
Chapter 3266: Challenge first

As for Dean Yan, he coughed at this moment and confirmed, "The college does have this rule, and the age limit mentioned by Deputy Dean Lu does exist."

In the beginning, the college made this rule in order to attract young talents outside the school.

After all, the person who can become the number one in a certain department in Nanyan Academy is definitely a genius.

The challenger is younger than him. If he can challenge and win in the end, it means that the challenger is even more talented and worthy of the academy.

For such a genius, it is a very cheap effort to use the opportunity of practicing in the training room to win.

If you can successfully win over the opponent, it will be a huge gain.

Even if it didn't succeed, it was a good thing for Nanyan Academy to get the favor of the other party with only one opportunity in the training room.

It's just that, in the past few hundred years.

Nanyan Academy has almost all the geniuses in Nanyan City and even the surrounding small cities in the bag, and there are not many geniuses from the people to challenge.

And among the big powers of some big families, the younger generations who have the strength to challenge, do not lack a chance to practice in the training room, so they will not come to challenge.

In this way, this rule has not been used, but it was forgotten by the people of this generation of academy. It was not until now that Chen Fei turned it out again that everyone knew.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion, and no one started to point out.

Someone is discussing the rationality of this provision.

Some people are discussing which department Chen Fei will challenge for first.

Of course, there are two candidates at the scene.

One is naturally the other who provoked this matter, Lu Huai, the grandson of Lu Wenhuan and the first genius of the martial arts department.

The other is the number one in the pharmacist department, Han Jing, a student of Du Nanxing.

When everyone was talking about it, Lu Wenhuan looked at Chen Fei and asked, "Who do you want to challenge?"

As he spoke, Lu Huai hugged his arms and looked at Chen Fei confidently, with a look of fearless expression on his face.

But Han Jing's expression changed a little.

But still full of confidence.

Chen Fei looked at the two of them, deciding whom to challenge.

In terms of ease, challenging Han Jing is naturally a good choice.

After all, after this period of study, Chen Fei's medicine alchemy has at least reached the level of a two-star medicine alchemist, and it is not a problem to surpass Han Jing.

However, Han Jing is after all a student of the Pharmacist Department, and can be regarded as a student of Du Nanxing.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chen Fei aimed at Lu Huai and prepared to challenge him.

However, just when Chen Fei was about to speak, Du Nanxing pointed to Han Jing and said to Chen Fei: "Go and challenge him!"

"Ah—" Chen Fei was a little surprised, "Master, he is your student, this—" Du Nanxing snorted coldly, "Eating something inside and out is not worthy of being my student."

This is obviously a dissatisfaction with what Han Jing said just now.

Han Jing's face sank suddenly, his expression very ugly.

However, when the matter was over, he naturally couldn't retreat, so he could only stare at Chen Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "I also want to see, what is the trick to become a direct disciple of Teacher Du!"

Now that the teacher's father decided on his own, Chen Fei did not hesitate anymore. He stepped forward and looked at Han Jing and said, "I, Chen Fei, as the disciple of Master Du, challenge Han Jing, the first student of the Pharmacist Department of Nanyan College, dare you? do you accept?"

Han Jing gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you dare!"

However, after finishing speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and added: "You challenge me, it is the alchemy, not the other."

Han Jing is the first in the pharmacist department, but in martial arts, he can only be regarded as mediocre.

Therefore, he deliberately added such a sentence, he was worried that Chen Fei would take advantage of the loopholes and compete with himself in martial arts, which would be terrible.

Hearing this, Chen Fei sneered and said, "You are a student of the pharmacist department, so naturally you compare it to alchemy."

"Well, now that both parties have agreed, let's go to the Pharmacist Department to start!"

Dean Yan didn't want things to make a big deal anymore, so he hurriedly said.

As a result, a group of people marched toward the Pharmacist Department in a mighty force.

Soon, a refining pharmacy was ready.

Two sets of identical medicine refining equipment were prepared inside, including pill furnaces, herbs, gems and other items.

At the scene, pharmacist teachers other than Du Nanxing also came to the scene to make joint judgments.

Dean Yan even acted as a referee in person and announced the rules of the game. "The rules are very simple. Use the medicinal materials provided on site to refine the highest-level pill that you can successfully refine."

"In the end, the side with the highest level of pill medicine won.

If the two are of the same grade, all of our judges will jointly judge the effect of the pill, and the one with the better effect will win, understand? "


The two said at the same time.

"Okay, let's start the game!"

Dean Yan directly announced the start of the game.

In an instant, the atmosphere on the scene seemed to become tense.

Han Jing moved first.

Obviously he was very familiar with this medicine refining room. After a little thought, he quickly picked out more than a dozen items from the hundreds of materials he had prepared.

Then, you can perform cutting, grinding, cooking and other operations with unparalleled skill.

Around, a lot of onlookers uttered amazing admirations.

"I used to think that the Pharmacist department is like cooking rice. It doesn't have much technical content. Now it seems that it is still very powerful!"

This is a student of martial arts department.

"The pharmacist department is more difficult than the martial arts department. Thousands of materials need to be memorized. A little impurity and handling errors may affect the quality of the finished medicine.

Any progress is extremely difficult. "

This is the explanation of the students of the Pharmacist Department.

……… Even some teachers nodded in praise at this moment.

"As expected to be the number one student in the Pharmacist Department, Han Jing's movements are very skilled!"

"Some of you don't know yet.

Not long ago, Han Jing had just passed the assessment of a two-star pharmacist, and now he is already a serious two-star pharmacist. "

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Two-star pharmacist, what is that better than that, that guy is sure to lose!"

"That's right! Even if he has a good talent, he was accepted as a disciple by Master Du.

But it's been less than half a month since I started, and maybe I haven't gotten started yet! "

"I feel that since he dares to take the initiative to challenge, he must still have his own cards."

"In front of the absolute power gap, no trump card is worth mentioning."

………In the midst of everyone’s discussion, Han Jing has processed more than a dozen materials in an orderly manner.

At this time, the pill furnace was also preheated, and Han Jing put the materials into the pill furnace in a specific order and began to refine.

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