
Chapter 3325: Among the tombs

Lin Chuan, Cao Kun and Wei Jiamin had just turned the street and entered an alley.

Suddenly, I saw a few strong men rushing towards him.

"Uh--" Lin Chuan's eyes were dark when he noticed the abnormality.

But at this moment, the eagle boss drew a dagger, suddenly accelerated, and rushed towards Lin Chuan, "Kill this kid!"

Immediately, a chaotic sound of footsteps sounded, and four burly men rushed out from behind and surrounded them.

At this time, Lin Chuan certainly knew what the other party was coming from, and he let out a cold snort in his nose, putting on a fighting posture.

However, before Lin Chuan could do anything, Wei Jiamin rushed out first.

"I finally invited Mr. Lin to give me guidance, but you came to make trouble and made me angry."

"Lin Chuan, these guys are handed to me."

On the other side, Cao Kun also moved, rushing towards the four people who flanked behind.

"Sister Wei, the people behind have handed it to me."

Cao Kun and Wei Jiamin's reaction caused Big Eagle to be stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, not only did the two passers-by not escape, but instead attacked them.

However, after all, he is a veteran of the rivers and lakes, the Eagle boss reacted quickly, with a ruthless expression in the corner of his eyes, and said: "Kill these two guys, and then deal with the surnamed Lin."

"Yes, boss!"

Several people started at the same time, and they rushed towards Wei Jiamin.

Seeing the cold light of the dagger flickering, Wei Jiamin didn't show any timidity. Instead, he became excited, and rushed forward to meet the Eagle bosses.

"court death!"

Upon seeing this, the eagle boss gritted his teeth and screamed, his arms contracted and charged, and then he stabbed Wei Jiamin in the stomach.

This knife is extremely vicious.

However, just when he was about to succeed, he made a "pop" and found that his wrist was grabbed by the woman in front of him.

The Eagle boss was taken aback, ready to break free.

However, after exerting his strength, he was horrified to find that the seemingly ordinary woman in front of him had surprising strength.

The tiger's mouth squeezed his wrist like iron tongs, making the Eagle boss even unable to move.


Boss Eagle's face was on one side, and his reaction was quick, and the side of his left hand hit the woman's neck.

However, his movements are still slow.

Wei Jiamin squeezed the big eagle's wrist and twisted his right arm. There was a sound of "Kaka". The big eagle's right wrist was directly fractured and he let out a cry of pain.

At the same time, Wei Jiamin was not polite and kicked the Eagle boss in the crotch.

With a "pop", the Eagle screamed in pain, clutching his crotch, and fell to the ground with great pain.

The four men who attacked with the eagle boss wanted to take the opportunity to attack Linchuan.

Unexpectedly, but in just a few seconds, his boss was knocked to the ground, and his face was suddenly shocked and stunned.

And the heroic sister Wei, how could she let this opportunity go, cheating on her body, tapping a few times, twisting the arms of all four people, snapping a few feet, kicking over to the ground, lying with the eagle boss, Weeping in pain.

After solving the five people, Wei Jiamin patted his palms, smiled at Lin Chuan, and said, "Lin Chuan, how is my boxing style?

Is there anything to improve? "

When Wei Jiamin took the shot just now, he deliberately used the "Qingfeng Dieying" boxing technique that he had just learned. Firstly, it could be used in practice, and secondly, it was just convenient for Lin Chuan to give her guidance.

Lin Chuan didn't hide his personal secrets, so he gave some pointers to Wei Jiamin's boxing techniques.

On the other side, the four were not the main force, so Cao Kun knocked them down very easily, clapping his hands and came to Lin Chuan.

"Sister Wei, aren't you hurt!"

Cao Kun first greeted his girlfriend with concern.

Wei Jiamin gave him a white look and said, "Do you think that with my skill, these little thieves can hurt me?"

"Yes, Sister Wei is so powerful, there must be no problem."

Cao Kun smiled, then looked at Lin Chuan and said, "Big Brother Lin, what do we do with these guys?"

Lin Chuan thought a little, and walked up to the eagle boss, "Ask who is behind the scenes?"

After all, Lin Chuan heard the other party call out his name just now.

These people made it clear that they were deliberately prepared and came for themselves.

"There is no black hand behind the scenes, I just see you upset and want to beat you up."

Boss Eagle was stiff and said with his neck straight.

Not waiting for Lin Chuan to be outstanding, Sister Wei strangled the Eagle boss' neck, directly exerted force and squeezed, "If you don't say it, then die.

There are still so many people here, I don't believe they are unwilling to speak. "

Eagle boss is usually ruthless on the road, but he did not expect that the woman in front of him was much more ruthless than herself. She would do anything if she didn’t agree with her, and judging from her cold and terrifying eyes, the death she was talking about might Not a joke.

At this time, the Eagle boss was really scared, and hurriedly said: "Don't kill me, I say, I say."


The Wei family let go.

Eagle boss coughed violently and said: "We are on the road in Yunjiang City. Someone has paid half a million. Let me teach someone a lesson called Lin Chuan."


Lin Chuan said coldly.

"Uh-" The Eagle boss hesitated.

