
Chapter 3332: Robbery field

Because these three positions were reserved for Luo Zhongyuan, the number one master of the Luo family, Gu Hanwu, the number one master of the ancient family, and Yuan Qianjunyuan, the Yanwei Army from Fucheng.

Even Gu Zhennan, the city lord, gave way to the side for the three of them.

The day of the public trial is getting closer and more crowds are watching.

Finally, Luo Zhongyuan and Gu Hanwu walked out, immediately arousing heated discussion and cheers.

The two waved to everyone, and then each sat down, only leaving the middle position deliberately.

Upon seeing this, Luo Yin and Gu Tianning approached their ancestors and asked.

"Old Ancestor, why didn't Yuan Commander come out?"

"People from the Pharmacist Association are here, and the leader of Yuan is talking with the other party.

Come out later. "

"This trial, there will be no problems, right?"

Luo Yin asked.

Luo Zhongyuan squinted his eyes and said, "What can go wrong?

Could it be that the untouchables can still come out to robbery? "

"Ancestor, is that pariah really dead?"

Luo Yin had some lingering fears, after all, Chen Fei had left him too profound influence.

Luo Zhongyuan said: "The four Yuan fetal realm venerables have all died in it. Do you think he is a pariah in Yuan soul realm, can he still live?"

"Even if he is still alive, will he dare to come to robbery?

Even if he dares to come, can he rob the ground with this lineup? "

"The old ancestors taught that I was the one who was worrying too much, and I was the one who was worrying too much."

Luo Yin nodded quickly.

On the other side, Gu Tianning asked Gu Hanwu: "Ancestor, you said Chen Fei died in the ancient tomb.

The Ice Soul Orbs were also successful at the time, and now it is meaningless to continue to judge Du Nanxing. "

After all, they arrested Dunan Xing at that time and made the decision to try her publicly.

The purpose was to force Chen Fei to come out and let him hand over the Ice Soul Orb.

But now it seems that this matter has been completed, there is no need at all.

Gu Hanwu glanced at Gu Tianning and said in a low voice, "Idiot, what Chen Fei, what Ice Soul Orb.

Compared to the treasures in the ancient tomb, it's nothing. "

"Now, our primary goal is to find a way to restrain the weird arm in the tomb, and then seize the treasure inside.

Of those things, which one is not stronger than the Ice Soul Orb.

Short-sighted! "

Gu Tianning was scolded, and she couldn't help but shrink her neck, saying: "I know it is for the treasure, so I don't think it is necessary to try Du Nanxing publicly! After all, how can Du Nanxing say he is also a four-star alchemist. If he refines medicine for my ancient family, then there will be no worries about the cultivation medicine from the ancient family."

Gu Hanwu glanced at Gu Tianning, and said, "It's still a bit of a brain, and he knows to think about his family."

Immediately, he sighed and said regretfully: "It's just that our ancient family can think of this, and other people can also think of it."

"The Luo family also intervened?"

Gu Tianning said.

Gu Hanwu said: "The Luo family, what a great skill.

It's the Pharmacists' Association who came here to ask for someone. "

"A VIP from the Pharmacist Association.

Du Nanxing has such great ability?

Let the Pharmacist Association come to ask for someone? "

Gu Tianning said in surprise, "Even if the four-star alchemist level is not low, it is not too good in the Pharmacist Association.

The Pharmacist Association, really came here specifically for her? "

Gu Hanwu said: "What do you think?

The person who is currently negotiating with Yuan Commander is from the Association of Pharmacists. "

"In my opinion, this time Yuan commander should be able to open up the Internet.

Originally, he and Du Nanxing didn't have any grudges, but the Pharmacist Association, if the conditions were sufficient, Yuan Commander had no reason not to be a good favor.

After all, the Pharmacist Association is still very powerful. "

Hearing this, Gu Tianning had a look of regret on his face, and couldn't help but say: "Then, the benefits are not as good as our Gu family."

Gu Hanwu Dao: "If the ancient tomb can be opened, that would be the greatest benefit.

The petty profits at the moment are nothing at all. "

Gu Tianning thought of something and asked, "If the leader of Yuan promises to release people from the Pharmacist Association, wouldn't the trial meeting today be cancelled?

So many people on the scene watched it, and it will be cancelled when the time comes. The face of our two families is not very good. "

Gu Hanwu frowned slightly when he heard the words, just about to say something.

At this moment, the scene suddenly fell silent, and all eyes gathered.

Gu Hanwu and Gu Tianning also shut up and looked over.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone's attention, a middle-aged man wearing a dark red uniform, a gauze cap, and a beard walked out.

The man stepped out, although there was no movement, but the surging aura on his body made everyone at the scene feel an invisible oppressive aura, causing everyone to bow their heads uncontrollably, and even had the urge to bow and bow to him.

At this moment, Gu Hanwu and Luo Zhongyuan stood up at the same time, looked at the man respectfully, and said loudly: "Gong Ying Fucheng Yanwei Army Yuan commander."

Then, the two bowed to the leader of Yuan.

