
Chapter 3342: Close low and sell high

Seeing the three people leave, Old Lin shook his head, disdainfully said: "I don't know what is good or bad."

After speaking, Mr. Lin instructed the shopkeeper, "When they come back later, I will lower the price of the red pill flower by 10,000 yuan."

"Yes, Old Lin!"

Xiao Er nodded.

After Chen Fei and the others left the Muxiang firm, Du Chanyi was still indignant, "They are too much, how can they have such a low price, it is simply too black-hearted."

"Big Brother Liu, don't worry, we will find other places and we will definitely be able to sell them at a higher price."

Du Chanyi comforted Liu Yong.

Afterwards, the three inquired about other businesses on the street.

It's okay not to inquire, but this inquiries surprised them.

Because, passers-by told them that the only large-scale trading houses in Muxiang City were Muxiang Trading Company and Duobaoge.

The rest of the trading houses could not be opened in Muxiang City at all.

At most, there are some street shops, selling or buying some gadgets in private, the quantity and quality are extremely limited.

Once there are various training resources related to refining medicine and martial arts, apart from these two trading houses, it can be said that there is no other place.

"how so?

In a city as big as Muxiang City, there are so few firms, this--" Du Chanyi was a little surprised.

And Chen Fei, with Liu Yong, went to find a few roadside shops along the way, saying that he wanted to sell red pill flowers.

As a result, the other party heard that they were selling drugs, but they waved their hands and said not to accept them before they offered a price.

Some even told Chen Fei directly that it was impossible to receive their medicine in other places except Muxiang Commercial Company.

At this time, Liu Yong was a little dumbfounded, and his heart was full of anxiety.

Chen Fei frowned, and then said, "Go to Duobao Pavilion. Duobao Pavilion is a large-scale commercial firm located throughout Dayan Mansion. It should be different."

The three of them came to Duobao Pavilion, which is worthy of being a commercial firm spreading across the entire Dayan Mansion. The overall scale is very large, with people coming and going, and very prosperous, that is, slightly smaller than the Muxiang firm.

After entering the firm, Liu Yong took out the red pill flower and explained his intention directly.

Du Chanyi was on the side, and asked, "How much does Dubaoge receive red pill flowers?"

The clerk pointed to the price list on the wall and said: "It is clearly marked on it, the red pill flower, the eighth-rank human level, and 20,000 yuan stones."

"How can it be?"

Du Chanyi exclaimed, "Red pill flower, worth at least 80,000 yuan stone, why is your price so low?"

The clerk said displeased: "Here, at this price."

Chen Fei frowned and said, "I have also bought red pill flowers in other cities at a price of 80,000 yuan.

Your price is too far apart. "

The clerk became a little impatient, and said displeased: "Why are you asking so much?

In Muxiang City, this is the price. If you don't want to sell, then go.

Don't delay our business. "

At this time, Liu Yong really panicked, and said softly: "Yes, or else, just sell it like this, I--" Du Chanyi was unwilling, but a little helpless, he could only look at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei was silent for a few seconds, looked at the clerk, took out a golden ingot-shaped jade pendant, and said coldly: "Tell you the shopkeeper to come out."

"Who are you, we are in charge of—" The clerk was full of disdain.

But I didn't finish speaking, when I saw the ingot-shaped jade pendant in Chen Fei's hand, his complexion suddenly changed, and his face was astonished, "Golden ingot pendant, golden guest of Duobao Pavilion."

"You, wait a moment, I will notify the shopkeeper immediately."

The clerk changed his face instantly.

Chen Fei put away the jade pendant. This was given to him by Qian Yongzhi, the treasurer of the Duobao Pavilion in Nanyan City when he left Nanyan City. He said that he took the jade pendant and can enjoy it in all the Duobao Pavilions in Dayan Mansion. VIP treatment.

Now it seems that it is really useful.

Soon, a middle-aged man with a square hat and a big belly walked out.

"This distinguished guest, this is our treasurer's Zhou treasurer."

The clerk introduced.

Shopkeeper Zhou greeted him with a smile on his face, "Please, please!"

Chen Fei waved his hand and said faintly: "No need to be polite, I asked you to come out, there are some questions, I want to ask you."

"Excuse me, distinguished guest?"

The attitude of the shopkeeper Zhou is very low.

Chen Fei pointed to the red pill flower in his hand and said, "This red pill flower, the purchase price of other cities is at least 80,000 yuan stone.

Why in this Muxiang City, the purchase price is only 20,000 yuan. "

Shopkeeper Zhou was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Fei and said, "If the distinguished guest thinks the price is low, I can supply you separately."

With that, the shopkeeper Zhou waved and directed the shop Xiaoer, ready to count the money.

However, Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "I don't lack your tens of thousands of yuan stones, what I want to know is.

Why is the purchase price of Muxiang City so much different from other cities? "

"Ah, this—" Shopkeeper Zhou seemed to hesitate. After thinking for a moment, he lowered his voice, "The distinguished guests don't know, this price is not set by our Duobaoge.

It was set by the Muxiang firm. "

"Their purchase price of red pill flowers is 20,000 yuan. Our Duobaoge can't exceed them, and we can only receive 20,000 yuan."

"Why is this?

