
Chapter 3484: Proposal in deep mountains


Chen Fei was really shocked and looked at Chen Huo with a surprised look.

"What exactly is going on?"

Chen Huo shrank his neck and said, "Brother, don't get excited, let me tell you slowly."

"I had a girlfriend before, called Luo Luo, haven't you met?"

Fade Chen nodded, remembering the cute little girl with a round face he saw in the hotel that time.

Chen Huo continued, "Recently, I have been with Luo Luo."

"Maybe a little too enthusiastic, Luo Luo, she is—pregnant."

"So, we want to get married as soon as possible—" "What, what, wait a minute!"

Fade Chen felt that his head was a little messed up, "You said, your girlfriend is pregnant?"

"Uh, we went to the doctor to check, and it's confirmed."

Chen Huo looked serious.

Chen Fei patted his head, frowned at Chen Huo and said, "If I remember correctly, you seem to have said before that your girlfriend Luo Luo is a monster."

"Yes, brother, I am also a monster!"

Chen Huodao.

"Listen to me!"

Chen Fei glared at Chen Huo, "You are Jiaolong, is your girlfriend also Jiaolong?

Otherwise how can you get pregnant? "

Chen Huo waved his hand and said, "Brother, Luo Luo is not a Jiaolong.

She is a kind of monster called a 'red-spotted snake', and she can be considered a kind of me.

So—" "Is that all right? "

Chen Fei felt that his head was getting bigger.

However, he really didn't know much about the combination of monsters and beasts, so he didn't know whether it was impossible.

Chen Huo looked at the tangled Chen Fei and said, "Brother, these are not important anymore."

"The key now is that Luo Luo is already pregnant, and we want to get married as soon as possible."

"Luoluo and her grandma depend on each other, but her family is not from Shuanglin City, but outside the city.

After all, marriage is a big event, so Luo Luo wants to visit her hometown. "

"I also want to take this opportunity to go home with her, formally propose marriage, and then after I come back, I will help with the marriage."

Looking at Fade Chen's excited and yearning look, Chen Fei understood him somewhat, and said, "So, what do you need me to do?"

Chen Huo scratched his head and said to Chen Fei: "Brother Chen, you are my brother and my elder.

So, for the matter of proposing a marriage, I will trouble you to go with me. "

"Is it far?"

Chen Fei asked.

Chen Huo hurriedly said: "Not far, not far.

What Luoluo said was a two-day journey at most. "

"That's for ordinary people. With your strength, you can arrive in a few hours with all your strength."

Chen Fei rolled his eyes at him and said, "Okay, I'll go with you.

Do you know what you need to prepare for proposing a marriage? "

Chen Huo said: "These, Luoluo knows, I only pay and leave it to her to deal with."


Fade Chen glared at him and said, "They're all people who are going to get married, and they're still the shopkeepers, and don't go back to help!"

"Yes, brother, I'll go back and help right away."

Chen Huo excitedly left.

Fade Chen shook his head and came back to tell An Qingyu the matter.

An Qingyu was surprised and happy when she heard it, but she became excited.

After all, in Shuanglin City, she was Chen Huo's nominal sister-in-law.

Now, my uncle is going to get married, which is also a big event.

As a result, An Qingyu also began to worry, thinking about the arrangement of gifts for the marriage proposal, and preparing various ceremonies and items for the marriage later, but she was quite looking forward to it.

Chen Huo's speed was very fast. In just one day, he prepared all kinds of things and set to leave for the next day.

Chen Fei wanted to accompany him, but he couldn't go to the martial arts hall, so he came to the martial arts hall and asked the curator Qiu Jinhu for a leave.

Then, he asked Qiu Rufeng to help An Qingyu.

If it was a general proposal, Chen Fei would take An Qingyu with him.

But this time Luoluo's hometown is in a deep mountain and old forest, and the other party is still a monster, so it is not convenient for An Qingyu to go.

After everything was arranged, Chen Fei and Chen Huo met up early the next morning, picked up Luoluo and her grandmother, and followed a small motorcade of four, driving a carriage, carrying gifts, and leaving the city .

Originally, according to Chen Fei's intention, he directly used the storage ring to put the gift in, and then just hurry up.

However, because Luoluo's grandmother was there, and she was not in good health, she couldn't hurry, so she specially hired such a motorcade to travel with people carrying gifts.

Along the way, Chen Huo and his little girlfriend Luoluo are like glue, talking and laughing, and they can't wait to stick together all the time.

It was Luoluo's grandmother who came to express her thanks to Chen Fei.

In this way, they traveled unhurriedly all the way, and after a day and a half of the road, the group came to a dense and towering mountain.

When we got here, there was no road, and the carriage could not move.

So, Chen Fei and the others dismissed the driver, put the gifts into the storage ring, supported Grandma Luo Luo, and walked into the forest.

I have to say that this mountain forest is quite lush. The more you go inside, the taller and taller the trees are, covering the sky and the sun, and the sun can't shine in.

The whole forest has a gloomy feeling that makes people feel a little cold.

Fortunately, Chen Fei and Chen Huo are strong, these are small problems, and the speed of the journey is not slow.

After walking for about half a day, the group has entered the depths of the mountain forest, surrounded by tall trees and undeveloped forests, and there is no trace of human activities at all.

In such a situation, Chen Fei frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

He said to Chen Huo: "You ask, is Luo Luo's hometown really here?

Could it go wrong?

Why is there no trace of life at all? "

Chen Huo pulled Luoluo, asked about it, and then came to answer Chen Fei: "Brother, Luoluo said that she and grandma haven't come back for a long time.

But grandma knows the location and will definitely not remember it wrong. "

"Crossing the kind of hill in front, there is a col, where their hometown is."

"Really, then speed up!"

Chen Fei nodded.

The group continued to move forward and climbed the hill in front of them. Sure enough, a flat land appeared in front of them.

On the flat ground, there are some buildings similar to human beings located in it, forming a small village, and you can vaguely see the shadows moving in it.

"It's down there."

Luoluo said excitedly with a smile on her face.

"We're going home."

Chen Huo held Luoluo's hand and walked down the mountain with a smile on his face.

The four walked towards the village with cheerful footsteps.

However, when they stepped into the village, Fade Chen felt a strange feeling flooded into his heart.

He frowned, looked around, and found that the surrounding villagers were looking at him in a strange way.

It seems to carry a kind of cunning and pride, as well as a faint killing intent.

"Something's wrong, there's a problem here!"

A thought appeared in Chen Fei's mind, and he was about to call out Chen Huo.

However, at this moment, a whining sound sounded, and a group of people suddenly poured out of the village, surrounding Chen Fei and the others.

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