
Chapter 3389: Prince Yanxiao

Zi Liu looked at Chen Fei's frown and explained: "My son, when he reaches the seventh or eighth level of the Yuan Tie realm, he is already an absolute top expert.

Such people are generally not short of money. "

"Therefore, there are not many people who are willing to place orders in our Duobao Pavilion.

Moreover, they still have their own identities and matters to deal with, so they just—" Without going on, Chen Fei also understood this truth.

At this moment, in his mind, he had basically given up the idea of ​​hiring monks to rescue the master.

Money is still a secondary issue. The main reason is that these people are also difficult to trust Chen Fei. After all, it is the famous Medicine King who has to deal with, and it is very likely to conflict with the Royal Family of the Great Yan Mansion.

At that time, if the hired master is slightly disoriented, the entire rescue plan will be ruined.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei shook his head slightly, preparing to leave Duobao Pavilion and think of other ways.

Seeing this, Zi Liu rolled his eyes and said: "My son, this business, we, Duobaoge, will give you a message for free."

"What news?"

Chen Fei asked.

Zi Liudao: "Three days later, my prince Yanxiao of the Great Yan Mansion will hold a public selection contest. Five monks who meet the requirements will be selected from the public to serve as the prince's personal guard."

"And for this selection contest, the prince prince handed over to Yao Wang Yan Wanmu to be responsible.

At that time, Yan Wanmu will appear at the trial site. "

After hearing this news, Chen Fei couldn't help but his eyes brightened, and instinctively wanted to participate in this trial, approaching Yan Wanmu.

Ziliu smiled and looked at Chen Fei, and said: "If the son needs to participate in the trials, we at Duobaoge can also provide identity services to ensure that the son will be provided with a new and innocent and safe identity."

Hearing this, Chen Fei paused, then smiled, looking at Zi Liu said, "You Duobaoge, you really know how to do business!"

Obviously, Chen Fei wanted to participate in this trial for the prince. With his current status, he might not be able to pass.

Therefore, Zi Liu cleverly promoted on the spot to the identity service.

Zi Liu smiled and said: "The son said and laughed, we just provide the service customers need."

Chen Fei thought for a while. Although he did have various means to disguise his identity, after all, it was a trial for the prince, and it was necessary to be fully prepared.

So Chen Fei said to Zi Liu: "Okay, then I want an identity and how much money."

When Zi Liu heard this, he smiled and said: "The identity that can participate in the trials is one hundred million yuan. If there is a problem with the identity, our Duobaoge guarantees the refund of the amount."

"One hundred million, this name is really expensive!"

Chen Fei sighed, not stingy with the money, nodded and agreed, "Okay, then give me one.

I'll pay the money together. "

Immediately, Chen Fei paid 600 million yuan for the other half of the funds he had previously inquired about, plus this time 100 million yuan, for a total of 700 million yuan.

After confirmation, the smile on Zi Liu's face became even brighter.

He took out a leather bag and handed it to Chen Fei, "In it is the new identity that the son needs, all kinds of documents are available, and the son only needs to be familiar with it."

"Furthermore, if the son has any needs in the future, he can contact us at any time through the previous piece of jade, so he can exchange information, and provide services such as Yuanshi payment."

"Oh, uh!"

Chen Fei was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Jade Bi was used for bookkeeping, as well as contact and payment functions. It actually has a simplified version of the mobile phone.

Afterwards, Chen Fei left Duobaoge and returned to the inn.

First of all, he got acquainted with his own identity in the cowhide bag. It was detailed and there were no flaws. It was worthy of an identity worth one hundred million.

Afterwards, Chen Fei went out to inquire about the news about the trial of the Prince.

After some inquiries, Chen Fei learned that this news had been spread three months ago, and it was not too secret.

And now, there are only three days left to register.

Once three days have passed, the prince will personally preside over this selection contest and select five of his favorite guards.

When Duobaoge told Chen Fei this news, it was obviously implying that Chen Fei would go to participate in this selection so that he could have a chance to get in touch with Yan Wanmu and have a chance to rescue his master Du Nanxing.

Chen Fei understands this. Although there are still some doubts in his heart, at present, there is no better way, so signing up for the selection contest seems to be the only way at present.

Now that it was decided, Chen Fei went directly to the registration office without hesitation.

There are only three days left before the selection, but there are still a lot of people who signed up. A line of hundreds of people lined up at the door, which can be said to be bustling and quite lively.

Chen Fei was at the end of the line, watching the situation ahead while waiting.

After watching it for a while, Chen Fei understood that it was not that simple to successfully register for this selection contest hosted by the prince.

First of all, the basic strength requirements are naturally necessary, at least the level of the Eightfold Realm of the Primal Soul Realm.

After all, if you want to be a guard for the prince, if your strength is too weak, it is meaningless.

In addition, the identity of the applicant must be innocent, after all, it is to protect an important person like the prince.

In addition, there is an age requirement for applicants. Monks over 500 years old will not be accepted even if the above two criteria are met.

Moreover, even if the above conditions are met, it is uncertain whether or not it can be selected, it depends on the judgment of the examiner.

For example, during the period that Chen Fei watched, out of thirty or forty people, only five of them passed the test and successfully signed up.

The others were all brushed down, and from the conditions, they almost all met the conditions.

"Is this trial so strict?"

Chen Fei murmured, but he was also full of confidence.

His current realm of strength does not need to be concealed, the real one is the nine layers of the original soul realm, which just meets the requirements.

Of course, his nine-layered combat power in the Primordial Soul Realm was not at the same level as ordinary monks.

As for the identity, I bought it from Duobaoge for 100 million, so I don't have to worry about it.


Just when Chen Fei was thinking about it, it was his turn.

Chen Fei immediately stepped forward, showing a slightly flattering appearance, and handed in his own information.

The other party took the information, but didn't even look at it, and directly handed it to the people behind him. Obviously, they should have some special verification method.

Then, the person in charge of the assessment pointed to a huge stone next to it, and said coldly: "Use the soul and vitality to bombard that stone together."

Chen Fei understood that the other party wanted to check his own strength.

He nodded, came to the stone, took a deep breath, and then screamed, with an all-out appearance, the spirit and vitality blasted out together and hit the stone.

Of course, this so-called going all out was of course Chen Fei's pretense.

After all, his real combat power was too horrified.

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