
Chapter 529: Lesson again

This situation made everyone on the scene feel a little bit surprised and surprised again.

At the same time, the low voice of discussion also buzzed.

"Unexpectedly, this Qiuyue's backing is really a bit capable, and it can be related to Hai Shao and the others."

"Hehe, it depends on what the relationship is! Looking at this posture, he obviously offended Shao Hai and the others, plus the current situation, I am afraid it will not be good!"

"Yes, in the face of Shao Hai and the rich and young, how good can he be?"

"This time, they are settled."

"Seeing my woman being snatched in front of me, playing and insulting wantonly, I feel sad for him."

"What is sad! To me, the saddest thing is the girl. The patron who called with confidence, wanted to rely on him to carry Hai Shao. As a result, he did not expect that his patron was in front of the other party and was completely worthless. Mention. If you knew this before, it would be better to have less with Hai directly, perhaps to make him happy and get even greater benefits."


The room full of discussions sounded. At this time, Chen Feisong opened Zhang Qiuyue and told everyone at Long'an University to step back. Then, he glanced at Zhao Hai and their bodyguards coldly, and said coldly: "You guys, do you really want to do it?" "

Zhao Hai and the others changed their expressions, thinking about the scene where Chen Fei had taken a palm print on the wooden pillar before, and they couldn't help but stun in their hearts.

However, immediately seeing the big-waisted bodyguards in front of them, their expressions became more confident.

"The surname Chen, don't be proud. You were coaxed just now, do you think it still works?"

"These bodyguards, but we hired them at a high price. Ha ha, I see you alone, how can you beat so many masters!"

"Then do it, who is afraid of whom!"


In the shouts, Zhao Hailing glanced at Chen Fei, and said coldly: "Give you one last chance, immediately offer the woman's hands, otherwise--huh--"

"No need to do otherwise." Chen Fei narrowed his eyes, his face sank, his right hand suddenly raised, and with a strong wind, he drew towards Zhao Hai.

Not to mention Zhao Hai himself, even the bodyguard in front of Zhao Hai did not react at all, let alone stop him.

As a result, with a crisp sound, Zhao Hai slapped his cheek heavily and his cheeks became red and swollen.

"You, do you dare to hit me!" Zhao Hai clutched his hot cheeks, his expression stunned and shocked.

Immediately, Zhao Hai was furious and shouted to the bodyguard: "Go, let me go together, go together, and kill him, I want to kill him."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a group of bodyguards rushed towards Chen Fei and was about to besiege.

At this moment, there was a rushing voice outside the door, "Master Hai, no. Mr. Chen, don't do it!"

Along with the cry, a figure ran in quickly.

The action was interrupted, and everyone looked at the figure and found that it was Zheng Yu.

Suddenly, Shao Hai and the group of people immediately sank, and there was a cold shout.

"Zheng Yu, what do you mean?"

"Lao Zheng, do you still have to defend that surname Chen, against Hai Shao?"


Zhao Hai also calmly looked at Zheng Yu, and said coldly: "Zheng Yu, you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise--"

At this time, Zheng Yu also had pain in his heart and couldn't tell.

He was afraid that there would be another conflict, so he arranged for Chen Fei to leave the back door of the resort.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that Zhao Hai and the others were here again for fun. Moreover, the objects of pleasure and pleasure happen to be people whom Chen Fei knows. As a result, the two sides clashed again.

This made Zheng Yu's head suddenly big, almost bursting.

With a wry smile on his face, Zheng Yu could only speak: "Shao Hai, this matter, I, I think it may be a misunderstanding. It's better to talk about it, and the matter can be resolved."

When Zhao Hai heard it, he became angry and yelled: "I misunderstood you, Zheng Yu, I have given you face before, and he has already let the kid go. As a result, he hit Laozi's face. With this tone, I am I can't bear it anyway."

The rich and young people around also followed.

"Zheng Yu, everyone is a friend. You always help outsiders. What do you mean?"

"That's right, Master Zheng. You turned your elbow out, did that kid do you any good!"

"Old Zheng, if you continue like this, I feel that our friendship for so many years will be over."


Zheng Yu was sweating profusely and wanted to persuade, but he didn't know what to say. I can only wink at Chen Fei constantly, trying to calm him down.

But Chen Fei didn't pay any attention at all, but looked at Zhao Hai coldly.

At this time, Zhao Hai was really angry. He pushed Zheng Yu away and waved and shouted: "Fuck me, beat me hard! Kill me."

In an instant, a group of bodyguards rushed out, and directly rushed towards Chen Fei fiercely.

Seeing that the war was about to begin, everyone around hurriedly backed away.

The rich and young people sneered at the corners of their mouths, and some even took out their mobile phones and prepared to take this scene.

Just when the rich and the young were proud, the battle broke out in the field. However, the battle was not the scene they expected, and the bodyguards surrounded Chen Fei.

The result was just the opposite. Chen Fei faced a siege from a group of burly bodyguards, but it was like a tiger rushing into the flock. The whole person turned into a King Kong God of War, and directly rushed into the encirclement of the bodyguards, with fists and feet slamming heavily on the bodyguards with the noise of the wind.

"Boom, pop, pop!"

Accompanied by the screams and the sound of blood splashing, various sounds continued to sound in the bodyguard group.

Every time Chen Fei attacked, he could bring down a bodyguard.

In less than three minutes, the battle ended with the **** and wailing bodyguards falling to the ground.

The rich and young, whose smug smiles had not faded, were completely dumbfounded at this time. They looked at the scene incredibly, and their mouths could not be closed in surprise.

And when they looked up and watched Chen Fei, who was looking cold, walking towards them, a group of people shuddered suddenly, showing fear, and their voices trembled and said: "You, what are you doing here, what do you want to do?"

"You said, what would I do?" Chen Fei let out a cold snort, then came out with fists and feet.

There was another crackling sound, and these rich and young people fell to the ground one by one, and went to accompany their bodyguards.

Immediately, Chen Fei stepped on the bodies of the rich and young and the bodyguards and walked back. Looking at Zhang Qiuyue with condensed eyes, the corners of his mouth raised, with a smile on his face, he said: "Qiuyue, let's go!"

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