
Chapter 510: Ward emergency

The two walked quickly into the ward. This is a single ward with an area of ​​nearly 20 square meters and a good environment. At the moment, on the hospital bed, was lying a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young man is very thin. He is 1.75 meters tall and looks like only a hundred catties. Moreover, his face was a little dull, and his complexion was extremely ugly. He was lying on the edge of the bed, coughing and vomiting constantly.

Beside him, two young nurses were supporting the young man, and constantly patted his back and cut in.

But the young man's vomiting continued, and his forehead was violent, and his face was faintly purple.

Upon seeing this situation, Tao Ling couldn't help but her expression changed, and she hurried forward with a stethoscope, preparing to auscultate the young man for diagnosis.

But the young man was totally restless, twisting and vomiting constantly, making Tao Ling unable to auscultate properly.

Seeing that the two young nurses could no longer control the patient, Chen Fei stepped forward quickly with his hands like pliers, clasping the young man's arm tightly, making him unable to move.

Tao Ling glanced at Chen Fei gratefully, and then began to auscultate.

After the auscultation, Tao Ling's complexion darkened involuntarily, her brows frowned, and the young man's eyelids rolled over.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Isn't the situation right?"

Tao Ling looked serious, "His condition is very strange. I just reviewed him this morning. He has ordinary gastroenteritis, and he can be discharged after two days of recuperation. But now, it's not only the stomach, but also He seems to have problems with his liver. The heartbeat is very fast, very fast, and very unstable. This is not a symptom of gastroenteritis at all."

After that, Tao Ling looked at the nurse and asked, "Have you given him the medicine I ordered on time?"

The little nurse nodded quickly and said: "They are all taking the medicine on time. And, just over ten minutes ago, we just fed him anti-inflammatory medicine, and he was just like that."

Hearing this, Tao Ling couldn't help frowning, her expression becoming more serious, and she said to the nurse: "You go to get an order and prepare to do CT and chest X-ray again. There are also blood and urine tests. Go get ready."

When the nurses heard this, they nodded and left.

But at this moment, Chen Fei, who had just finished the pulse for the young man, suddenly changed his expression and said in a deep voice, "No, he is not gastroenteritis, it is poisoning."

"Poisoning?" Tao Ling couldn't help being startled and looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked firm and said: "I'm sure that it must be poisoned, and the toxicity is a bit severe. The situation is a bit critical and must be dealt with immediately."

Tao Ling's expression changed when she heard that, she immediately called the nurse and said, "Xiao Wang, you will immediately bring tools to check his blood. Others, don't check it. Xiao Li, go check Zhou Zhikai. Today’s recipes and medications, as well as the monitoring of the ward, are also called out."

"Yes!" The two little nurses went busy immediately.

At this time, the young man on the hospital bed didn't dare to cough and vomit, but at this time he was vomiting up completely, and he couldn't vomit at all.

Upon seeing this, Tao Ling couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "Chen Fei, what can you do?"

Unconsciously, Tao Ling developed a slight sense of dependence on Chen Fei.

Chen Fei was silent for a moment, and said: "Although I can't judge what poison he is in. However, I can use the vitality breath to clear his body meridians first, which can relieve the toxins, and then explore the specific cause. "

"You will be there soon." Although she didn't understand the principle of clearing the meridians with true vitality, Tao Ling trusted Chen Fei very much and immediately nodded to Chen Fei.

Chen Fei put one hand on the young man's heart, and one hand grasped the five young men's wrists, and directly started to run the true vitality breath, enter the young man's body, and use the true vitality breath to suppress and purify the toxins in the blood.

After about a few minutes, Chen Fei retracted his hands, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

As for the young man on the hospital bed, his condition was much better at this time. The whole person calmed down a lot, lying on the hospital bed, his complexion was a little ruddy, and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Upon seeing this, Tao Ling couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and thanked Chen Fei again.

At this moment, nurse Xiao Li walked in, "Doctor Tao, here are Zhou Zhikai's recipe and medication list today, as well as the monitoring of the ward, which are also here."

Dr. Tao immediately took the list and checked it, and the nurse clicked on the surveillance video.

After reading the list, Tao Ling shook her head and said: "The food and medicine are the same as before, there is no problem."

Immediately, the eyes of several people shifted to the surveillance video of the tablet computer, Tao Ling directly pulled the video time to the time after she left, and then quickly checked it.

Drag the progress bar from time to time to check the monitoring status.

Suddenly, Tao Ling's eyes condensed, and she shouted: "Stop, just ahead, go back and stop."

The nurse stopped the video. Tao Ling pointed to a doctor in a white coat and said, "Who is he? Why did he appear in Zhou Zhikai's ward. Zhou Zhikai is my patient, and other doctors will not take it lightly. Come to the ward."

When the nurse saw the figure, she was also a little confused, shook her head, and said, "I, I don't know. I didn't see this doctor going in and out of the ward."

Tao Ling frowned when she heard the words, while continuing to watch the video. The doctor in the picture entered the ward and went to Zhou Zhikai's bed. While Zhou Zhikai was asleep, he quietly took out a syringe, plunged it into the vial, and pushed the liquid in the syringe into it.

Upon seeing this, Tao Ling said solemnly: "Is it the poison he inflicted?"

Afterwards, Tao Ling quickly said to the nurse Xiao Li: "You immediately, Xiao Wang, urge the blood check side to hurry up."

Xiao Li quickly patted and urged him to go.

Tao Ling apologized to Chen Fei and said, "Doctor Chen, I have to report this to the dean."

"Well, you go! Here I am watching." Chen Fei said.

But just as Tao Ling was about to walk out of the ward, suddenly, a rush of footsteps sounded, and she walked quickly toward the ward.

Then, Tao Ling almost collided head-on with a jeweled middle-aged woman.

Tao Ling hurriedly stabilized her body, said sorry, and prepared to detour away.

But the middle-aged woman looked at Tao Ling intently, grabbed her, and shouted, "You are Doctor Tao! What are you doing, leaving in such a hurry?"

When Tao Ling saw the middle-aged woman, she immediately recognized her as Zhou Zhikai's mother, and immediately explained: "Mother Zhou, I have something urgent on my side. I need to report to the dean."

When my mother heard this this week, she didn't let it go. Instead, she pushed Tao Ling into the ward and shouted loudly: "Urgent? What can you do? My son has a problem. This is the biggest emergency."

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