Upon seeing this, everyone present immediately got up and bowed.

"Gong Ying Yuan commander!"

For a time, the huge square quieted down, and everyone bowed their heads in salute.

Commander Yuan swept his gaze lightly, with a faint smile on his face, walked to the middle position and sat down, and then said: "Get up all!"

"Thank you Yuan leader!"

Once again, everyone raised their heads.

Gu Hanwu and Luo Zhongyuan immediately showed a complimentary smile, and moved to the leader of Yuan.

"Lord Yuan, everything is ready, just waiting for you to host."

Commander Yuan waved his hand and said lightly: "This is about your Nanyan City, although I am the commander of the Fucheng Yanwei Army.

But this time, it was only for the palace owner to inspect all parties and punish Xiao Xiao. "

"As for the host, you should do it yourself."


The two nodded and glanced at each other.

Then, Luo Zhongyuan waved his hand and gave an order: "Bring the prisoner up."

Soon, eight strong men came out, pressing on a woman who was not tall.

The woman had disheveled hair, blood stains on her face, and disheveled clothes. It was obvious that she had suffered a lot.

Eight men took the woman to the wooden platform in the center of the square and led her to the special gallows.

Such a scene caused the people on the scene to burst into excitement again.

"Is this the prisoner?

What kind of crime was committed, and so many big people are going to be tried together. "

"I heard that it is Master Du from Nanyan College. It seems that he has offended the Luo family and the Gu family!"

"No, Master Du is a famous person.

The Luo family and the Gu family have also done business with her! how so! "

"Who knows, these big people, no one knows what is happening behind the scenes."

………Amidst the discussion, Gu Qingxi glanced at the wooden platform with a look of unbearable expression on his face, walked aside, and came to the city owner’s father Gu Zhennan: “Father, is there really no way to save Master Du?”

Gu Zhennan sighed and said: "The people from the Pharmacist Association have arrived and have also talked with the leader of Yuan, but the leader of Yuan still agreed to the trial.

Then there's no way. "

"But—" Gu Qingxi wanted to say something else.

Gu Zhennan interrupted her daughter and said, "Qingxi, at this point in the matter, we can't handle it anymore.

Forget about it. "

Gu Qingxi pursed her mouth, her expression grief, anger and unwillingness, but she was helpless.

Then, Luo Zhongyuan made a gesture of pressing down with both hands, letting go of the momentum of the Yuan Tie Realm a little, and immediately suppressed the noisy scene.

He immediately said loudly: "Today, I am here to beg Dunan Xing for a trial."

"Du Nanxing, once served as the elder of the Pharmacist Department of Nanyan College, but disregarded the overall situation..." Then, Luo Zhongyuan snapped out the so-called Du Nanxing's crimes.

Finally, when he was finished speaking, Luo Zhongyuan sternly shouted: "This crime, Du Nanxing's crime is extremely heinous, and the crime is unforgivable.

Therefore, we are waiting for a joint trial of Dunanxing’s death sentence, and we will execute the sentence publicly today for the sake of shaking the night and promoting the righteousness. "


Give an order.

The brawny man on the wooden platform tore off the special noose and put it around Dunant's neck, and then operated the special gallows to be executed.

At this moment, Gu Qingxi couldn't bear to watch this scene, biting her tender lips, turning her head, and couldn't bear to look directly.

But at the last moment, with a "shoo", a burst of energy broke through the air.

Qi Jin speed was so fast, almost blinking, he arrived in front of the wooden platform. Before everyone could react, with a squeak, Qi Jin penetrated the two strong men on the wooden platform.


Gu Hanwu and Luo Zhongyuan reacted first, screaming, and at the same time looked at the source of vigor.

The ordinary people below didn't realize that something happened until they saw two strong men falling off the wooden platform, and there was an uproar at the scene.

"Someone robbed the law field!"

"No way, such a scene, such a big master and a big person.

Someone dared to rob the magic field, is this horrible! "

"Who the **** is it? Are you looking for death?"

"I didn't mean that Chen Fei, a disciple of Du Nanxing, had escaped.

Could it be him? "

"How can it be?

That untouchable is just a martial artist in the Primordial Soul Realm, how dare it? "

………The noisy sound made Gu Qingxi suddenly open his eyes and turned to look over.

In the eyes of everyone's attention, a long howling sound came quickly from far and near.

"Gu Hanwu, Luo Zhongyuan.

Aren't you looking for me?

Now, I can't recognize me. "

Accompanied by a long howl, a young man wearing a black robe broke through the air.

Hearing this, Gu Hanwu and Luo Zhongyuan's expressions changed drastically at the same time, and they looked at each other with horror.

"It's you!"

"Chen Fei, you are not dead."

Hearing this name, everyone at the scene changed their color.

The ordinary people started talking in a rush.

"It's really Chen Fei, Master Du's disciple. He has come to save his master."

"I'm a filial disciple, but isn't this seeking his own death?"

"Master Du has such a good apprentice, he died without regret."

"What a good apprentice, in my opinion, there is only one fool who is looking for a dead end."

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