
Chapter 563: Jumping incident

In this way, after a few minutes of training, Zhang Mang was already out of breath, his face was sweaty, and his walking seemed a little unstable. But Chen Fei still had that indifferent appearance, and there was no sweat on his face.

Looking at Zhang Mang, who was very tired, Chen Fei said softly: "Do you want to continue practicing?"

Zhang Mang at this time really saw Chen Fei's strength. Moreover, I also know that Chen Fei was pointing himself just now, so his attitude has completely changed. With a respectful look on his face, he gritted his teeth and said to Chen Fei: "Trouble Mr. Chen, I still want to continue practicing."

Chen Fei's guidance to him has greatly benefited Zhang Mang. Therefore, he does not want to waste this opportunity, but also wants to continue practicing.

Chen Fei nodded when he heard the words, preparing to continue practicing with Zhang Mang.

But at this moment, Chen Fei's cell phone rang, and Chen Fei took out the cell phone and saw that it turned out to be the phone of his wife Lin Qiuhan. Suddenly, Chen Fei made a gesture to Zhang Mang and immediately connected the phone, saying, "My wife, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Qiuhan's voice was a little anxious and nervous, speaking quickly, and said: "Chen Fei, where are you? Someone from the company is about to jump off the building, come back soon."

"What, someone is going to jump off the building?" Chen Fei was shocked, knowing that the situation is urgent, and he didn't care to ask for the details.

"Already called the police." Lin Qiuhan said.

Without hanging up the phone, Chen Fei spoke to Wei Tian and Zhang Mang and said, "I'm in a bit of a hurry. I have to go back." After speaking, Chen Fei didn't care about changing clothes and ran out of the martial arts hall.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Mang took a few steps and said, "Mr. Chen, do you need our help? Let's go together."

Chen Fei waved his hand and said, "I'm enough alone." With that, Chen Fei had already rushed out of the martial arts gym, got into the car and left in a hurry.

In the martial arts hall, Wei Tian walked to Zhang Mang, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Brother Mang, Brother Fei is not a hypocritical person. If you need help, he will speak."

Zhang Mang nodded and said to Wei Tian, ​​"Boss Wei, I was wrong before. I'm sorry for that attitude towards you and Mr. Chen."

Hearing this, Wei Tian couldn't help but laughed, and said, "It's okay, Brother Mang and Brother are all martial arts practitioners. Once things are said to be done, it will be fine."

Zhang Mang immediately expressed his gratitude, and then returned to the training ground.

As soon as he came back, the other instructors around him immediately surrounded him, asking about the matter of Bidou.

"Brother Mang, what happened to the test just now? It looks like you, you seem to have lost!"

"Brother Mang, are you trying to let that Mr. Chen deliberately!"

"Boss Wei is good to us, but after all, Martial Arts still speaks with strength. If you deliberately let it go, it will be boring.


Listening to the voices of everyone around him, Zhang Mang shook his head and said, "I was doing my best just now, and I didn't mean to give in. In the end, I lost because Mr. Chen was stronger than me. Moreover, it was not strong yet. A little bit, but a lot stronger."

Upon hearing this, the surrounding instructors couldn't help but startled.

"A lot stronger? Brother Mang, you are a master at the peak of the Yellow level, much better than you. Couldn't Mr. Chen be a master at the profound level?"

"A Profound Level master in his twenties, this is unlikely!"

"Brother Mang, are you true?"


Everyone still had doubts in their hearts, but Zhang Mang didn't have the mind to explain, but started to practice alone.

After all, in the test with Chen Fei just now, Chen Fei pointed out many weaknesses to him. Now, he needs to remember, think, and then correct it.

When the instructors around saw Zhang Mang training, their eyes lighted up, and they started to practice.

There was a hot atmosphere in the martial arts hall. At this time, Chen Fei, who was sitting in the car and rushing back towards the Autumn Group Company, also learned roughly what happened from the phone.

Just ten minutes ago, when the security guards of the Autumn Group were patrolling, they suddenly discovered that the iron door on the top floor had been opened, so they went to the top of the building to check. In the end, he was surprised to find that a person was standing on the edge of the railing.

The security guard originally thought it was a lazy smoker, so he wanted to come over and have a chat. Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached, the man was directly shocked, and then he straddled on the railing, yelling decisively that he was about to jump off the building.

At this time, the security guard was frightened and immediately reported the relevant situation.

Lin Qiuhan checked the company, and soon discovered that the employee who was about to jump was named Liang Pan, an employee of the company's information technology department. He received a call just now, so he went out to answer the call, but he didn't expect that after answering the call, the person didn't come back, instead he would jump off the building.

Now, people from the public security and fire fighting have rushed to the bottom of the building and are arranging emergency rescue measures.

The company also contacted Liang Pan's family and is rushing here.

After listening to these messages, Chen Fei almost drove the car up and hurried towards the Qiu Group.

Fortunately, this is not the rush hour. Although it is in the city center, there is no traffic jam. In about ten minutes, Chen Fei hurried back to the company.

At this time, under the Autumn Group Building, a lot of people have gathered in a hustle and bustle. The innermost public security and firefighting personnel are arranging rescue measures, and the ladder and air cushion are all in preparation.

Outside the police and fire department, some reporters were excitedly reporting on the situation at the scene.

And around them, there were crowds watching the excitement, bustling, pointing and pointing, very noisy.

Chen Fei looked up, and there was a black spot on the railing on the roof of the building. Taking a closer look, he was a young man with a chubby figure sitting straddling the railing, his body swaying slightly, and he might fall from the air at any time. The situation was very critical.

Far behind the young man, you can also see several policemen and company employees who seem to be talking to Liang Pan, trying to persuade him to come down.

At this moment, I don't know who said what, Liang Pan suddenly became excited, and when he strode his body, both legs moved to the periphery of the railing, and the whole person was sitting on the railing outwards.

His body shook, and he was about to fall off.

In such a critical situation, everyone upstairs and downstairs suddenly let out a cry of exclamation.

However, in the end the man stabilized his body and sat on the railing without falling off.

Upon seeing this, the crowd below couldn't help but feel agitated, pointing and talking, some even shouted at the youth watching the excitement.

"Hey, kid, you've been doing it for so long, do you want to jump or not, my neck is sore."

"If you want to jump, jump and chant, I'm crying and crying, like a maiden."


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