
Chapter 3438: Ants

This purple electric light tiger naturally also noticed Chen Fei's intention to attack.

It raised the sky with a roar, spouted a fishy wind, raised its sharp claws, and pierced the air.

In an instant, several qi Jins turned into wind blades, coming through the air, and slashing at various parts of Chen Fei's body.

Blocking in the middle, no matter whether it is a tree or a stone, in front of this wind blade, it is vulnerable to a single blow, and it is directly shattered.

With a simple move, there is such a power, it is worthy of being the great demon of the seventh level of the elementary body realm.

The soldiers behind, seeing such a scene, one by one fell silent. Although they were not going to break up and flee, the fear on their faces couldn't be concealed.

However, Chen Fei faced the howling wind blade without any evasion, and rushed straight up.

"Huh, huh!"

The wind blade whizzed in and hit Chen Fei directly.

However, almost instantly, these wind blades shattered directly, and even Chen Fei's skin could not be cut.

Chen Fei was not surprised by this result.

After all, when he was in the Great Flame Realm, relying on the frost spiritual liquid provided by Master Tianming in the tomb, he raised his body to the level of a **** body.

Therefore, at this moment, the wind blade of the purple electric light tiger, to Chen Fei, is not much different from scratching it.

After blocking the wind blade, Chen Fei's figure had already rushed in front of the monster.

Without any bells and whistles, one punch came out.

The monster evaded it and was hit with a punch.

With a "bang", the head of the huge monster beast burst open. The red and white things exploded in the air, splashing everywhere, like a blooming firework.

The huge body of the purple electric light tiger slammed and slammed heavily on the ground, causing the ground to shake.

Such a big demon was killed by Chen Fei with a punch.

The scene fell into silence at once, and everyone watched this scene dumbfounded. After a few seconds, they came back to their senses and cheered.

Chen Fei closed his fists, expressionless, and walked towards the monster beast.

The crazy attacks of those monsters just now made him feel a little bit wrong.

Therefore, Chen Fei wanted to step forward and check if something went wrong with these monsters.

However, just when Chen Fei walked to the body of Zidian Guanghu.

A burst of blue-violet electric light suddenly appeared on the tail of the purple electric light tiger, making a crackling sound.

These lightning speeds are extremely fast, intertwined into a grid, and enveloped towards Chen Fei.

At the same time, the monster's abdomen quickly bulged, and then burst open with a boom.

The explosion was mixed with electric light and surrounded Chen Fei at once.

The soldiers who were still cheering and cheering just now didn't expect such a scene at all.

"My Lord God Envoy!"

"What happened just now?"

"Why did the body explode?"

……… Pieces of exclamation and questions sounded one after another.

But at this moment, "shoo, shoo, shoo", dozens of streamers fired intensively from all sides of the forest, all aimed at the place where Chen Fei was standing just now, and came whizzing.

These streamers are vigorous, fast, and contain terrifying vitality.

The power is several times more powerful than the wind blade of the purple electric light tiger just now.

However, after these energy shots into the center of the explosion, they disappeared without a trace.

But the person who took the shot was obviously unwilling to stop, and a stream of energy, like dense raindrops, continued to roar.

Just when these Qi Jin almost wanted Chen Fei to stand, the shot burst into ruins.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The corpses of the monster beast and the electric light that exploded just now, as well as the debris of the trees and rocks that were blown up, were all blown away by a violent wind at this moment.

In the center of the strong wind, Chen Fei stood there with no expression on his face. The clothes on his body were already riddled with holes, but there were no scars on his body.

"Since this round is set, let's come out!"

Chen Fei shouted in a deep voice, his voice reverberating throughout the forest.

Just now, at the moment he saw the corpse of the monster beast exploding, he immediately determined that in the monster beast attack this time, someone definitely made tactics and aimed at himself. Otherwise, these monster beasts would never show up here.

Immediately afterwards, those flying energies confirmed Chen Fei's thoughts.

When Chen Fei's soldiers heard Chen Fei's words, their eyes were certain, and they immediately became vigilant, drew out their weapons one after another, and were ready to fight.

"Who, get out of here!"

"Dare to do something to the Lord God Envoy to find dead things."

… It’s just that as they shouted, a burst of hearty laughter sounded from the dense forest, getting closer and closer.

Finally, a burly man walked out of the dense forest with a group of elite soldiers in armor.

The soldier who just shouted was dumbfounded when he saw this group of people.

Because the person in front of him turned out to be the southern general Yang Xiong and the majestic army he carefully cultivated.

"General Yang, you, why are you here?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"what happened?"

...... Chen Fei was not surprised by the appearance of Yang Xiong.

After all, in this southern province, there are not many people who have the courage and strength to do their own hands, and Yang Xiong is the biggest suspect.

"Why did General Yang kill me?"

Chen Fei looked at Yang Xiong and asked coldly.

Yang Xiong looked angry and stared at Chen Fei: "The time has come for the surname Chen, are you still acting stupid?

Do you think, why should I kill you? "

"Of course it's revenge for my son."

"Yang Ding is my son of Yang Xiong. I have carefully cultivated a successor for decades, but you have abandoned him.

Such a big hatred, do you think I will forget it? "

Chen Fei was still expressionless, and said lightly: "To avenge Yang Ding, this reason makes sense."

"It seems that you started planning since I entered Zhennan City!"

Yang Xiong gritted his teeth and said, "That's natural. I spent three full months trying to figure out your details bit by bit.

Now, it's finally my hands-on time. "

"Touch me for details!"

Chen Feidao, then thought of something, and asked, "So, when you killed the bandits at Yulai Peak, you killed those women and children on purpose?"

Yang Xiong smiled and said: "Of course, as the local chief officer, how come I don't know their details.

Even, the Yulai Peak Bandit's first Zhou Yue, I have been raising, and it is used at critical moments. "

"Originally, I wanted to use that to provoke you and see your strength."

"Unexpectedly, you are more timid than I thought.

In the face of my provocation, I actually endured it and didn't fight back.

So, I had to arrange a lot of things later to test your strength a little bit. "

After listening to Yang Xiong's words, Chen Fei's eyes fell cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"In order to test me, I will not hesitate to kill dozens of lives!"

Yang Xiong didn't care, and said coldly: "It's just a group of untouchable ants, kill it if you kill it."


Chen Fei's voice became colder and colder.

He suddenly raised his head, eyes like ice, and looked at Yang Xiong suddenly.

"Do you know that in my eyes, you are an ant-like character."

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