
Chapter 576: Trouble at work

The leading **** glared at Zhu Lan fiercely, and sternly shouted: "Little Niangpi, I want to run, I see where you go!"

Zhu Lan looked panicked and cast a look at the cafe staff and other customers for help, shouting: "They are rascals. They are going to hit me. Call the police."

However, instead of waiting for others to call the police, the leader slapped a stick on a glass table, smashed the glass table to pieces, and then glared at the crowd fiercely, threatening: "Let me see who dares to mess? move!"

Everyone was frightened, their faces turned pale, and they did not dare to move rashly.

The lead bully then said viciously: "The person we are looking for is her, and it has nothing to do with you, so don't be nosy. Otherwise, huh—"

When Zhu Lan saw that everyone was frightened, no one dared to call the police. Suddenly, her face turned pale, with a look of worry on her face.

The leader gangster carrying the wooden stick, approaching Zhu Lan fiercely, coldly said: "Hand over the things!"

Zhu Lan shook his head and said, "I, I don't have what you want."

The leader gave Zhu Lan a stern look, and said, "Still arguing, are you asking us to do it?"

Zhu Lan rolled her eyes and continued to shake her head and said, "I really don't have what you want."

"Damn, I don't see the guy who doesn't cry in the coffin." The leader got angry, and slammed a wooden stick on Zhu Lan's coffee table, and then approached Zhu Lan, "It seems that you want us to do it yourself. Up."

With that said, a group of gangsters approached Zhu Lan and pressed her to the window completely, almost unable to move.

The lead gangster looked at Zhu Lan, with a look of lewdness in his eyes, licked his tongue, and said, "Beauty, if I search for it myself, if I touch something that shouldn't be touched, don't blame us !"

Hearing the words, the gangsters below also let out a burst of laughter.

"Boss, let me search for you!"

"It's better to hide it, let's search it a few more times."

"Hey, beauty, here we are."


Seeing the rogue gangster who was like a wolf attacking him, even if Zhu Lan had a strong temperament, he couldn't help showing fear at the moment, his lips trembled, and his face turned pale.

However, at this moment, she has no way to escape. She can only watch their big hands stretch out towards her, and finally tremblingly said: "Don't mess around, my identity is extraordinary, you dare to move me, My dad will not let you go."

But at this time, these threatening words were obviously useless, and the gangsters continued to approach Zhu Lan.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Lan couldn't help but look desperate. But just as she closed her eyes tremblingly, suddenly, a cold voice rang, "Sorry, can you give me a chance?"

Hearing the sound, the gangsters couldn't help being taken aback, then turned and looked over. Then, they found that the young man at the door just now came back.

"What are you doing, get out of the way!" The leader yelled at Chen Fei angrily.

Chen Fei pointed at Zhu Lan and said lightly: "I have something forgotten in my friend's place. I'll come and get it!"

"Things, friends!" Hearing the words, the leader's gaze couldn't help but sink, and the gaze that looked at Chen Fei became a bit fierce.

"You—" the boss gangster pointed at Chen Fei, and he was about to move his stick when he danced his stick.

But without waiting for him to move, Chen Fei's movements started faster. He slammed directly at the front door of the boss.

In an instant, with a click, the head-collar's cheeks bloomed directly, the blood on his face fell to the ground, and the whole person fainted instantly.

When the rest of the bullies saw this, they couldn't help but froze for a while, and then became furious, yelling one by one about to attack Chen Fei.

But Chen Fei's movements were faster than them, with shadows on his fists and feet, hitting them all at once. In less than three minutes, these **** all fainted to death on the ground bleeding.

Chen Fei patted his hands lightly, looked at Zhu Lan who looked a little silly, and chuckled: "Let's go!"

Zhu Lan recovered, nodded, hurriedly put away the laptop, and then followed Chen Fei out of the coffee shop quickly.

It wasn't until the two of them left that the stunned people in the cafe came to their senses, and then quickly called and started calling the police.

Outside, after Chen Fei and Zhu Lan left the cafe, the two were silent for a while and walked side by side.

In the end, Zhu Lan took the lead and said to Chen Fei: "Why didn't you ask me what happened just now?"

Chen Fei said lightly: "I don't like to inquire about other people's things. If others are willing to say it, they will naturally say it."

Zhu Lan couldn't help but curled her lips when she heard this, but she still said, "No matter what, I thank you just now. Actually, I know what the gangsters came from. They were hired by the boss of a local company."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei immediately guessed something and said, "Do you have some shameful things about the company in your hands?"

Zhu Lan nodded and said: "I spent a month lurking in that company. Eventually, I caught evidence of bribery and fraud by the company's boss. Later, they found out about me, so the company boss tried to get it back. Those evidences, so I sent those people just now."

Hearing that, Chen Fei couldn't help but nodded, and glanced at Zhu Lan, admiring the young female reporter. After all, in this era, there are not many reporters who are willing to risk such a big risk and cover such social news for such a long period of time.

After all, compared to dangerous and difficult social news. Casually take pictures of lace news in the entertainment industry, or even compile real or fake entertainment news by yourself. The attention and benefits are much higher and easier than these social news.

In the face of such a dangerous situation, Zhu Lan continued to report on social news, which not only made Chen Fei's heart moved, but also left Zhu Lan's contact information, saying: "That company, if you have any help from me, You can contact me. If you want to be exposed and worry about danger, you can also find me."

"Well, I will." Zhu Lan nodded, "However, it is not time to be exposed. That company is just one part of a series of bribery and fraud incidents. I want to figure out the whole thing. Reveal them all and catch them all in one go."

When Chen Fei heard this, he admired Zhu Lan more and more, and said: "I wish you success. Where do you live, I will send you back."

When Zhu Lan heard the words, a pair of **** eyes wandered around, and looked at Chen Fei with some surprise, with her hands on her chest, with a vigilant appearance, and said: "You, you are so active, you just need to know you. Send me home. Isn't it because you want to take advantage of the emptiness, do you have any other thoughts about me?"

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