
Chapter 555: Pick up a conversation at the station

Her voice trembled slightly and Song Shao said with a lingering fear: "Song Shao, this is too fast. Or, let's forget it."

"Count you paralyzed! I have never been so humiliated in racing for so many years. I want to kill him!" Song Shao directly yelled, then accelerated again, and the sports car whizzed towards Chen Fei.

Feeling the sound of the wind around, the **** girl suddenly became even more shocked, but she didn't dare to say anything, she could only hold on to the seat belt tightly, hoping that there would be no accident.

Song Shao's sports car accelerated quickly, and soon narrowed the distance with Chen Fei.

Just as Song Shao wanted to pass Chen Fei in one breath, there was a curve ahead and Song Shao had to slow down.

But at this time, the black masses of Chen Fei, who was racing ahead, didn't mean to slow down at all, and went straight into the bend at a very fast speed.

Upon seeing this, Song Shao said, "Look for something dead! When entering a corner at this speed, the car rolls over gently."

Just as Song Shao’s voice just fell, the black masses in front of Chen Fei pulled out a perfect arc with a beautiful drifting motion, crossed the curve almost without slowing down, and directly threw Song Shao away. Up.

Song rarely sees this, he can't help but froze for a moment, and then angrily said: "Damn, lucky guy, luckily drifted past."

Shao Song cursed and crossed the bend, reached the straight, and began to speed up the pursuit again.

But just after getting closer, there was a curve ahead. Song Shao had to slow down again.

At this time, Chen Fei's black public still didn't mean to slow down. In Song Shao's cursing eyes, he directly crossed the curve with a beautiful arc.

At this time, Young Master Song couldn't help but frowned, his expression a bit gloomy.

And this kind of thing is not over, although Song Shao takes advantage of the acceleration advantage of the sports car, and can narrow the distance on the straight. But every time he reached the corner, Chen Fei was able to corner with a perfect drift, while Song Shao had to slow down and corner.

Such a difference caused Chen Fei to open up the distance further and further. Song Shao could only see Chen Fei's car bottom.

In such a situation, Song Shao, who claims to be a racing master, couldn't help being very angry and feeling a nameless humiliation.

Suddenly, Young Master Song didn't care about that, and directly urged the car's accelerator to the highest level, speeding up and chasing Chen Fei all the way.

Such a high-speed pursuit indeed narrowed the distance between Chen Fei and Chen Fei. But when it came to the front corner, Chen Fei drifted perfectly again.

Song is rare, and fire is almost bursting into his eyes, and he doesn't care about this huge corner, so he hardly slows down and enters the corner at a very fast speed, preparing to drift into the corner just like Chen Fei.

When he first entered the corner, Song Shao still felt good. But when the car drove to the largest point of the curve, the huge centrifugal force suddenly made the entire sports car roll over and start flying.

Song Shao held the steering wheel hard, trying to control the vehicle. But the huge inertial force gradually caused the car to lose control, and it was about to roll over and fly out.

At this critical moment, Song Shao hurriedly braked and slowed down, finally avoiding the danger of rollover at the last critical juncture.

But such forced braking to slow down also caused the car to run out of control and hit the guardrail on the side of the road.

The front of the car instantly deformed into smoke, and the airbag suddenly popped out, rushing to Song Shao and the **** girl, almost suffocating them to death.

Fortunately, when it hit the guardrail, the speed of the car had already slowed down, and the force of the impact was not too great. The two were dizzy, but they got out of the car safely.

It’s just that, looking at the sports car that he had smashed into, and then at Chen Fei’s car, which was completely invisible in front of him, Song Shao suddenly became angry with smoke above his head, "Damn, I blamed that guy. I almost had a car accident and crashed the luxury car I just bought."

However, Chen Fei, who had already left Song Shao far away at this moment, naturally did not hear the curse behind him.

He ran all the way to the high-speed rail station. After parking the car, he came to the station with excitement and excitement.

He kept looking at the time, constantly looking at the exit, and he was a little excited.

Finally, a quarter of an hour later, Chen Fei saw a slim figure walking out of the exit.

The tall figure and delicate face, coupled with a casual autumn outfit, immediately set off the woman's fashion and maturity, which makes people feel bright.

Not only Chen Fei, but at this moment, almost all the men in the vicinity cast their gazes at the woman, and their eyes were amazing.

Of course, most men just take a stunning look and then sigh. However, some men were a little eager to move, tidy up their clothes, and walked over to the woman with a smile, ready to start a conversation.

However, most of the people hadn't walked to the woman's side, and were stared at by the woman's imposing eyes, and suddenly fled in despair, not daring to approach it at all.

Of course, diehards are indispensable.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle in his forties tidied up his suit, walked towards the woman confidently, and greeted with a smile: "Beauty, where are you going? I'll take you there."

The woman glanced at the man and said coldly: "No need."

The middle-aged man was unwilling to give up, and continued to follow him, saying, "Beauty, I have no malice. I just want to see if it goes smoothly. Let's go together and make friends."

"Sorry, I'm not interested." The woman said coldly.

Seeing that ordinary strike-ups didn’t work, the Mediterranean man could only use tricks, so he took out a car key, weighed it in his hand, by the way, deliberately showed the BMW logo on the car key, and then confidently said to the woman. : "Beauty, let's have a drink together!"

The woman glanced at the man's car key, showing a disdainful look, but she didn't respond, and she walked away.

The Mediterranean man suddenly frowned and muttered in a low voice: "What's the matter? My tricks that I have tried repeatedly failed today. I am afraid this woman is not an ordinary person, she is also quite rich!"

The middle-aged man comforted himself in his heart, but at this moment, he saw the young man in front walking towards the woman with a smile, and he was also approaching a conversation.

The Mediterranean man looked at the young man, and suddenly showed a disdainful smile, and said: "Poor boy, before I have a pair of shoes, I want to make a girl that I can't hold. It's a joke."

However, just when the middle-aged man's voice just fell, the young man directly grabbed the woman's waist and smiled: "Beauty, let's go here!"

Immediately, the woman smiled, and she walked side by side with the young man without any refusal, and walked to an ordinary Volkswagen car on the side of the road.

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