
Chapter 3443: Settle down

Chen Fei chose this city called "Shuanglin" because it is somewhat special.

The most special place in Shuanglin City is that it is the only city where humans and monsters live together.

In the entire Great Flame Realm, the war between humans and monsters has lasted for thousands of years.

Among them, among the Southern Forest Kingdom, there were a large number of monsters, and the war with monsters was the most intense.

It can be said that in any city in the Nanlin Kingdom, if you encounter a monster, the lightest thing is to capture it directly, or even kill it on the spot, regardless of the reason.

And the only special place is this Shuanglin City.

Rumor has it that a powerful son in Nanlin had fallen in love with a monster girl.

The family of the noble children couldn't stand this kind of thing anyway, and eventually drove him out of the family.

The man who left the family wandered around Nanlin Country with his wife, but he still couldn't find a place to stay.

In the end, when they came to the southeast border of Nanlin Kingdom, where the monsters lived, the man decided to settle down here.

As a result, the couple reclaimed land at the border, built houses, and exchanged goods with the surrounding village nests.

In this way, it slowly developed bit by bit. After thousands of years, a border city suddenly appeared on the border of Nanlin Country and Monster Beast Forest.

Moreover, because of the influence of this special couple, humans and monsters in Shuanglin City can coexist in rare circumstances, instead of killing red eyes when they meet.

Many people and demons who had similar experiences with that couple also gathered in Shuanglin City to make this border town grow stronger.

Later, some human beings who had committed a crime and couldn't keep going, or monsters who had special ideas about human life, also gathered in Shuanglin City with their own thoughts.

Until now, the entire Shuanglin City has become a large city, with a medium scale in Nanlin.

In the city, humans and monsters live together, trade and communicate with each other, and even fall in love with each other just like the original founder.

Such a special environment made Shuanglin City the first choice for Chen Fei.

Chen Fei held An Qingyu in his arms and made Huo Jiao shrink again, put it in his sleeve, and stepped into this special city.

As soon as he walked into the city, Chen Fei immediately felt that the atmosphere here was different from the ordinary Nanlin city.

The air was clearly filled with a mixture of humans and monsters.

Moreover, when inspecting the pedestrians on the road, we can find that most of them are people with cultivation skills, and their standards are better than those of the cities that Chen Fei has passed through before.

If you think about it, it's normal.

After all, the environment here is special. Although humans and monsters can coexist here, it does not represent absolute peace between humans and monsters.

All kinds of conflicts and melees and even fights are things that happen from time to time.

Therefore, it is normal for people living in Shuanglin City to be stronger.

The city is quite big, and Chen Fei has no intention of wandering around now. He finds out a few coins, finds a beggar on the street, and asks him to lead the way to the local tooth shop.

Then, with the assistance of Yaxing, Chen Fei spent a hundred fire crystals to buy a house in the city.

Fire crystal, as the basic cultivation resource of the Great Flame Realm, can naturally also be used as currency.

Moreover, the value is quite high, and the average person really can't get much out of it.

Chen Fei's one hundred fire crystals are already considered a lot of money.

The house purchased can be regarded as medium in the entire Shuanglin City.

The house is built on one side of the river, which is convenient for washing and fetching water; on the other side, it is built on the street. When you walk into the street, there are shops selling various materials, and life is very convenient.

There is a small courtyard on the front and back of the house, which separates the house from the street and river for a certain distance, so that the house is more clean and will not be disturbed by the noise of the street.

After buying the house, Chen Fei spent another sum of money, asked someone to clean the house, and bought some basic daily necessities.

After so busy for a long time, in the evening, the house was basically cleaned up and ready to move in.

Chen Fei took An Qingyu and walked into the house.

An Qingyu looked left and right, touched here, touched there, her eyes glowed, and the smile at the corner of her mouth couldn't be suppressed.

"It's kind of crude, it makes you suffer."

Chen Fei said apologetically.

After all, An Qingyu was the princess before. Although he was sold to Huangying Pagoda for some reason, his living conditions were not bad.

It can be said that this house is the worst place that An Qingyu has lived in since she was born.

To say that Chen Fei chose such a place, it is not bad money.

After all, there are many fire crystals and treasures from King An Luo in his Ice Soul Orb.

Moreover, even if these were spent, Chen Fei's own treasures collected in the Great Yan Mansion of the Yuanyuan Realm can be exchanged for a lot of money if you just take out one.

For Chen Fei, money is not a problem at all.

Rather, he was worried that he would be too high-profile and expose his identity, attracting Yan Xiao's chase.

With this in mind, Chen Fei deliberately spent money low-key.

Let his appearance restore the original appearance of Chen Fei.

At the same time, An Qingyu was also covered up.

Let her exquisite and eye-catching face become a slightly delicate ordinary woman.

It's Huo Jiao, this guy doesn't need to pretend, just let him go.

An Qingyu understood Chen Fei's consideration, and when he heard what he said, she shook her head and said softly, "I didn't suffer. I like this place very much."

What she said was not to appease Chen Fei, but to feel so sincerely.

Although the previous residence was luxurious and exquisite, it was not comfortable for An Qingyu because there was no one to accompany him.

And now, in such an ordinary house, with people who care about and love herself, this makes An Qingyu feel an unprecedented warmth and peace of mind.

Therefore, she likes this place very much, and even looking at the decoration inside, she can't help but fantasize about how she and Chen Fei will live here in the future.

Thinking of this, An Qingyu's eyes shone, her body was soft, and her whole body seemed to melt into a pool of hot water, which melted into Chen Fei's gaze.

Chen Fei naturally felt An Qingyu's changes, and with a big hand, he hugged An Qingyu into his arms and melted her into his body.

Hugging An Qingyu, Chen Fei directly got up and walked towards the bedroom, put her on the brand-new bed, and then pressed her body down.

"Ah—" An Qingyu let out a shy and tender cry, "It's still daytime—" "Pop!"

With a wave of Chen Fei's hand, the bedroom doors and windows closed automatically.

Afterwards, a burst of vitality energized, caged the doors and windows, cut off the light, and darkened the bedroom.

"Now it's dark."

"But, there are others—ah—" An Qingyu said with shame.

Chen Fei grabbed it casually, and threw the fire scorpion sneaking out of his sleeve out of the house, "Go out to play, I didn't call you, you are not allowed to come back."

"Now that there is no one, we can start."

Chen Fei smiled and started to move.

On the roof, he was dumped by a fire scorpion, shook his head, and spit out.

"The boss is really forgotten.

Humph, you guys play at home, then I'll go out to play! "

Then, Huo Jiao twisted his body, turned into an afterimage at a very fast speed, and slipped towards the bustling street.

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