
Chapter 3224: Into the city

The status of the hunting team is very high in the village.

When Qin Hanlong led the team back, almost the entire village was greeted.

After a warm welcome, when the villagers knew that Chen Fei had rescued Qin Hanlong and Xiaoyu, many villagers sent Chen Fei various gifts in a simple manner.

Although only some of the most basic drinks, grains, meat and clothes, Chen Fei's heart was warmed, and he felt a little warmth in this other world.

In the evening, the whole village was lively, and everyone took out the food, wine and food without hesitation, and hosted a banquet in honor of Chen Fei.

While eating and chatting, Qin Hanlong ordered a few strong guys, and finally another white-haired old man, and said: "Uncle Qi, you will go to the city with us tomorrow."

The gray-haired Uncle Qi tremblingly said: "My old man is getting older, what are you going to do?

Is it holding you back? "

Qin Han said: "Uncle Qi, it is not.

Chen Daxia is going to find someone in the city. You have a wide network of people in the city. You can go to the city together. You can ask for help at that time. "

"Find someone!"

The seventh uncle white hair looked at Chen Fei and asked, "Xiao Chen, who are you looking for?"

Chen Fei paused, it was hard to say that he wanted to find someone from the Luo family, so he said, "I want to find someone from the ancient family."

"Ancient house?

You mean, the ancient family of our Nanyancheng family? "

Uncle Qi said in surprise.

Chen Fei remembered that Gu Tianzhong once said to himself that their ancient family and the rival Luo family were both large families in Nanyan City, so they should be right.

So he nodded and said, "Well, that's the ancient house."

Now, the scene is even more lively.

"Unexpectedly, Chen Daxia actually knew people from the ancient family?

That's our big family in Nanyan City! "

"Brother Chen, who are you looking for in the ancient house?

Are you a relative of the ancient family? "

"It's no wonder that Brother Chen is so powerful, he turns out to be a master who has something to do with the ancient family!"

Everyone laughed.

But Zhou Lin, who had been holding his breath watching Qin Xiaoyu and Chen Fei talking and laughing, his eyes sank at the moment, showing a touch of anger, and muttered, "A relative of the ancient family?

How come to our small village. "

This dinner lasted until late at night before it ended in reluctance.

In the evening, Chen Fei went to Qin Hanlong's house to rest for one night.

Early the next morning, Qin Hanlong took the hardcover guy named last night, plus the gray-haired Uncle Qi, Qin Xiaoyu and Chen Fei, and marched towards the southern Yancheng.

On the way, Qin Hanlong introduced the relevant situation to Chen Fei.

Only then did Chen Fei learn that the village was about two hours away from Nanyan City.

Although this distance is not too far, there are some forests and wilderness along the way, and occasionally there will be fierce beasts and bandits.

Therefore, every time you enter the city, you have to call the strong and tough guys in the village to guard all the way to ensure the safety of life and property.

However, this time perhaps it was lucky, perhaps Chen Fei, a master who went all the way, went all the way smoothly without encountering any accidents, and arrived outside the city.

A city wall about twenty to thirty meters high stood in front of everyone, casting a shadow, giving people a sense of oppression and shock.

On the city wall, almost every ten meters, there is a guard in armor holding a weapon.

At this moment, the place where Qin Hanlong and others lined up was a city gate nearly twenty meters high and ten meters wide.

At the gate of the city, guarding a team of guards in full armor, checking everyone who enters the city, it is very strict.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, it was Chen Fei's turn to enter the city.

Qin Hanlong walked in the forefront with a smile on his face. He leaned forward and said hello: "Old Xu, it's me."

While talking, Qin Hanlong quietly stuffed the other party a small cloth bag.

The other party weighed it, with a comprehensible expression on his face, and said, "It's all old acquaintances, let's go in!"

Then, the guarding soldiers checked at will and let Qin Hanlong and the others enter.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but whispered: "Do you still have to pay for the city fee when you enter the city?"

Qin Xiaoyu shook his head and explained in a low voice: "Brother Chen, it's not.

Originally, according to the regulations, only safety inspections were required, and no fees were required.

But those of us who live nearby and often go to the city to do business, the other party will pay special attention, and sometimes deliberately make things difficult for us to damage our goods and cause considerable losses. "

"In this way, it would be better to pay them some entrance fees every time, instead of making things difficult for us."

"It seems that no matter where, there will be such a thing!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but sighed.

Behind the two, Zhou Lin watched Qin Xiaoyu and Chen Fei talk and laugh intimately, his eyes darkened and his expression was very ugly.

In this way, when Zhou Lin walked by the soldier, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He muttered to himself, "Not all acquaintances this time, there is also an outsider."

When the soldier named Lao Xu heard the words, his eyes suddenly changed, his gaze swept through the team, and finally fell on Chen Fei.


At the forefront, Qin Hanlong, who had already entered the city, turned around and ran back when he heard the movement.

"Old Xu, what's the matter?"

Lao Xu's face sank, pointed at Chen Fei, and said to Qin Hanlong: "Old Qin, what's the matter with him?

I thought you were a friend, but you brought a stranger into it. What do you want to do? "

Old Qin hurriedly explained: "Old Xu, this is Chen Fei and Chen Daxia.

He saved my life, I brought him to the city to buy something, nothing more. "

"Old Qin, I can't tell whether it's true or false based on your own words."

Old Xu didn't want to let go.

"Old Xu, how many years have we known each other, don't you still know me."

Qin Hanlong hurriedly said.

Old Xu remained unmoved, "Old Qin, business is business, and friends are friends. This can't be mixed."

"Old Xu!"

Qin Hanlong came over again, took out two yuan stones, and quietly stuffed them to the soldier Lao Xu.

It’s just that, Lao Xu weighed it up and seemed unsatisfied. He still didn’t want to let go, “Lao Qin, the investigations were very strict recently. As a subordinate, I still have to follow the rules!”

"Damn, insatiable!"

Qin Hanlong took a sip in his heart, but still could only say nice things with the smiling face.

On the side, the white-haired Uncle Qi came over and said, "Xiao Xu, I have known your father for so many years, let's save face!"

"Oh, Uncle Seven!"

Old Xu yelled, paused, and then said, "Since Uncle Qi has spoken, it depends on the face of Uncle Qi, so forget it this time.

However, there can be no next time, otherwise, it would be difficult for me to do it. "

"Thanks a lot.

Old Xu, turn around to invite you to dinner. "

Qin Hanlong said with a smiling face.

Then a group of people quickly walked into the city.

Entering the city and leaving the city gate, Qin Hanlong couldn't help cursing, "Damn, Xu Zhi, that insatiable guy, this time I asked for twelve yuan stones from Laozi, and he is still not satisfied, dog stuff."

Of course, if you go to the other party to settle accounts, Qin Hanlong still dare not.

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