
Chapter 3232: Follow him

"Come on, stop him for me!"

The treasurer Qian gave an order.

In an instant, more than a dozen guards from Duobaoge rushed towards Chen Fei.

Chen Fei took a look at these guards, his face immediately showed sarcasm and disdain, he kept walking, and continued to walk outside the house.

The strength of these guards is basically around the sixth stage of the Elemental Body Realm, that is, the level of such strong hunters as Qin Hanlong. To Chen Fei, they are really not masters.

Therefore, before these guards came around, Chen Fei fisted and crackled, and directly blasted more than a dozen guards to the ground.

It takes only dozens of breaths before and after, which can be described as quick.

When the treasurer Qian saw this, his eyes sank and a flash of surprise flashed.

However, the astonishment soon became gloomy, and the treasurer Qian stared at Chen Fei, and said, "Master Chen has done something to me, Duobaoge. Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Chen Fei sneered and looked at the treasurer Qian and said: "Then you do it to me, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

"You--" Shopkeeper Qian's expression sank, his body burst out, and he did it himself, and rushed towards Chen Fei.

Obviously, treasurer Qian's strength was much stronger than those of the guards just now, his breath whistled and shocked.

However, for Chen Fei, it didn't make much difference.

After all, the strength of this money shopkeeper is probably around the fifth stage of the Primordial Soul Realm.

For Chen Fei, who was able to kill Luo Ziqin, who was previously able to kill the Seventh Stage of the Primal Soul Realm, the strength of the treasurer Qian was nothing.

Facing the vigorous impact of treasurer Qian, Chen Fei let out a cold snort, directly mobilizing the fire in the core, emitting a flame, and whizzing away.

In an instant, the flames collided with Qian's offensive and quickly annihilated them, burned them out, and turned into ashes.

Shopkeeper Qian staggered, backed a few steps, his complexion looked a little dignified, and he stared at Chen Fei fiercely, saying: "The original seal of the fire attribute, and at least reached the fifth stage of the original soul realm, who are you? "

"Yuan Yin?"

Chen Fei is a little strange to this word.

However, this is not the time to entangle these.

He looked at treasurer Qian and said coldly: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that treasurer Qian, as the treasurer of Duobaoge, treat customers like this is not appropriate!"

The expression on treasurer Qian's face was uncertain, watching Chen Fei silently.

After all, it is not possible to say that Chen Fei and Luo Qishao's death are related to this matter.

However, the stronger Chen Fei's performance at the moment, the more it made Treasurer Qian suspect that there must be some relationship between him and Luo Ziqin's death.

Otherwise, it is unlikely that he will have the seal with the traces of the back earthwork stone in his hand.

For a time, treasurer Qian's thoughts quickly turned, and his expression sank at the end. He looked at Chen Fei and said, "Master Chen has misunderstood. I just want to leave Master Chen down for a cup of tea."

"Drink tea!"

Chen Fei snorted coldly, "Does the treasurer Qian treat me as a fool?

You just do it directly, you don't find a suitable reason for the treasurer. "

After speaking, Chen Fei turned around and walked out.

When the treasurer Qian saw this, he wanted to be stopped.

But there are not many people left on hand, and the strength is limited, there is no way to take Chen Fei.

It's not that Duobaoge's strength is inadequate, there are only practitioners with such strength.

Rather, Duobao Pavilion is powerful, and in the entire Great Yan Mansion, it can be described as the existence of a behemoth.

Under normal circumstances, even large clans in various cities will not easily take action on Duobao Pavilion, but may help them because of a good relationship.

Therefore, the guard force in Duobao Pavilion is not too strong.

For example, the money shopkeeper in the Duobaoge branch of the Acropolis has only the strength of the fifth stage of the Primordial Soul Realm. For ordinary people, it is very powerful, but compared to the big family like Luo Qifu, Not too strong.

Therefore, now suddenly confronting Chen Fei, a guy who did not play cards according to common sense, the martial arts power seemed to be insufficient.

But Chen Fei must not be allowed to leave like this, so the treasurer Qian's face sank and he gave an order, "Follow him!"

So, treasurer Qian personally led the team and followed Chen Fei all the way out of Duobao Pavilion.

After leaving Duobaoge, Chen Fei naturally noticed the tail that followed behind him.

However, the other party just followed, and it was still in the city, so Chen Fei couldn't do it directly.

Walking out of the Duobao Pavilion, Chen Fei looked around, but did not see Qin Hanlong and Qin Xiaoyu. "Could it be that Captain Qin and Xiaoyu have also had an accident?"

When Chen Fei was worried, Qin Xiaoyu waved his arm at a refreshment stall on the side of the street not far away and shouted to Chen Fei: "Brother Chen, here, we are here."

After walking over, Qin Xiaoyu immediately moved a stool for Chen Fei, and then enthusiastically introduced: "Brother Chen, the cakes made in this stall are delicious, you can try it."

While talking, Qin Xiaoyu took the initiative to hand over a piece of cake.

Chen Fei didn't think much about it. He opened his mouth and took a bite. After tasting it, it really tasted good, "Very delicious."

Qin Xiaoyu was even more excited when he heard this.

However, such a scene fell into Qin Hanlong's eyes, causing the old father's expression to change, and he sighed softly.

"Father, what are you sighing!"

Qin Xiaoyu asked with a puzzled face.

"It's nothing!"

Qin Hanlong waved his hand haha, and then asked, "Daxia Chen, is the business done?"

When asked about this, Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at the treasurer Qian and the others who followed him. For a while, he didn't know whether the business was a success or a failure.

After pondering for a while, he could only say: "It's done!"

"It's done, that's good!"

Qin Hanlong saw Chen Fei's strangeness and did not continue to question.

Instead, he broke the subject, "Daxia Chen, Uncle Qi and the others should almost finish shopping.

When they come, I will ask Uncle Qi to take you to find relatives in the ancient family. "

Chen Fei nodded and said nothing.

However, the treasurer Qian who was following him at the moment, his eyes suddenly became alert when he heard this.

"Ancient house!"

He is very sensitive to this word, in other words, anyone from Nanyan City will be very sensitive to this word.

Especially when the words Luo family and Gu family are linked together, it is easier to imagine.

After all, everyone knows that the ancient family and the Luo family are the two major forces in Nanyan City.

Even, it can be said that these two are the real masters of Nanyan City in addition to the official power of the City Lord's Mansion.

Moreover, the Luo family and the ancient family have been hostile for generations, and they have fought each other for thousands of years.

Therefore, after the treasurer Qian heard the word "Gujia", he immediately began to think of it.

"Could it be that this Young Master Chen is really a relative of the ancient family.

If this is the case, then it is only natural that Luo Qishao's death is related to him.

In other words, it was simply that the ancient family sent this relative to let him assassinate Luo Qishao and retaliate against the Luo family. "

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