
Chapter 3428: Go out and beat

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei couldn't help asking: "According to what you said, the conditions in Nanlin Country are pretty good.

Logically speaking, the strongest country in the Great Flame Realm should not be the country of Yaori, but the country of Nanlin. "

An Qingyu said, "If it is normal, it should be the case."

"But Nanlin Country's favorable conditions gave birth to another big problem, that is-monsters."


Chen Fei was slightly surprised.

An Qingyu nodded and said, "My son, it's a monster."

"Because of the rain forests in the South Forest Country, there are many animals and plants, and the environment is suitable for spiritual practice.

So with the passage of time, many powerful monsters have also bred there. "

"Almost each of these powerful monsters will rule a huge area.

Because of the location, they often clashed with the practitioners of Nanlin Kingdom. "

"And every powerful monster is very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, although Nanlin Kingdom had excellent conditions, it was unable to continue to grow due to the big trouble of the monster beast, and its strength was also restricted. "

"On the contrary, it is our Sun Country, with good conditions in all aspects, plus the influence of monsters is very small.

Therefore, in terms of comprehensive strength, it overwhelmed Nanlin Country and became the strongest country in the Great Flame Realm. "

"Of course, Nanlin Country is still very powerful after all, and it often clashes with our Yaori Country on the southern border.

It is precisely for this reason that the king has always tolerated the Yang family sitting in the south, controlling it for a hundred years, and has almost become the true emperor of the south.

After all, the royal family needs the Yang family to block Nanlinguo's attack for them. "

"However, it is precisely for these reasons that I said that your mission this time, son, is somewhat dangerous."

After speaking, An Qingyu looked at Chen Fei with a serious and worried expression.

Chen Fei nodded slightly, remembering the information in his head.

Whether it was the threat of the southern Yang family itself or the threat of the southern forest country, Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to it.

Because strength is the root of everything.

However, Chen Fei was a little surprised that An Qingyu knew so much and could explain it to him in an orderly manner.

"Unexpectedly you know so much!"

An Qingyu was slightly shy, and said, "These are things I followed my father since I was a child and listened to him."

Chen Fei was taken aback, then remembered that An Qingyu's father, King Yongfeng, was also a former member of the party. As the princess, An Qingyu knew that this was not unusual.

So, Chen Fei moved slightly, looking at An Qingyu, who was slightly sad, and said softly, "Is homesick?"

"It's kind of."

An Qingyu nodded gently.

Chen Fei grabbed her into his arms and said softly: "If there is anything I need to do, you can speak up, and I will do my best."

"Ah—" An Qingyu was a little surprised, looked up at Chen Fei, and then cautiously said, "My son, my family is almost gone.

But I heard that before his death, my father arranged a group of henchmen to send away one of my illegitimate children. "

"I want to know, he, are they still alive?"

Chen Fei understood what she meant, and said, "Don't worry, you give me the information and I will find it for you."

"Thank you, son."

An Qingyu's face was full of happiness, and her body softly pressed into Chen Fei's arms.

The jade hand moved lightly and rubbed it slowly. Then, she looked at Chen Fei with a blushing face, and said softly: "Master, let's rest!"

Chen Fei looked down at the beauty in his arms, picked her up, and walked into the bedroom.

Suddenly the ying screams, and the spring is boundless.

After a night of greed, Chen Fei injected a touch of vitality into An Qingyu early the next morning, helped her recover from the damage she had suffered last night, and then got up to prepare.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Fei and four other people stood in front of Yan Xiao, listening to Yan Xiao's final mobilization.

After a simple mobilization, Yan Xiao waved his hand, and ten armored guards walked out and stood behind Chen Fei and the other five, one on the left and one on the right.

Chen Fei glanced at the two people behind him and nodded slightly, saying hello to them.

These two guards were the confidants that Yan Xiao brought down from the Great Yan Mansion.

He is also a key person in the drawing of the magic circle in the Firefly Project.

Chen Fei controlled the Firefly Pearl, and the two guards each controlled half of the magic circle.

Three people must work together to successfully draw the Firefly Array and complete the Firefly Project.

This is obviously Yan Xiao's arrangement to avoid them sitting on their own feet.

After everyone got to know each other, Yan Xiao glanced over the five people and said with a smile: "I believe that the importance of the Huoying Project is already clear to several people, so I don't need to emphasize it."

"I said one last time, good work, rewards, bad work, and penalties!"

After speaking, Yan Xiao clapped his hands again, and there were five court ladies, each holding a small wooden box, and appeared in front of them.

The wooden box was opened and contained a black pill.

"This is?"

The five people showed doubts at the same time.

Yan Xiao squinted slightly, and then said with a smile: "This is a reward for you to encourage you to be loyal to me during this period of time in the lower realm."


The five were a little excited, but also a little confused.

After all, when they looked at it again, during the period in the lower realm, the five basically did nothing, and most of the time, they were eating, drinking, and having fun.

Yan Xiao didn't seem to have to reward them at this time.

Just when they have doubts.

Yan Xiao said solemnly: "This pill has a very simple effect. It can help you resist the repulsive force of the Great Flame Realm itself."

"At the same time, this pill has a little effect.

That is, it can relieve the black flame in your body. "

Hei Yan! Hearing these two words, the five of them suddenly changed their complexions.

At this moment, they suddenly realized what Yan Xiao's so-called reward was for.

Obviously, resisting the repulsive power of the Great Flame Realm is a side effect, and relieving the black flame is the real effect of this pill.

And at this time when Hei Yan was mentioned, it was obvious that Yan Xiao was warning them, and don't forget that there was still poison in his body from his father, Yan Wushuang, the commander of the Great Yan Mansion.

At this moment, the five people who had almost forgotten the existence of Hei Yan seemed to feel that the Yuan Yin in their bodies was being burned and swallowed by a black flame.

For a time, the five people felt uncomfortable all over, and their bodies began to suffer from it.

Yan Xiao clearly understood the five people's thoughts at the moment, and said: "Take this pill and you will be fine."

After speaking, he looked at the five people scorchingly.

The five people glanced at each other, and there was no other way but to take the pill.

Then I felt that the burning in the body finally eased slowly.

Upon seeing this, Yan Xiao smiled and said: "Well, I have said everything I want to say, everyone, let's go!"


The five were serious, bowed and saluted, then retreated and left.

Yan Xiao stood on a high place, and the guard leader Yuan Wu stood beside him, watching the backs of the five people leaving together.

Yuan Wu said: "His Royal Highness, why did you mention Hei Yan at this time of expedition?

I am worried that this will make them resentful, or have other ideas, and I am afraid that it will affect the progress of the entire Firefly project. "

Yan Xiao squinted his eyes, and said, "I am tolerant enough during the period in the lower realm, and let them have fun and enjoy it."

"If this continues, I'm afraid they really think they are here to have fun and forget the real thing.

Therefore, beating from time to time is still necessary. "

"As for Hei Yan, it was laid by my father himself.

Even if they have other ideas, it is impossible to crack them.

Therefore, I am not worried about this. "

After Yuan Wu listened, he looked admired, "So, your Royal Highness is giving a candy to eat, and beating a stick again. Both kindness and deeds are admirable."

Yan Xiao smiled and waved his hand: "Don't flatter me."

"Go and bring the princesses whom An Luo sent yesterday. I want to take a bath."

"Yes! Your Highness!"

Yuan Wu bowed and left.

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