
Chapter 3291: Split tone bird seal

Feeling the hostility of the other party, Chen Fei couldn't help frowning, feeling a little puzzled.

After all, everyone just participated in a competition and got together.

This opponent looked at himself with resentment, as if he had a deep hatred with him.

Many people in the audience raised the same questions as Chen Fei.

Immediately, an insider explained it.

"You don't know anything about that, this person is called Kong Xiao."

"Kong Xiao, I'm familiar with the name, but does he have anything to do with Chen Fei?"

"Have you forgotten?

Before Chen Fei returned, Kong Xiao ranked tenth in the casino's hottest players list.

As a result, Chen Fei came back and made a big fuss at the gate of the city. He drew the limelight and asked the casino to change the list overnight, placing Chen Fei on the tenth place.

The person who was squeezed out was Kong Xiao. "

"So it's for this reason, Kong Xiao hates Chen Fei so much!"

"I remember that this Kong Xiao is a cultivator of the seventh level of the Primordial Soul Realm, even very close to the eighth level.

Moreover, his Yuan Yin was a cracked sound bird, and his unique skill was a rare sonic attack, which even shocked the enemy's Yuan soul. The combat power was very powerful. Many cultivators of the Yuan soul realm eightfold realm were defeated in his hands. "

"When encountering Kong Xiao, Chen Fei will probably stop here."

"I don't think so. Chen Fei escaped from Luo Qiye and Pavilion Master Qian yesterday. He is still very powerful."

"That's because Master Du and Gu Tianzhong helped each other, as well as the deterrence of City Lord Gu, that's why he gave him a chance, otherwise you really think he can escape!"

………Related controversy continued to sound in the crowd.

The opposite Kong Xiao stared at Chen Fei with hatred, gritted his teeth and said, "Today, you will definitely lose."

Chen Fei heard the discussion around him, and he understood what was going on.

Suddenly, a chuckle appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Master Kong, for the sake of a casino, it is unnecessary to do this step!"

Kong Xiao snorted coldly, and said, "Master Chen misunderstood. The casino is a false name. I naturally don't care about it.

It's just that I'm only dissatisfied with some unknown people who climbed on my head. "

While speaking, Kong Xiao's vitality began to surge, and he was ready to do it.

Chen Fei didn't say anything any more, and said coldly, "If that's the case, let's fight!"

While speaking, Chen Fei also stimulated his vitality and rushed out.

In an instant, the two collided in the ring, and the strong qi burst into groups, and a violent roar made the whole scene tremble.

After one after another, the two have already fought hundreds of moves in a blink of an eye, but they are still indifferent, and there is a bigger and more fierce posture.

In this situation, the onlookers were surprised and sighed.

"As expected of the top ten players, this fight is much better than just now."

"It seems that there is no difference between victory and defeat, you say, who can win?"

"I am optimistic about Kong Xiao, after all, we are the master of Nanyan City's long-standing fame.

Moreover, he still has no tricks! "

"I don't think so, Chen Fei suddenly emerged, maybe he can create miracles."

………Amidst the discussion, Kong Xiao squinted his eyes, suddenly exerted his force, knocked Chen Fei back with a palm, then snorted coldly, and said: "Enough has been played, it's time to end."

After speaking, Kong Xiao raised the sky, and a group of breath rose into the sky, forming a bird with a sharp beak and wide wings in the air. The bird opened its mouth and let out a silent roar.

On the VIP table, the city lord Gu Zhennan saw this, his face sank, and immediately reminded him: "Everyone is concentrating and closing their ears, resisting the sound waves of the soul."

At the same time, Gu Zhennan opened his mouth and let out a roar, covering the audience outside the ring.

Two sound waves collided in the air, like two waves colliding and impacting. Many people at the scene felt their souls tremble, and thunderous pain sounded in their brains.

At the critical juncture, fortunately, the sound wave of Gu Zhennan City Lord was blocked, and no harm was caused.

However, many viewers still had lingering fears and looked at Kong Xiao on the stage with horror.

"This is Kong Xiao's trick, the cracked sound bird Yuan Yin?"

"It's impossible to guard against an attack on the soul. This trick is too powerful."

"We had Gu City Lord's help, but we almost didn't persevere.

On the ring, Chen Fei might not be able to hold it. "

………At this moment, on the ring, Kong Xiao’s face was full of confidence, and he manipulated his cracked sound bird's mark, uttered a scream, and the sound wave turned into a spirit offensive, wave after wave towards the Shenhai in Chen Fei’s head.

Chen Fei felt that his own Shenhai, under the impact of this sound wave, his originally calm Shenhai suddenly set off a layer of waves, and the spirit of the soul collided violently in the Shenhai, causing Chen Fei to feel a headache. The head seems to be exploding.

"Give up!"

Kong Xiao is full of confidence.

Chen Fei glanced at Kong Xiao and said nothing.

Kong Xiao snorted coldly, and said: "If you don't admit defeat, then wait for your soul to be damaged, or even the sea of ​​God to burst!"

Having finished speaking, Kong Xiao continued to increase the sonic offensive of the crack sound bird.

