
Chapter 514: The truth is revealed

Speaking of this, Zhou's mother's eyes were rosy, and she couldn't help crying.

Chen Fei remained unmoved, and shouted coldly: "What have you discussed?"

Mother Zhou said slowly: "I, what we discussed, the man wanted to use my son's business to blackmail the hospital, and then deal with his enemy, Doctor Tao."

Tao Ling didn't expect the matter to be related to herself, she couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Mother Zhou continued: "He said that his plan is to make my family's Xiaokai's condition worsen suddenly. Then let Dr. Tao take responsibility, and at the same time make the hospital lose a lot of money."

"When I heard that Xiaokai's condition was going to get worse, I was very worried, and immediately rejected him and wanted to leave. But the person then grabbed me and said that his deterioration was only superficial, and Xiaokai would have nothing to do. "

"I don't believe it. As a result, he showed his doctor's certificate, and at the same time gave me a sum of money immediately, and even made an experiment for me to see. So, I believed it and agreed to him."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but their expressions changed. Even Zhou Zhikai on the hospital bed had an unbelievable expression at the moment, looking at his mother, "Mom, how can you—"

Zhou’s mother quickly explained: “Xiaokai, I, I am also obsessed for a while. As you know, your dad has been a small section chief for more than ten years. I don’t have a job and my family’s economy is not as good as it seems. So, me--"

Speaking of this, she couldn't talk anymore, and started crying.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei continued in a cold voice, "So, you agreed to the other party's request. Cooperate with him to poison Zhou Zhikai. After the incident, you immediately brought someone to surround Dr. Tao, just to complete it. The other party’s request put the blame on Doctor Tao. This is why you didn’t worry about your son’s condition at all at first, did you?"

Mother Zhou cried loudly, and finally nodded, and said, "Yes, it is like this. Now, can you save my son?"

"Not yet!" Chen Fei shook his head, "There is one last question, who is the poisoner?"

Mother Zhou was taken aback, then hesitated for a moment, and said, "He showed me his certificate and said that he used to be a doctor in the No. 1 Hospital of the city, called Lin Yaofei."

Hearing this, everyone in the hospital was shocked.

Tao Ling didn't expect that after Lin Yaofei was fired last time because of Director Zheng's affairs, she even had a grudge against herself, and planned such a plan carefully, just to frame her and avenge herself.

The dean and other high-level leaders were also surprised, because the last Dean Lin was eventually expelled by Director Zheng because of his special relationship with Lin Yaofei. As a result, Lin Yaofei actually came to the hospital to make trouble, which made them very angry.

There was silence in the ward. At this time, Zhou Zhikai coughed violently and vomited a mouthful of blood.

When Mama Zhou saw this, she was shocked and quickly said, "Quick, save my son, quickly!"

Chen Fei didn't say anything more, but gave Tao Ling a few words, then walked to the bedside, held Zhou Zhikai's wrist, and began to breathe healing.

Soon, Chen Fei stabilized the toxin, and then Tao Ling fetched the corresponding medicine, and after giving Zhou Zhikai an injection, it worked quickly. Zhou Zhikai's complexion improved, various physical indicators gradually returned to normal, and the whole person fell asleep.

Upon seeing this, Zhou's mother and others were relieved.

At this moment, they looked at Chen Fei and Tao Ling again, their eyes flickered unconsciously, and they didn't know what to say. After all, she took the risk of her son's life and almost caused a tragic consequence that hurt others.

Seeing that they were fidgeting, Tao Ling was ready to say a few good words. After all, the patient had no problems, which is the biggest good thing.

But just as Tao Ling took her steps, suddenly, a heavy leather shoe sound came in along with the cry of a middle-aged man, "What did you do to my son? Your hospital must be responsible!" "

Listening to the words, everyone saw a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties coming in with his face sinking like water.

As soon as the man walked into the ward, he swept his serious eyes around, then fell on Tao Ling and shouted: "You are Doctor Tao, I am Zhou Zhikai's father. Zhou Zhikai's condition suddenly deteriorated, how did you see the doctor? You must be responsible for the matter!"

Tao Ling was taken aback, and then stepped forward, opening her mouth to explain, "Mr. Zhou, things are not like this, I—"

"I want to find an excuse!" Mr. Zhou slapped Tao Ling with a slap.

Tao Ling was so frightened that she screamed, and she couldn't dodge at this moment.

Seeing that the opponent's slap was about to be slapped, at this moment, Chen Fei let out a cold snort and squeezed it with his right hand, grasping the opponent's right hand accurately and twisting it hard.

Suddenly, with a click, Mr. Zhou's right arm was angled out of a strange angle, and his face showed pain, "Ah! Pain, pain. Please let me go."

Chen Fei gave a cold snort and pushed hard, releasing Mr. Zhou this week.

"You know who I am, dare to treat me--" Mr. Zhou was furious, and pointed at Chen Fei to curse.

But at this time, Zhou's mother hurried over, took Mr. Zhou's arm, and whispered something.

When Mr. Zhou heard this, his complexion couldn't help but changed, and he quickly looked at his son on the hospital bed. Seeing that his son was okay, his complexion improved. However, immediately his face sank like water, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

Everyone didn't need to listen, and knew what they said. It's nothing more than Mother Zhou telling them about their blackmail and poisoning.

Everyone's eyes are a little strange when they think of this couple risking their son's life for the sake of money and power.

Chen Fei and Tao Ling didn't want to get along with this kind of people any more, they hummed and turned around to leave.

But when they were just taking a step, Mr. Zhou suddenly said: "You stop for me, who told you to leave?"

Chen Fei's expression sank, turned to look at Mr. Xiang Zhou, and said nothing.

Tao Ling frowned slightly and asked, "Mr. Zhou, what else do you have?"

"What's the matter?" Mr. Zhou snorted coldly, and said, "My son lives in your hospital and was poisoned and almost lost his life. What are you saying about me?"

"Mr. Zhou, you—" Tao Ling didn't expect that the other party would take it to say something again, her expression changed.

Mother Zhou hurriedly pulled Mr. Zhou's arm and reminded in a low voice: "We are exposed, they all know. Xiao Kai's body is the most important thing."

Mr. Zhou disapproved, frowning and shouting, "So what do they know? Is there any evidence? Besides, if Xiaokai was poisoned in their hospital, they must be held responsible for ineffective supervision. This is how they can't escape."

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