washed again, and his whole person became refreshed.

"The aura in the air is too rich, several times richer than what was previously absorbed in the space channel.

Is this the Earth Element Realm? "

Chen Fei started to fight from the grass and became excited.

However, Chen Fei did not wait to feel the environment of the Earth Metaworld.

Suddenly, a strong wind whizzed in, passing in front of Chen Fei, almost cutting off Chen Fei's nose.

Chen Fei was shocked and dodged in a cold sweat.

Then, a cry for help rang out in Chen Fei's divine sea, "Boss, I can't do it anymore, please help me."

"Little snake!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Fei immediately began to move, heading towards the source of the sound.

Before walking far, Chen Fei saw the small snake and firefly on a big tree in front of him, fighting a fierce beast the size of a cheetah.

Fire Jiao continuously spewed out waves of flames, attacking the cheetah beast.

But I didn't expect that the cheetah fierce beast was very fast, flexibly dispersing all the offensives of the fire flood, and then moved around and grabbed it at the fire flood.

Every claw of this cheetah will bring a strong wind, whizzing past, cutting off a piece of tree.

The strong wind that almost cut off Chen Fei's nose just now was caused by this cheetah beast.

"Boss, don't look, hurry up.

I'm going to be beaten to death. "

Fire Jiao cried for help.

Chen Fei left, whizzed, and let out an angry glow, slashing towards the cheetah beast.

This cheetah beast is clever, he noticed Chen Fei's offensive, and dodged extremely flexibly, even avoiding Chen Fei's anger.

"Quite agile!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's heart moved, which aroused the spirit of the Dan core.

Suddenly, Chen Fei's speed became faster, and several invisible wind blades condensed in his hands, bursting out of the air, and attacking the cheetah beast.

This cheetah beast, aware of the crisis, speeds up again, dodges Chen Fei's offensive.

However, in the end, Chen Fei's attack was even better. A wind blade hit the cheetah beast with a whirr, and cut a half-meter-long wound in its abdomen, causing the cheetah beast to fall to the ground and cried out in pain. .

"It didn't even break."

When Chen Fei saw this, he was also a little surprised, and stepped to the cheetah beast.

Without giving any chance, a burst of energy condensed and slashed, ending the struggle of the cheetah and the beast.

Upon seeing this, Huo Jiao came down from the tree with lingering fears and came to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked around and checked the fire scorpion. "This fierce beast, if estimated according to the level of the earth, it is almost at the seventh level and seventh level."

"Little snake, you have also cultivated to the seventh level and seventh level. Being beaten like this by this cheetah, it's too weak!"

Chen Fei vomited.

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