Aside, Sister Wei snorted and poked her right hand out.

Eagle boss shuddered in fright, and quickly said: "I really don't know who it is, really.

I just took the task from above. The person I contacted was not me, and I don't know who paid the money. "

"Who is the person above you?"

Lin Chuan asked.

Boss Eagle didn't dare to hesitate any more, and confessed like a bamboo tube pouring beans, "The person who contacted me is called'Mouse.' He is the boss of Liang Tianhu, and it is he who gave the order to let us do it."

"Mouse, Boss Liang's person.

Liang Shanggang, Liang Tianhu! "

Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes.

He has heard a lot about Liang Tianhu, one of the four heavenly kings on Yunjiang City Road.

However, Lin Chuan seldom manages things on the road directly, so he has never been in contact with Liang Tianhu.

Unexpectedly, this time his people would provoke him.

So Lin Chuan immediately took out his cell phone and called Scar Liu, "Old Liu, help me find someone, the mouse who helped Liang.

Something happened to me here, let him explain it personally. "

Immediately, Lin Chuan told the story quickly.

"Liang Shanggang, so courageous, it provokes us Shuangmu Gang to come up, looking for something dead."

After Scars Liu listened, he cursed for a while, and finally said, "Don't worry, Boss Lin, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chuan looked down at the Eagle boss.

Eagle boss hurriedly begged for mercy: "Mr. Lin, I have said everything I know. Really, please forgive me once. I will never dare anymore. I have the old and the young, and I have no choice but to——" "Bang!"

Lin Chuan didn't talk nonsense with him, and kicked the eagle boss faint.

Then he waved his hand and said: "Call the police, let the police handle it!"

Soon, the police came over, recorded the situation on the scene, and took the Eagle boss and the others back.

………Almost at the same time, Su Jie and Fang Yu were sitting in a cafe.

Fang Yu held a cup of coffee and drank it casually, his complexion relaxed and very calm.

It was Su Jie, who was fidgeting at the moment. He picked up the coffee several times and put it down again, looking quite anxious.

"Ajie, don't worry, the other party is professional, and it's okay to handle such trivial matters."

Fang Yu smiled.

Su Jie was not so confident, and looked at Fang Yu and said, "Fang Shao, you may not know it.

My cheap brother-in-law has no abilities, but he is good at fighting. I am worried--" "Ajie, I'm so worried.

No matter how much you can fight, it's just a gangster.

It's not worth mentioning if you meet a real person on the road. "

Fang Yu seemed very confident, after all, in his opinion, Lin Chuan was just an ant.

If it hadn't been for the tricky medical skills to get acquainted with a big man, he would have been pinched to death.

However, Su Jie was still worried.

At this moment, the phone rang, and Su Jie hurriedly connected, "How are you doing?

Did you succeed? "

After listening, Su Jie's face turned dark, gritted his teeth and said, "How could this be?

Didn’t they say professional?

How could I miss it and was arrested by the police. "

After a few more words, Su Jie hung up the phone angrily and worried, looked at Fang Yu, and said: "Fang Shao, it's not good.

The Eagle boss failed and was arrested.

If he confessed to me, then I would be in danger, and I might even go to jail! "

Fang Yu was taken aback and put down the coffee cup, but calmly said, "Ajie, don't worry so much."

"The other party is professional, and even if they fail, they won't confess you.

Besides, the eagle boss didn't even know that you were an employer.

The one who really knows your name is Mouse. He is Boss Liang's confidant, and no one can let him speak. "

Hearing what Fang Yu said, Su Jie's nervous heart relaxed a little, but he was still a little worried.

………Lin Chuan’s side, instructed Wei Jiamin in the martial arts hall.

Later, he received a call from Scar Liu.


Lin Chuan asked.

Scar Liu was a little embarrassed and said, "Boss Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't manage the matter."

"what's happenin?"

Lin Chuan was not angry.

Scar Liu said: "I contacted the mouse of Liang Shanggang and asked him to name his employer.

But the mouse said about the rules, he couldn't speak, he didn't say anything about life and death. "

"So, I contacted Liang Tianhu to explain the matter.

But Liang Tianhu didn't give me face, and he said that everyone was in the same way. This kind of thing shouldn't be said at all. "

"Boss, or else, let's plan directly.

I contacted Huang Dayan, the help of the dock, and started together.

I don't believe that Liang Tianhu dared to say that. "

Scar Liu said angrily.

Lin Chuan said: "A little thing, don't fight and kill at every turn.

Let me fix it! "

After hanging up the phone, Cao Kun and Wei Jiamin approached immediately, "Big Brother Lin, are you in trouble?

Need our help? "

Lin Chuan smiled faintly, and said, "The mouse didn't want to speak, so I'm going to come to the door to ask."


Sister Wei is a violent temper, she said immediately when she heard this.

"I am going too."

Upon seeing this, Cao Kun also stood up, "I'm with Sister Wei."

Lin Chuan wanted to say no, but Sister Wei insisted: "Those gangsters have done something to us.

The two of us are victims, and it is only natural to find the murderer. "

Hearing this, Lin Chuan stopped persuading, nodded and said: "Then let's take a trip together."

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