Upon seeing this, in the audience watching the battle camp, Gu Yu and Gu Tianzhong's complexion sank, with worried expressions on their faces.

"No, this is a divine and soul offensive, it's difficult to deal with!"

"I'm afraid Xiao Chen won't be able to hold it anymore!"

On the side, when Gu Han and others saw this, there was a cynic voice.

"Is this the master you are talking about?

Isn't it just that? "

"It's not fair to let this kind of person squeeze out our young Jiaozi from the ancient family."

"Hey, it hasn't been seen in a thousand years, some people's eyesight can't keep up with the times."

...... But, at this moment, Chen Fei on the ring stabilized after a brief period of astonishment and discomfort.

Let the other side's cracked sound bird set off huge waves in his own divine sea, constantly impacting his own divine sea.

However, his face slowly calmed down, and even became unwavering, without any change.

Because, he found that the sonic offensive of this cracked sound bird is indeed very strange.

But the specific effects are not as powerful as imagined.

The sound waves of this cracked sound bird can affect its own soul, causing it to become violent and turbulent in the sea, constantly impacting the sea.

If it is an ordinary monk, the Shenhai is not strong enough, and the spirit aura in it is set off by a huge wave, surging impact, it is really possible that the spirit aura will wash the Shenhai, causing the opponent to directly shatter the Shenhai and be directly abolished.

However, Chen Fei is different from ordinary monks, because his Shenhai is very large and very broad.

Kong Xiao's cracking sound bird offensive, the huge wave that was set off against the ordinary monk's soul, became very common when placed in Chen Fei's divine sea, and the impact on the divine sea was naturally reduced a lot.

For example, if a huge wave in a small pond is placed in the sea, it is nothing more than ordinary. It can even be said to be just a small wave.

Therefore, after the initial consternation and discomfort, Chen Fei stabilized his emotions. Even if he did not call on his spirits to resist, the offensive launched by the opponent would not cause much harm to his own Shenhai.

So Chen Fei stepped forward directly, walked towards Kong Xiao, and smashed over with a punch.

When Kong Xiao saw this, he was shocked, his face was inconceivable, "Why are you—" Before he could finish, Chen Fei's fist slammed out and landed on the door of Kong Xiao's face. Kong Xiao flew, fell outside the ring, fell to the ground, let out a muffled snort, and then spouted a mouthful of blood.

Then, Chen Fei clapped his hands, looked at the referee, and said lightly: "It's over."

The referee came back to his senses and announced the result, "Chen Feisheng!"

On the ground, Kong Xiao, who was lifted up by someone, looked at Chen Fei on the stage, and muttered, "No, it's impossible, how could you block my cracked sound bird Yuanyin offensive, it's impossible--" Gu Yu Upon seeing this, he gave a cold snort and said: "Kong Xiao, can't you afford to lose?"

Then don't come to the big competition, it's shameful. "

"No, I don't believe it--" Kong Xiao couldn't believe the result of his defeat, and was still shouting.

Gu Zhennan frowned and waved his hand to let the guards take Kong Xiao down.

Chen Fei jumped off the ring and returned to Gu Yu and Gu Tianzhong.

The two immediately asked with concern, "Xiao Chen, are you injured?

How's the situation of the spirit? "

Chen Fei shook his head slightly, indicating that he was okay.

At the same time, other viewers were curious and raised similar questions.

"What happened to that trick just now?

Why did Chen Fei suddenly attack? "

"His soul, isn't it hurt?"

"Impossible, that is the offensive of the cracked sound bird, which is very lethal to the spirit."

"Then he resisted the offensive of the cracked sound bird."

"This is impossible. Kong Xiao itself is the Seventh Stage of the Primordial Soul Realm. A monk close to the Eighth Stage is very powerful.

A considerable part of the cultivators of the Ninth Stage of the Primordial Soul Realm could not possibly resist his cracking sound bird offensive, so how could Chen Fei resist? "

Many people have this question in their minds.

At this moment, in the Nanyan Academy camp, Lu Huai shook his fan and said leisurely: "Brother Chen is worthy of Master Du's lover. Even this kind of treasure to protect the soul is prepared. It is really impressive. Admire it!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone woke up instantly.

"Yes, it must be the treasure that Chen Fei has to protect the soul, otherwise, it is impossible to block the attack."

"It's good to have a good master, I'm so envious."

"No, the treasure that protects the soul is very rare. I have never heard of Master Du!"

"Do you know what treasures Master Du has?

Besides, even if Master Du didn't give it, the Gu family must have given it, otherwise there is no way to explain it. "

"It must be the case, Kong Xiao lost wronged! If he wants him to have a good master, he will win."

………For a time, many people shook their heads, pointed, and wore a sarcastic smile on the corners of their mouths.

It seems that Chen Fei won the competition not based on his true ability, but cheating.

When Gu Yu saw this, his face was angry, and he could hardly help rushing out to argue with those people, but was pulled back by Gu Tianzhong and Chen Fei.

"There is no need to fight for anything, wait until the finals and see the result."

Chen Fei said lightly.

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