
Chapter 3228: Shop upstairs

On the second floor, Chen Fei found that there were fewer guests here than downstairs.

After taking a look at the price of the goods, Chen Fei immediately understood why.

The main items sold on the second floor are all kinds of weapons, and the lowest ones are all over 10,000 yuan.

The expensive ones even reached 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, which is too expensive for ordinary people, so there are a lot less people going upstairs.

Chen Fei turned around and found that these weapons were indeed good. Judging from the materials, they should have used a lot of rare metals, and their power and hardness were good.

However, for Chen Fei, it was of little use.

After all, the current Chen Fei's weapon power directly condensed with vitality is even more powerful than these weapons.

Once the sword intent and sword intent are added, the weapons that Chen Fei's vitality condenses are even more terrifying, and they are not comparable to these weapons.

So, after turning around, Chen Fei didn't buy a weapon, but continued to go upstairs to the third floor.

The commodities sold on the third floor are mainly various spiritual resources such as medicinal pills and herbal medicines.

Compared with the second floor, the people on the third floor are missing.

Chen Fei quickly understood the reason, because the average price of items on the third floor reached 30,000 yuan.

The more than 60,000 yuan stones that Chen Fei had just gotten were enough to buy two herbs here.

After another round, there are a lot of herbal medicines, and some of them are really good.

But for Chen Fei, the price is not high.

Because these herbs are basically to enhance vitality, consolidate the foundation and cultivate vitality.

For Chen Fei now, it basically didn't make much difference.

The clerk on the third floor saw Chen Fei turning around, but he didn't like anything, so he approached him actively and asked aloud, "Master, do you have anything you want?

I can help you introduce it. "

Chen Fei thought for a while, then said: "Are there any herbs or items that enhance the soul, or temper the body?"

The clerk was taken aback for a moment, and then his face was full of smiles, and said: "There are some physical objects on our fourth floor.

The son can go upstairs and have a look. "

"And the items that promote the spirits are even more precious.

After all, the young master knew that that was the material needed for the cultivation of the Primordial Soul Realm, and many cultivators were vying for it. "

"Our Duobao Pavilion also has a small amount of inventory, but they are all treasures of the town store, and only the shopkeeper can decide."

After listening to it, Chen Fei was slightly surprised. He was just asking casually, but he didn't expect that there were such things in the Duobao Pavilion.

So Chen Fei nodded and said, "Well, thank you very much.

I'll go upstairs and have a look. "

"I will take you up!"

The clerk is extremely enthusiastic.

Brought Chen Fei to the fourth floor. There are fewer people here, and there are only a dozen people who wander around and shop.

The clerk took the initiative to find the clerk on the fourth floor, pointed at Chen Fei, and introduced him.

The clerk on the fourth floor immediately leaned over, with a look of enthusiasm, "My son, if you want herbal medicine for body tempering, you can come here to have a look. They are all good things.

Chen Fei nodded, then walked to the side and looked at it.

There are about ten kinds of herbs placed here, not many, but they are all packed in special containers, which obviously attaches great importance to them.

At this moment, two customers are still standing around, watching the herbs inside, seeming to hesitate to choose what to choose.

Both of these customers are big and sturdy, with violent arm muscles, and at first glance they are the kind of tough and tough guys.

Seeing such a thin man as Chen Fei coming, the two glanced at them, and a look of disdain appeared in their eyes.

Chen Fei ignored their ridicule and watched from the side.

At this look, Chen Fei suddenly became speechless.

Because these ten kinds of herbs do have the effect of tempering the body, and one or two of them should have good effects.

However, the prices of these herbs are also very good.

The cheapest tree is as high as 66,000 yuan.

The price of the two herbs that Chen Fei fancyed with good effect was even higher, reaching 130,000 yuan stone.

With Chen Fei's current worth, he simply couldn't afford it.

For a moment, Chen Fei couldn't help but hesitate.

"Would you like to buy one?"

"It's just that my money is only enough to buy one plant.

But the effect of that plant is not so obvious to me.

Spend 60,000 yuan stone, not much improvement, the cost performance is a bit low! "

"The two groups of more than 100,000 yuan are not bad, but they don't have enough money!"

Chen Fei did not expect that he still had a day to worry about money.

After all, when he was on the earth, to Chen Fei, money was just a number, and it didn't make any sense at all.

As long as Chen Fei opens his mouth for any commodity on the earth, someone will take the initiative to send it no matter how expensive it is.

But now, when he arrived in the Yuanyuan Realm, Chen Fei had sold two fierce beasts with more than 60,000 yuan in his arms. He originally thought he was already a lot of money.

After all, compared to hunters like Qin Hanlong, Chen Fei's gain this time has already surpassed their income for several years.

As a result, I didn't expect that when I came to this multi-treasure pavilion, I couldn't even afford a single herb.

For a moment, Chen Fei felt that he was about to cry without tears.

Seeing that Chen Fei did not respond, the clerk misunderstood him, and came over and said, "Is the son still not satisfied with this?

On the top floor, there are items for tempering the soul that the son needs, otherwise, I will take the son to have a look. "

"Uh-" Chen Fei was taken aback, but he did not expect such a misunderstanding.

Although he knew that he would definitely not be able to buy the soul-tempering artifacts on the top floor, he didn't lose money after going up and looking at it.

So Chen Fei nodded and said, "Well, let's go up and take a look!"

Then, the clerk took Chen Fei to the fifth floor.

The entire fifth floor was a bit smaller than the area below, and a lot of things were swept away, and it was empty, with only one clerk standing at the top of the stairs.

"This young man wants to see the Deep Sea Demon Whale Ointment."

The clerk on the fourth floor said.

The clerk on the fifth floor changed his expression, looked at Chen Fei, then respectfully said: "This son, please here!"

Immediately, he took Chen Fei to a special metal booth. Inside the booth was a jade box. Inside the jade box, there was a fist-sized, black plaster.

The clerk then introduced to Chen Fei: "My son, this is the treasure of our store in Duobaoge. The Deep Sea Demon Whale has been anointed."

"This deep-sea demon whale ointment is extracted from the deep-sea primordial soul beast, deep-sea demon whale. The refined plaster has a nourishing and restoring effect on the Shenhai, and can significantly enhance the spirit of Said to be the best practice of the cultivators of the Primal Soul Realm.

While listening to the introduction of the clerk, Chen Fei let go of his soul and felt it.

Suddenly, his face was full of surprises, this deep-sea magic whale ointment was indeed good, and his soul clearly felt a sense of excitement.

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