
Chapter 404: A starry sky

"What feels, don't talk nonsense!" Wei Ling glared at Chen Fei, then reached out and took a bite of Chen Fei's cake.

Suddenly, Wei Ling couldn't help being surprised, and said: "How is this cake salty, and it's not a cake at all, but a barbecue."

Chen Fei smiled and said, "Yes, it's the barbecue cake. It's just baked and it's still hot! Sister Ling, how about it? My cake is very special."

Wei Ling gave Chen Fei a white look, "You are not special, you are a strange flower!"

Chen Fei handed Wei Ling another piece of barbecue cake, and then he forkped a piece of it, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

"Sister Ling, eat more. I will be active later, so I have to save my energy."

Wei Ling was eating the barbecue, and when she heard Chen Fei's words, her thoughts suddenly started to think again.

There will be activities later, what activities, is it really that!

This, if this is the case, me, what shall I do later, do you want to refuse!


Wei Ling thought wildly, and Chen Fei gulped the barbecue cake cleanly.

Afterwards, Chen Fei directly took Chen Fei and walked up the mountain road.

Walking on the mountain road, Wei Ling couldn't help thinking about it.

It turns out that physical activity is mountain climbing, but what kind of mountain climbing this night!

Just thinking about this while walking, the two soon reached the top of this not-so-high hill.

There is a flat grass on the top of the mountain. At the moment, there is a built tent on the grass.

Chen Fei took Wei Ling's hand and walked towards the tent, "Sister Ling, let's go in!"

Upon seeing this, Wei Ling couldn't help but feel surging in her heart, "There is only one tent, and we still go in together. Could it be that Chen Fei really missed that, I, I—"

While Wei Ling was still in a daze, Chen Fei turned her head and pulled him in.

Wei Ling was caught off guard, she couldn't help but screamed, and then she felt herself plunged into a warm embrace. After feeling it for a while, Wei Ling was sure that it was Chen Fei's arm, and suddenly her heart pounded wildly.

Chen Fei is really going to be with me. Is it my first time, is it going to be in this tent?

Me, what am I—

While Wei Ling was thinking about it, Chen Fei didn't take any further action, but passed his arm under Wei Ling's shoulder, put his arm around Wei Ling's shoulder, and then lay on his back and looked towards the sky.

Chen Fei pointed to the sky and said to Wei Ling: "Sister Ling, look at the sky!"

Wei Ling heard Chen Fei's voice and looked up, only to realize that the top of the tent was transparent. Through this layer of transparent plastic, you can clearly see the night sky.

At this time, the night sky is a bit starry.

The air in the suburbs is better, making the stars in the sky appear brighter, and the twinkling light calms Wei Ling's mood uncontrollably.

The stars far in the sky are clearly visible at this moment, seeming to be within reach. At this moment, the distance between man and the world suddenly became extremely close.

Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling with a smile on her face, smiled softly, and said, "Sister Ling, this is the gift I gave you, a starry sky, do you like it?"

Wei Ling looked at the twinkling stars in the sky, then turned to look at the twinkling light in the eyes of the man next to her, a different kind of sweetness surged in her heart. It was the feeling of honey pouring into the heart, and the whole person seemed to melt at this moment, into the sky full of stars.

"Like it!" Wei Ling nodded, and said. Then, she turned to look at Chen Fei beside her, and said softly, "I like it."

Just like this sentence, I don't know if it's the starry sky or someone.

"Sister Ling, as long as you like it." Chen Fei smiled, "My preparation this time was not in vain."

"Huh, what's the preparation? It's just a little barbecue and a few torches. I think you are stingy and don't want to spend any money." Wei Ling said delicately.

Chen Fei suddenly yelled wronged, "Sister Ling, I have prepared a starry sky for you. You can't buy this for a lot of money. How can you say that I'm stingy?"

Wei Ling pouted: "This starry sky is not yours. Everyone can see it. How could it be said that it was prepared for me!"

"Ah, this—" Chen Fei rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of something, then said with a serious face, "Since Sister Ling, you said that, then I have to let Sister Ling see my sincerity."

"What is your sincerity?" Wei Ling asked with a smile.

Chen Fei looked at the starry sky and said, "Since Sister Ling, you said that the starry sky is not for you alone, then I will take these stars off now and let Sister Ling appreciate it alone."

"Take the star down!" Wei Ling said, "Don't brag, I know you are great, but no matter how great you are, it is impossible to take the star off!"

"I don't believe it!" Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling with a confident face, "If you don't believe me, you should close your eyes for Sister Ling first. When I let you open your eyes, you will open your eyes. Then, you can see how I can pick it for you. Under the stars."

"I don't believe it." Wei Ling shook her head.

Chen Fei said, "If you don't believe it, you will know immediately if you close your eyes, Sister Ling."

Wei Ling smiled and closed her eyes in cooperation.

Chen Fei looked at Wei Ling's pretty face, then reached out to the starry sky, and said at the same time: "Sister Ling, don't take a peek!"

Wei Ling smiled, her eyelids trembling.

After a few seconds, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, and then shouted: "Sister Ling, you can open your eyes."

At this moment, Wei Ling opened her eyes. Then he saw Chen Fei's raised hand swaying in front of his eyes. At the same time, at the position of Chen Fei's right hand, a star suddenly flickered, and then slammed down with a tail.

At the same time, Chen Fei stretched out his right hand in front of Wei Ling, opened his palm, revealing a shining star, and said, "Sister Ling, this is the star I picked up for."

Wei Ling looked at the shining stars in Chen Fei's hand. She was a little silly. She looked at Chen Fei: "You, did you really take the stars? How did you do it, it's impossible!"

"As long as it's Sister Ling you asked, nothing is impossible!" Chen Fei smiled.

Wei Ling was still stunned. At this time, the stars in the sky flashed quickly. Then, meteors pierced the sky, with long tails, making the night sky extraordinarily gorgeous.

"Meteor", at this time, Wei Ling came back to her senses and looked at Chen Fei, "It was clear that the meteor slipped just now. You did not pick it off at all. You lied to me."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he burst into laughter and couldn't help but squeezed Wei Ling's nose gently, and smiled: "Sister Ling, I really didn't expect you to have such a naive time. You actually took it seriously at that time."

Asking Wei Ling to close her eyes is naturally waiting for the moment when the meteor falls. As long as the time is right, the action is coordinated, and the final palm is used to create a starburst with inner vitality, it constitutes this little trick.

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