
Chapter 486: VIP status

Xu Shan didn't seem to be enough, with a smile on his mouth, he deliberately said, "Mr. Chen, there are so many people and their status is not low. They have all been checked. Mr. Chen, you don't want to be special."

Song Yaling said sarcastically next to him: "That may be true. After all, Mr. Chen is different from us. People often spend time with migrant workers, haha!"

For a while, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense and awkward, and the air seemed to be freezing.

The expressions of Chen Fei and Huang Wei became more and more gloomy, and they did not speak.

The booth manager seemed to be a little impatient, waved his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, you are offended."

While talking, two security guards and two counter personnel approached Chen Fei and started to search Chen Fei.

Upon seeing this, Huang Wei sternly shouted: "Stop it all, you guys—"

However, before he finished speaking, Xu Shan stood up again, deliberately speaking with a strange yin and yang, "President Huang, I understand your intentions. But everyone has been checked, Mr. Chen is still like this, there is nothing wrong with it. Inconvenient place, right?"

He deliberately emphasized the three words of inconvenience, and Song Yaling also added extra energy and jealousy: "Isn't it a guilty conscience!"

The two of them sang a harmony like this, which immediately gave everyone a hint that Chen Fei had stolen the diamond ring. Suddenly, the look of suspicion in everyone's eyes grew stronger and stronger.

At this time, the searcher was about to act on Chen Fei. Chen Fei looked coldly and said coldly: "Get out of here!"

The strong qi surging suddenly shook their bodies for a while, and then backed a few steps, their complexions turned pale.

Immediately, Chen Fei looked at Xu Shan and Song Yaling, his eyes were like a sharp sword, staring at them fiercely, as if to penetrate them.

Seeing Chen Fei's sharp eyes, the two of them suddenly couldn't help but twitch in their hearts, and their expressions couldn't help but twitch a few times.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei's heart moved with an extremely cold expression. At the beginning, he thought this incident was just an accident. The people at the counter suspected themselves only because of their clothes.

But now looking at the appearance of Xu Shan and Song Yaling, Chen Fei is almost certain that this time the incident was basically made by them deliberately. The purpose is to humiliate myself and retaliate against myself.

Suddenly, Chen Fei gave a cold snort, his eyes were like a knife, and he stabbed the two fiercely.

When Xu Shan saw this, he couldn't help but panicked, and hurriedly winked at the booth manager. When the manager saw this, his expression sank and he walked to Chen Fei and said, "Mr. Chen, everyone at the scene is a person of identity, and everyone has been checked. We are already giving you face to Mr. Chen. If Mr. Chen, you If you don’t cooperate, then I will call the police to deal with this matter. When the time comes, things will start to break out. I'm afraid it will be bad for Mr. Chen and Weitian Entertainment."

As soon as he said this, Huang Wei's face also sank, his mouth bulged, and he almost rushed out to beat someone.

The manager had an impatient expression and waved: "Do it, catch someone!"

Suddenly, several additional security guards rushed over and rushed towards Chen Fei together.

Upon seeing this, Xu Shan and Song Yaling smiled with a smug and vengeful smile. The surrounding guests and audience also looked good at the show at this moment.

At this critical moment, suddenly, a cold snort rang out, "What are you doing?"

Everyone was taken aback, their movements stopped, and they turned their heads to look over again.

Immediately, they found a middle-aged man in a suit and shoes walking over. Everyone saw the man's face clearly, their complexion changed, and his expression was a little surprised and excited.

Because it was Wu Chuan, the president of Red Star Group, who came here.

You know, since Wu Chuan followed Lin Qiuhan's Autumn Group and defeated the three provincial businessmen Dai, Anjia and Qian at that business evening, Wuchuan's Red Star Group has become the second largest in the provincial capital. The group has strong strength and rapid development.

It can be said that the bosses of Wu Chuan's level, and their bosses in the hall, are not of the same level at all. They are worth more than one billion at most, but Wu Chuan's worth, according to estimates, has exceeded tens of billions.

The bosses of their level also have special small venues when they come to participate in the exhibition. A group of people gather together and will not be mixed with the crowd below.

Therefore, the sudden appearance of Wu Chuan at this moment, and also made a sound, could not help making everyone on the scene feel a little surprised and curious.

"Why is Mr. Wu here?"

"What did Mr. Wu just say? Is he speaking for Chen Fei?"

"How is it possible? What level of boss, Mr. Wu, knows that kind of little person."

"In my opinion, Wu always happened to pass by again. Seeing the noisy situation here, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I stopped talking."

"It makes sense, look. Explain to Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu should understand. After all, no one likes a thief."


Amidst the discussion, Xu Shan faintly felt something wrong. Then he hurriedly winked at the booth manager.

The booth manager suddenly lost his smile, came to Wu Chuan, and explained: "Mr. Wu, there have just been some minor problems here. Our booth—"

Without waiting for the other party to finish, Wu Chuan interrupted him directly and said coldly: "I don't care what happened to you. But what do you mean by attacking Mr. Chen?"

"Huh?" The booth manager didn't come back to his senses, a little confused.

The people around were also stunned for a few seconds before they came back to their senses. Then his face was full of surprise, and his eyes looked at Chen Fei in shock.

"Wu, Mr. Chen, Mr. Wu just mentioned, shouldn't it be—"

"No way, Mr. Wu and him, how come?"

"Hey, what happened here!"


When everyone was skeptical, Wu Chuan pointed at Chen Fei and asked the booth manager again: "Mr. Chen is the VIP I invited. I ask you, what do you mean by asking someone to do something to Mr. Chen?"

The booth manager realized that Mr. Chen in Wu Chuan's mouth turned out to be Chen Fei. For a moment, he was dumbfounded, and he didn't know what to do, so he could only cast a glance at Xu Shan for help.

However, Xu Shan and others at this moment were also shocked. They didn't expect that Wu Chuan really came for Chen Fei. Moreover, listening to Wu Chuan's words, Chen Fei's identity is very honorable, and even Wu Chuan values ​​it very much.

For a while, I just kept saying that Wu Chuan was not here for Chen Fei. At this time, they were all dumbfounded, looking at Chen Fei and Wu Chuan dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that this guy in ordinary clothes would first be called brother to Huang Wei and then become Wu Chuan's distinguished guest. It was unimaginable.

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