
Chapter 3249: Successfully break through

Gu Yu seized the opportunity and hurriedly shouted: "Master Du, I am Gu Yu from the Gu family.

My uncle is Gu Tianzhong, he wrote a letter specially, I--" But, before Gu Yu finished speaking, Master Du directly interrupted him with cold words.

"If you want to do something, I'll go through the medicine field and talk about it."

"Master Du--" Gu Yu wanted to say something else.

But in the cabin, there was no response.

Gu Yu suddenly became a little embarrassed, and smiled at Chen Fei, "Xiao Chen, I didn't expect--" Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "Uncle Yu, it's okay.

I'll try it out. "

"But—" Gu Yu was a little worried.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Uncle Yu, don't forget.

When I was on earth, that was a well-known doctor.

I have some understanding of herbal medicine. "

Gu Yu nodded, and finally exhorted, "If you encounter danger, return immediately, or surrender directly.

Master Du will not easily kill people. "

Chen Fei nodded, and then stepped into the medicine field.

The herbs in the medicinal field immediately spewed out a cloud of mist, covering Chen Fei.

These mists have a dizzying effect.

Before Han Jing and the others, in pursuit of speed, they all took the detoxification pill and quickly passed this level.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei did not take any medicine, nor did he use his vitality to resist the mist.

On the contrary, Chen Fei deliberately slowed down, letting himself be completely enveloped in poisonous mist, lowered his head and carefully observed the herbs in the medicinal field.

Upon seeing this, Gu Yu was a little anxious, "Xiao Chen, what are you doing, hurry up!"

"Although these herbs are not very toxic, if you look forward to it for a long time, the toxicity will accumulate, and it will become very serious."

Chen Fei was confident, smiled at Gu Yu, and said, "Uncle Yu, don't worry, I'm sure."

After speaking, Chen Fei stopped altogether, ignoring the envelope of poisonous mist, leaned over and started to pick the herbs in the medicinal field.

Some pinch off the tip of the leaf, some pull out the root of the grass, and some squeeze out the juice.

In the end, nearly a quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei already had seven or eight kinds of herbs he picked.

Without hesitation, he stuffed these herbs directly into his mouth, chewed a few bites, and then swallowed.

"Xiao Chen, what are you doing!"

Gu Yu was extremely surprised when he saw this.

Without explanation, Chen Fei moved on and stepped into the second medicine field area.

Almost as before, Chen Fei did not rush forward, but leaned down and observed the herbs in the medicine field.

However, the poisonous gas and powder that permeated Chen Fei's body did not show any effect.

This time, Chen Fei's speed was faster than before. In less than ten minutes, he held more than ten kinds of herbs in his hand, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed.

Next, step into the area where the Star Magic Grass is located.

This area is undoubtedly the difficulty.

With the exception of Han Jing relying on the Qingshen Pill to pass this level, everyone else is here, lost in the illusion created by the Star Magic Grass.

When Chen Fei stepped into it, his expression became obviously serious.

He stepped forward, as before, leaned down, began to observe the herbs on the ground, and kept trying.

However, the psychedelic effect produced by the surrounding star magic grass is constantly strengthening, eroding Chen Fei's divine sea, making him drowsy, and his eyelids can't help but start fighting.

"The hallucinogenic effect of this star magic grass is really powerful.

Coupled with Master Du's meticulous arrangement, several other herbs with similar effects cooperate with each other to enhance the hallucinogenic effect of Star Magic Grass.

The herbs I took before can no longer resist this hallucinogenic effect. "

Chen Fei thought in his heart, then sighed lightly, and said, "I wanted to pass the level without injury, but it seems like it's a little too close! I have to use my soul."

Immediately, Chen Fei aroused the spirit aura in his divine sea.

In an instant, the psychedelic feeling disappeared, and Chen Fei suddenly woke up.

Then, Chen Fei speeded up, collected more than ten kinds of herbs, and moved forward quickly, passing through the star magic grass area and entering the last level of mixed herbs area.

After serving the previously collected dishes again, Chen Fei faced the last level without any hesitation, and walked straight out.

At this moment, Gu Yu looked nervous and looked over worriedly.

After all, in this area at this moment, various herbs are swaying and growing, and colorful smoke powder is sprayed out, producing colorful and highly poisonous ribbons, covering Chen Fei.

Moreover, these toxins will continue to interact with each other and produce new toxins, which are hard to prevent and almost no solution.

Han Jing just now had various detoxification pills, but he was defeated in the face of this last mixed medicinal field.

At this moment, if Chen Fei did not have those pills, whether he could resist these complicated poisons was something Gu Yu was very worried about.

However, what happened next shocked Gu Yu.

Because, in the mixed herbal area, the colorful poisonous fog did not produce any effect on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei seemed to have nothing to do, stepping forward directly, and finally passed through the mixed herbal area with great ease and came to the door of the hut.

"The younger generation pays respects to Master Du!"

Chen Fei clasped his fists and made a sound.

Inside the room, there was silence for a moment, and then the female voice rang again, "For so many years, you are still the first person to successfully break through the trap of my medicine field in a true sense."

Immediately, the door of the house opened, and one by one, the old women in black robes came out.

The old woman's face was cold, her eyes were sharp, she seemed to look at everyone with a scrutiny gaze, giving people a shuddering feeling.

"I have seen Master Du!"

Chen Fei said his greetings.

Gu Yu hurriedly greeted at this moment: "Gu Yu has seen Master Du!"

Master Du glanced at Gu Yu, and said somewhat irritably, "Gu Tianzhong has used my favors so much and sent such a waste?"

"Ahem -" Gu Yu looked embarrassed and didn't know what to do for a while.

Chen Fei hurriedly said, "Master Du, Yu Shu is for me, so he used it—" "Okay, don't say good things for him."

Master Du waved his hand, and then waved to Gu Yu, "Since you brought the man, come here too."

"Master Du, this medicine field--" Gu Yu's face was distressed.

Master Du popped a pill, "Trash one!"

Gu Yu gave a wry smile, caught the pill, swallowed it in one bite, and then quickly walked across the medicine field to the front of the hut.

"Thank you, Master Du--" Gu Yu apologized.

Master Du said impatiently: "Don't waste time, come in and talk business."

With that, Master Du turned around and went into the room.

Gu Yu was a little embarrassed. He looked at Chen Fei and said, "Xiao Chen, Master Du is good at everything, but he has some personality--hehe--you understand."

"Uncle Yu, let's go in!"

Chen Fei said with a chuckle.

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