
Chapter 570: Conflict again

"Zhang Ying would never have thought that his boyfriend would know such a big man!"

"Yes, in the end, she lost such a young boyfriend for those fat old men. It's too late to regret it now!"

"Forget it, that is her own choice, and we don't want to say more."


Just as the store clerk sighed, Zhang Ying, who was kicked out of the store at this time, was also full of anger and unwillingness.

Thinking of the scene just now, Zhang Ying couldn't help being angry and surprised. After all, she had never imagined that Liang Pan, who she looked down upon, would have the day to show off in front of her.

But now, she has lost her job because of Liang Pan.

Wanting to move towards, Zhang Ying couldn't help but panicked a little. After all, without a job, she has no savings to maintain her bright life.

Therefore, Zhang Ying took out the phone, looked at the numbers inside, and muttered secretly: "Would you like to go to those bosses and come with them once, you should be able to make a lot of money. However, I am afraid that after a few times, they will I'll get tired, then, what should I do?"

Just as Zhang Ying was muttering, a phone call came in. Zhang Ying looked at the number and was immediately overjoyed, and then quickly connected the phone, "Shao Han, I am Xiaoying."

What was said on the other end of the phone, Zhang Ying's smile suddenly became more and more prosperous, like a blooming flower, "Okay, Young Master Han, I'm nearby, I'll come over right away."

After hung up the phone, Zhang Ying jumped up with joy and smiled, "I'm so lucky that Shao Han wants me to be his lover. Now that's it, Shao Han is young and handsome, and his wealth is also very good. Together, it's better than Liang Pan and those bald old men who don't know."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ying became more and more excited, and immediately rushed to Han Shao's position.

Soon, she found Shao Han on a commercial street. Han Shao dyed blue hair and dressed very trendy. At the moment, he was leaning against a blue sports car with sunglasses. He was very cool and attracted the attention of many passersby.

Seeing this, Zhang Ying quickened her pace and rushed forward, plunged into Han Shao's arms, and said sweetly: "Han Shao, I haven't contacted him for a long time, I thought you forgot me!"

Han Shao hugged Zhang Ying, grabbed a few hands on Zhang Ying without evasiveness, and said with a smile: "My dear, I'm so impressed with your skill in bed, how can I forget you!"

"Let's go, I'll take you for a drive." With that, Han Shao opened the door, entered the sports car with Zhang Ying, and then started the car with a bang.

The sports car whizzed away, arousing a burst of envy from passers-by, and many people took pictures with their mobile phones.

Seeing this, Zhang Ying was even more delighted. At this time, she had completely forgotten about being expelled and being slapped in the face by Chen Fei.

With the rich and young like Han Shao, what kind of job, what Chen Fei, what bald old man, she doesn't care about Zhang Ying now.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ying couldn't help but scream with excitement.

But when Zhang Ying was excited, suddenly, she glanced at a black Volkswagen obliquely in front of her, and her eyes changed. Because the two people in that car are Chen Fei and Liang Pan.

Han Shao noticed that Zhang Ying's eyes changed, and couldn't help asking: "Little baby, why are you suddenly unhappy?"

Zhang Ying pointed to the car and said, "The two people bullied me just now!"

"Uh, they dare to bully my little baby, what the **** is going on?" Han Shao frowned and asked.

Zhang Ying immediately recounted what had happened in the luxury store just now with tears in her eyes. Of course, she didn't mention the relationship between herself and Liang Pan, only that the two guests fell in love with her, and after taking advantage of them, she deliberately made things difficult for herself, and as a result, she lost her job.

As soon as Han Shao heard that his little baby had been wronged so much, he suddenly became angry, stepped on the gas, and chased Chen Fei and his car directly, "Damn, the bullying is on my woman's head, she is looking for death. thing."

There was a rush of engine noise, the blue sports car suddenly rushed to the front, and then hit the steering wheel, and went directly to Chen Fei and their car.

Chen Fei was in the car chatting with Liang Pan, but when he was suddenly dismissed from the car, he was immediately shocked and hurriedly slammed the steering wheel to avoid the sports car in front.

Stabilizing the car, Chen Fei couldn't help frowning. When he looked at the sports car in front, he couldn't help but think of the Song Shao a few days ago. He couldn't help but angrily said: "Damn, I encountered this kind of boring drag racing, Fu Shao, one by one. I don’t know how to go anywhere else and harm people on this road."

Chen Fei's car slowed down, and as a result, the sports car in front also decelerated, and even a sudden brake came directly in front of Chen Fei's car, forcing Chen Fei to make a sudden brake.

"Damn--" Chen Fei yelled angrily, with a look of anger in his eyes.

But at this moment, the roof of the sports car was closed, and the two people inside turned around and fiercely raised their middle fingers at Chen Fei and the others.

When they saw the two people in the car, Chen Fei and Liang Pan couldn't help but change their eyes because Zhang Ying was sitting in the passenger seat.

At this moment, Zhang Ying seemed very proud, smiling with the blue-haired young man beside him, excitedly making various insulting gestures to Chen Fei and Liang Pan. At the same time, the blue sports car deliberately twisted and braked sharply in front of Chen Fei and his car, forcing Chen Fei and his car all at once.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei was angry with a cold eyes, and said to Liang Pan: "Fasten your seat belt!"

Immediately, when the opponent's sports car forced Chen Fei and the others into a sudden brake again, Chen Fei did not slow down at all this time, and even hit the bottom of their car as soon as he stepped on the accelerator.

In an instant, the huge impact inertia poured into the sports car fiercely, and threw the excited Han Shao and Zhang Ying fiercely toward the window glass of the car.

The two were caught off guard, their heads slammed into the window glass, and a big red envelope suddenly appeared and let out a scream. Fortunately, the speed of the car is not fast at this time, and the two people are not in greater danger.

The two of them, who were shocked, stopped the car quickly, opened the door angrily, and got out of the car directly.

"Damn, can you drive, dare to hit Lao Tzu's car!" Han Shao rushed over and cursed.

Zhang Ying also stared at Liang Pan fiercely and said, "Do you know who Shao Han is and dare to hit Shao Han? I don't think you can eat and walk around."

"Damn, get off the car and kneel down to apologize!" Han Shao slapped the car cover and shouted angrily at Chen Fei and Liang Pan.

With a cold face, Chen Fei opened the car door with a snap, and walked towards Han Shao and Zhang Ying.

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