
Chapter 454: Commercial Street Star

What kind of identity is Chen Fei, and how can Wu Chuan be so respectful? Could it be that he is on the same level as Mayor Huang and Patriarch Sun?

Wu Meng had such a prominent background, and she was so low-key that she didn't know before.

For a while, Liu Yan was so scared in her heart that she couldn't help but tremble, and then fell to the ground with a clatter, looking at Wu Meng, wanting to ask for mercy.

Fortunately, Wu Meng didn't care about her and waved her hand directly to get her to be driven away. It can be regarded as a relief to Liu Yan.

Several people were sitting at the table eating and chatting, and Chen Fei also learned about Wu Meng from the chat. It turned out that the last time Wu Meng met his ex-husband Song Bohan, after changing the name for Xiaoyu, his mood also changed.

Before, she might have a faint expectation from the bottom of her heart that Song Bohan would come back to look for their mother and daughter, hoping that the family of three could live a happy life together.

But after that incident, Wu Meng completely gave up on Song Bohan, and finally let go of the last touch of obsession in his heart, and then chose to start over.

Therefore, Wu Meng took Xiaoyu to the provincial capital, ready to change the city, change the place, and start his new life.

Lao Wu and Wu Chuan were naturally very supportive of Wu Meng's decision. After the family discussed, Wu Chuan prepared to fund Wu Meng to open a cafe for Wu Meng and let Wu Meng be responsible for the operation. Profit is not the primary purpose, the main purpose is to let Wu Meng find what she likes to do, and it is more convenient to take care of Xiaoyu.

Chen Fei, who heard the news, immediately smiled and said: "Sister Meng, the coffee shop is open, but you have to notify me. In the future, I will go to Meng Meng's coffee shop to spend, you have to give me a discount!"

Wu Meng smiled and said, "As long as Xiao Chen is willing to come, no matter when, it's all free."

The little girl, Xiaoyu, looked at Chen Fei crisply and said, "Brother Superman, I learned how to make biscuits with my mother. Then, I will ask you to eat the biscuits made by Xiaoyu himself."

"Okay, I am looking forward to the biscuits made by Xiaoyu!" Chen Fei smiled and squeezed Xiaoyu's soft face, making the little girl giggle.

After chatting for a while, the little fish was full and dozed off. Therefore, Wu Meng took Xiaoyu and was about to leave.

Wu Chuan took them away. When he left, he suddenly thought of something and turned to Chen Fei and said, "Mr. Chen, are you free next week?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Fei asked.

Wu Chuan explained with a smile: "That's it. Next week, the owner of a well-known jewelry company will come to our Longjiang City to hold a jewelry exhibition. At the meeting, some people in the industry will be invited to conduct an auction. Du Lao and I I'll be there at that time. Would you like to ask Mr. Chen to help me?"

It turned out that it was about auctioning hands. Chen Fei knew it well, and then nodded and said, "Yes, I will be free next week. You will just contact me then."

"Well, thank you Mr. Chen." Wu Chuan thanked, and then left.

Immediately, Chen Fei also got up and left the restaurant.

Walking out of the mall, Chen Fei checked the time. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, it was still early, and it was too early to go back now. It was okay anyway, Chen Fei was not in a hurry, so he put his hands in his pockets and wandered in the bustling commercial street.

Walking around, Chen Fei was still really interested. After all, after going down the mountain, except for shopping with Su Momo a few times, I really didn't experience the feeling of ordinary people shopping.

Walking on the street, Chen Fei suddenly saw a group of people crowded in front of him. From time to time, he made a shout and the click of the camera, which was so bustling.

Suddenly, Chen Fei became interested and walked along.

With a little movement of inner vitality, Chen Fei easily squeezed a gap in the crowd and rushed to the innermost circle of the crowd.

In the innermost part, a group of security guards and bodyguards pulled a circle of warning lines, and their onlookers were blocked from the outside with a serious expression.

Looking inside, Chen Fei suddenly saw a fashionable young woman posing in various poses in front of a building, and the surrounding cameramen were constantly busy taking pictures.

"Who is this? What are you doing, making a movie?" Chen Fei asked a fanatical fat man around him with some curiosity.

Hearing this, the fat guys glared at Chen Fei, looking unbelievable, and said, "You don't even know Song Yaling? What are you doing here?"

"Song Yaling? Is it a star?" Chen Fei shook his head, really never heard the name.

Immediately, he saw the fat man frowning and he was about to get angry. Chen Fei hurriedly smiled and explained: "I usually don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry and don't know much about these stars. Brother, please introduce me!"

This fat guy is obviously a loyal fan of Song Yaling. As soon as Chen Fei asked himself to introduce him, his eyes flashed and his mouth was eloquent, saying: "Song Yaling is 22 years old this year and is a native of Longjiang City, our provincial capital. When she was eight years old, she participated in the primary school student recitation contest held in the city..."

The fat guys were like a lot of treasures, talking endlessly, introducing Song Yaling's various deeds and works from childhood to childhood, all to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei listened and summed it up in his heart, and it was considered that Song Yaling's identity and status were roughly understood.

This Song Yaling can also be regarded as a child star actor, and she participated in several TV dramas when she was a child. Then he went to university, and after graduating last year, he returned to the entertainment industry and shot two TV series and two movies.

Although the quality can only be regarded as average, but the two TV movies have gathered a group of small fresh meat and flowers, which has caused quite a lot of heated discussion. As a result, Song Yaling also became popular.

Coupled with the company's various network marketing, she turned out some old dramas that she performed when she was a child, and attracted the attention of a group of nostalgic fans. So, in just over a year, this Song Yaling became popular, and her coffee rank rapidly rose. Now she has become a fiery presence among second-tier actresses, and it is only a matter of time before she hits the first line.

Coupled with Song Yaling's identity as a local fellow, Song Yaling is recognized in Longjiang City, and it has attracted as much attention as many first-line stars.

Now she is shooting an advertisement for a clothing company here. Because it is located in a prosperous commercial street, many fans and passers-by came around just after the filming started, so the current situation was formed.

Chen Fei looked at Song Yaling, her appearance was indeed good, about eight-point appearance, coupled with the fashionable dress, it was even more glamorous, it is no wonder that many male fans on the scene are so passionate and obsessed.

However, Chen Fei, who has such a stunning wife as Lin Qiuhan at home, feels so normal to Song Yaling.

So, after watching for a while, Chen Fei didn't feel much interest, and then turned around to leave.

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