Is Muxiang firm more powerful than Duobaoge, forcing you to lower prices? "

Chen Fei questioned.

The shopkeeper Zhou sighed and said, "You don't know anything about your distinguished guest! Muxiang Commercial Co., Ltd. seems to be just a commercial firm, but the real controller behind it is the Association of Pharmacists."

"The price is set by the Pharmacists Association.

Therefore, even if we Dubaoge, we dare not cross this limit. "

"The Association of Pharmacists uses Muxiang Commercial Bank to purchase herbs and other resources in Muxiang City at low prices.

Then sell it at the original price and earn a huge price difference. "

"The Association of Pharmacists!"

Chen Fei's eyes fell cold, "Does Muxiang City City Lord's Mansion care about this kind of oppression of the people at the bottom?"

Shopkeeper Zhou looked around, lowered his voice and said to Chen Fei: "In other cities, the City Lord's Mansion may still have a certain amount of power.

But in Muxiang City, the real master has always been the Pharmacist Association, and the City Lord's Mansion has nothing to say here. "

"After all, the Pharmacist Association is a giant in the entire Great Yan Mansion.

Even on the Fucheng side, it would not easily move the Pharmacist Association.

So for the situation here, one eye is closed. "

After listening to the explanation, Chen Fei felt a sense of irritation and anger inexplicably.

This Association of Pharmacists used its huge power to brutally oppress the bottom people of Muxiang City and earn huge profits.

At this moment, Chen Fei heard the scene he saw when he first entered the city, and found that the ordinary people here seemed to be poorer than those in Nanyan City.

It now appears that the root cause is the Association of Pharmacists.

Shopkeeper Zhou looked at Chen Fei and reminded: "Guest, this is the first time you have come to Muxiang City.

The Pharmacist Department knows such a behemoth, so it's better to be careful. "

This is vague, but it is actually admonishing Chen Fei not to try to fight the Pharmacist Association, it will be fruitless.

Chen Fei nodded, said "thank you", got up and left.

Behind him, shopkeeper Zhou bowed to greet him.

Walking out of Duobao Pavilion, Liu Yong's face collapsed and his face was helpless, "Master Chen, the Association of Pharmacists, we can't afford it.

Let's forget it! "

Chen Fei was silent for a moment, and said, "Back to Muxiang Firm."

As a result, the three returned to the Muxiang firm.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the clerk immediately recognized the three of them, and said with a mocking sneer: "Yo, I'm back.

Are things selling like this?

Does anyone accept it? "

Liu Yong lowered his head and said, "No, no one took it.

I'll sell it at Muxiang Trading Company. "

"It's okay to sell, but it's not the price just now.

Now, ten thousand yuan. "

The clerk hugged his arms and said proudly.

Now, it was Liu Yong's turn to be stunned, his face full of inconceivable expression, "Just now it was 20,000 yuan, how come it has become 10,000 yuan now, this, this is too little."

The clerk said coldly: "I gave you a chance just now, but you don't know how to cherish it.

This ten thousand yuan is a punishment.

If there is another time, you don't want to sell a herb in Muxiang City in the future. "

Liu Yong was so scared that he was limp on the ground, his face was bloodless, and his whole body was trembling.

After all, he lives by digging herbs.

If he is banned from selling drugs, this is to cut his way.

Chen Fei and Du Chanyi on the side were furious when they saw this and stepped over.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The clerk took a few steps back when he saw Chen Fei, still feeling lingering.

Du Chanyi helped Liu Yong up.

Chen Fei looked at each other coldly and said, "Muxiang Firm, has it always been so domineering?"

The clerk was about to say something, and the old Lin just walked out of the firm pacing.

With his hands behind his back, he glanced at Chen Fei, snorted, and said with disdain: "That's it, what can you do?"

Chen Fei smiled angrily, shook his head, and then suddenly asked: "I want to buy a red pill flower from your Muxiang firm, how much is it?"


The clerk and Lin Lao were both stunned by Chen Fei's words.

After all, Chen Fei clearly had a red pill flower in hand, so why did he still want to buy it?

The two made no answer.

At this time, Du Chanyi pointed to the price list on the side of the Muxiang firm and said loudly: "Brother Chen, the red pill flower here is priced at 90,000 yuan."

"Ninety thousand, this is the same price as in other cities! But your purchase price is only a quarter of that of other cities. Among them, such a large margin profit, don't you feel bad about it?"

Chen Fei asked directly.

Old Lin's expression sank, and he said coldly: "What do you know, the red pill flowers we have received have to be tested and processed, as well as preservation loss, etc., the price is higher, that should be."

"It should be! Haha!"

Chen Fei sneered, then looked at Liu Yong and said, "Brother Liu, sell your red pill flower to me.

I just need a red lead flower. "

"I'll give you a price of 90,000 yuan, which is the same as the price of Muxiang Commercial Co., Ltd. anyway.

The difference in the price makes the drug pickers make money, and it is better than being made by some black-hearted merchants. "

Liu Yong looked stunned, and then hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, you are my savior. You want red pill flowers. How can I collect your money? I can't."

Chen Fei said, "Brother Liu, it is only natural for me to spend money on your things.

As for saving people, one yard goes to one yard, and you can't get mixed up. "

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