
Chapter 3239: Zhan Luoqing

At this moment, facing the siege of the Luo family's guards, Chen Fei's eyes sank, without leaving his hands, he directly rushed out.

In an instant, the vitality condensed violently, beside Chen Fei, they turned into colorful qi blades, and attacked the guards.

Under Chen Fei's vigorous attack, these seven-eighth-tier guards of the Elemental Body Realm hardly had any power to fight back.

Their offensive could not reach Chen Fei's body at all.

As for Chen Fei's energy, they couldn't stop it at all.

After a crackle, all the guards that Luo Qing brought with him fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.

This situation caused Luo Qing's eyes to sink, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

But the other people around didn't seem to be surprised at this moment.

After all, not long ago, Chen Feigang started knocking down the members of the city guard brought by Gu Ling to the ground.

These Luo family guards are only half a catastrophe with the members of the City Guards. They are not Chen Fei's opponents, and it is also a natural thing.

The main key lies in Luo Qing.

Luo Qing is a master of the Sixth Stage of the Primordial Soul Realm, not much different from the previous Guling.

However, there is one difference that Gu Ling is a branch of the ancient family, and the Yuan Yinhuang bronze sword that he felt can only be regarded as a Yuan Yin of the third rank of the human level.

As for this Luo Qing, the Yuan Yin he awakened was the "Dark Moon Wolf", reaching the human level 4th rank, which was higher than Guling's Wild Bronze Sword.

Moreover, this kind of Yuan Yin with the attributes of the awakened animal can summon a Yuan Yin beast to assist the monks in fighting, and the combat effectiveness is even more powerful.

Therefore, although they belong to the sixth stage of the original soul realm.

But if Gu Ling and Luo Qing fought, Luo Qing would probably win.

This is the power of Yuan Yin.

However, Chen Fei obviously didn't know so much.

At this moment, he looked at Luo Qing in front of him, his figure was shocked, a dark and gloomy aura surged from his body, and finally condensed into a three-meter-long vicious wolf in front of him. Pounce yourself.

"Boy, let me use Yuan Yin Dark Moon Wolf from the beginning. This is your glory."

With a triumphant sneer, Luo Qing moved and launched an attack.

In an instant, Chen Fei felt that two afterimages were coming towards him.

One is naturally Luo Qing himself, and the other is the Yuanyin Dark Moon Wolf he said in his mouth.

"Both are the same!"

With a cold snort, Chen Fei was not afraid.

While gathering his vitality, he rushed towards Luo Qing.

At the same time, within the core of the pill, the martial intent surging again, condensed into a brilliant rainbow, and slashed towards the fierce Dark Moon Wolf.

"call out!"

The rainbow rays of Chen Fei's nine martial intents condensed into the Dark Moon Wolf.

With a "bang", the rainbow collided with the dark moon wolf, emitting a brilliant light.

Chen Fei also felt the pressure of the opponent's offensive. Compared to Guling's barren bronze sword just now, the sense of oppression this Dark Moon Wolf brought to him was really stronger.

However, after all, it was still within Chen Fei's tolerance.

Chen Fei gave a cold snort, no longer stingy with martial arts, the pill core tree sapling trembled, and the martial arts surged and condensed, as if it turned into substance, and finally bombarded Luo Qing's Dark Moon Wolf.


Powerful military will, terrifying oppressive force.

He actually crushed Luo Qing's Dark Moon Wolf directly, Yang Tian let out a roar, and finally burst into pieces, turning into shattered rays of light, splattering down in the air.

Luo Qing, who was originally triumphant, didn't expect that the kid in front of him could crush his fourth-rank Yuan Yin Dark Moon Wolf, his face was full of consternation.

At this time, Chen Fei had already pointed both into swords, his vitality condensed, and a red streamer came slashing.

Luo Qing was shocked when he felt the killing intent, and quickly shouted: "You dare to kill me, I will never let you go in the Seventh Mansion of Luo -" Chen Fei ignored it. This threat came to him. Said it makes no sense.

"call out!"

The red streamer slashed across the street, directly cutting through the middle of Luo Qing's body.

Luo Qing's voice stopped abruptly.

A fine blood stain began to appear in the center of his cheek, and then quickly spread to his entire body.

In the end, Luo Qing's whole person was divided into two, fell on the ground, and became a mass of flesh and blood.

At this time, Chen Fei closed his hands and stood there with a solemn expression, as if nothing had happened.

The people around were completely silly at the moment, and couldn't believe that the scene before him was real.

"Luo, butler Luo is dead."

"He, he actually killed the butler of Luo Qifu."

"Steward Luo is a master of the sixth level of the soul realm, as well as a fourth-rank human-level Yuan Yin! How could this be!"

"That guy, what realm has his strength reached?"

………Besides the exclamation, there are horrified eyes looking here.

Especially Zhou Lin, Gu Ling, Qian Treasurer and others.

They were Chen Fei's tangible enemies, especially Gu Ling. Thinking of his fight with Chen Fei just now, he couldn't help feeling a chill rushing to his back at this moment, and his whole body trembled slightly.

As for Zhou Lin, he was frightened long ago.

Killing Luo Qing, a master of this level, has long surpassed Zhou Lin's imagination, this is not a level of existence at all.

Shopkeeper Qian's complexion changed, and with Shopkeeper Yi, he turned around and wanted to slip away quietly.

However, when the two of them just turned around, Chen Fei's voice rang, "Where does treasurer Qian want to go?"

"Uh, I, I—" Shopkeeper Qian stopped and turned to look at Chen Fei, his eyes flickering, and he was speechless.

Chen Fei stepped forward, looking at the two, and said coldly: "The Luo family, Duobaoge called it?"

"No--" Yi Guan Shi instinctively wanted to deny it.

However, Chen Fei snorted directly, and an aura cut off the easy-management arm, and said coldly, "Are you still lying?"

Yi Guanshi clutched his broken arm and let out a scream. Seeing Chen Fei's cold and murderous eyes, he shuddered with fright, and could only beg for mercy: "Yes, I went to the Luo family to inform the news.

However, the treasurer of money ordered me. "

At the juncture of life and death, Yi Guan Shi confessed to the treasurer without hesitation.

"I didn't—" The treasurer Qian's face changed drastically, and he instinctively wanted to deny it, but half of the story, seeing the broken arm that is easy to manage, suddenly did not dare to lie, and could only look at Chen Fei and say, "Master Chen , I, I have no alternative."


Chen Fei snorted coldly, "Treasurer Qian's words are ridiculous."

"As a customer, I will come to your Duobao Pavilion to do business.

As a result, because of your personal reasons, you sold my information, which caused me such trouble. "

"Could it be that Duobaoge always does this business?"

As soon as this remark came out, the passers-by around also started to point and discuss.

Although Duobaoge is a commercial giant in Nanyan City and even Dayan Mansion, it is still very concerned about its reputation.

If Duobaoge secretly betrayed customer information, the loss to Duobaoge would probably not be a little bit.

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