
Chapter 633: Beating on the highway

"One or two hours? So long!" Chen Fei couldn't help frowning when he heard the words.

After all, it's getting late now, and he and his wife drove back, tired enough. In addition, there is still something to do tomorrow, and they are eager to go home early and have a good rest. Knot

Guo, now because of this Xu Shao, the road was blocked, which wasted their time, and Chen Fei couldn't help showing a sense of displeasure and anger in Chen Fei's heart.

The middle-aged driver saw Chen Fei’s displeasure and anger, and persuaded him: "Young man, I understand your feelings. Everyone wants to leave early. However, the traffic police have closed the road. There is no other way but to wait. "

"Even if you are a traffic policeman, you shouldn't be so foolish! Because of someone like Xu Xiao, they just block the road casually." Chen Fei complained. "

Is there any way? Who makes the family concerned, we flat-headed people, can only suffer this way! "The driver said with emotion, and then persuaded Chen Fei again, "Young man, speak quietly." If you are heard by those people, I'm afraid I will trouble you. Forbearance for a while, calm and calm! ""

Hmm! Chen Fei nodded, thanked the middle-aged driver, and then returned to the car.

Lin Qiuhan asked immediately: "What's the matter?"

Chen Fei then told Lin Qiuhan what the middle-aged driver had told him. listen

After that, Lin Qiuhan frowned slightly, and said: "This is too much! If the official has to close the road because of official duties, that's fine. But what about Xu Shao, directly in the name of a private person? The road closure will affect everyone's travel life. Isn't it no one to care about it?"

Chen Fei knew that his wife was jealous and could not get used to these things, so he said to comfort him: "My wife, don't be angry, it will be bad if you get angry."

In this way, I'll go there and ask. Talk about our situation and see if they can let us go first. "Chen Fei said.

After that, Chen Fei got out of the car and walked towards the traffic police and others who were busy closing the road. but

Before Chen Fei walked to the traffic policeman, the youngest one just now appeared in front of Chen Fei, blocking Chen Fei's path.

With a sneer on his face, he looked at Chen Fei and said, "Boy, what are you doing here?"

Chen Fei resisted the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said: "I want to ask, when will this road be closed? I have an urgent matter, and I have to rush back."

When will it be sealed? "The youngest member of Jiwotou sneered, staring at Chen Fei arrogantly, "When we want to seal it, when will it be sealed?" "

Such an attitude caused Chen Fei to frown, dissatisfied, and said displeased: "You are so closed, don't you think about the convenience of ordinary people. If someone is in a hurry and is blocked by you and delays things, can you be responsible?"

"Emergency?" The youngest jiwotou sneered, "No matter how urgent things are, I have to wait here. Don't talk about ordinary emergencies, even if an ambulance goes by, I have to wait for Lao Tzu."

Such an attitude made Chen Fei suddenly angry, especially the words that the other party had to wait for the ambulance, which made Chen Fei, a doctor, feel a boundless anger that surged from the bottom of his heart.

In an instant, Chen Fei's expression sank, staring at the youngest boy, and sternly asked: "Are you so indifferent to the lives of others?"

Whoops, kid, dare to question me? I think you are itchy, right? "The youngest hen snorted coldly, creaked his fists, and stared at Chen Fei fiercely, "Xu Shao, let you wait for a few hours. This is your honor." Do you dare to complain, I think you are looking for death! "

While speaking, the other party slapped Chen Fei's cheek with a slap. Chen

Fei suddenly became furious and raised his leg directly, pressing one knee against the opponent's lower abdomen.

In an instant, the youngest chicken coop let out a scream, curled up and fell to the ground like a cooked lobster. old

When I was beaten, the other chicken nest heads and traffic police dangling around heard the movement here, and then they all looked over. The chicken nest heads were even more angry, and walked over in stride. "

Damn, you dare to beat my brother and die! "

"Beat him to death!"

Looking for something dead! "

Several chicken coops screamed, rushed up and punched Chen Fei.

In such a scene, other drivers and passengers on the side of the road could not help but sigh. Someone was angry and wanted to come forward to help, but was quickly stopped by local acquaintances, persuading these people that they could not afford it, and told them not to be impulsive. to

Yu, the busy traffic police over there, completely turned a blind eye to the situation here, as if they had never seen such a siege about to happen. Chen

When Fei saw this, his heart was even more angry, his eyes sank, and he looked at the chicken coot heads in front of him, and then his fists thundered and waved.

In an instant, there was a crackling sound, and Chen Fei's fist brought out afterimages, blasting on the heads of these people's chicken coops. With tremendous force, they flew upside down with one punch, fell to the ground, spouted a mouthful of blood, and almost fainted.

These five or six chicken nest heads were all brought down in Chen Fei's hands before they lasted for three minutes. It was scattered all over the road beside Chen Fei, and the blood spewed out everywhere. Such as

This situation made the surrounding drivers and passers-by startled, and their faces were full of shock. "

This young man is too fierce! One person knocked down six or seven of the other. ""

Damn, this little brother, it's Lianjiazi! It must be, otherwise, it won't be so powerful. ""

Or a young man, so angry, what if he wins? Can someone who provoke Xu Shao have a good end? ""

Yes, let alone Xu Shao himself. As far as the traffic police is concerned, he can't pass it! "

"Now, after going in for ten and a half months, I don't think I can run away."


When everyone sighed, the traffic police who had turned a blind eye to the situation at this moment noticed the situation here, his eyes changed involuntarily, and he walked over with cold eyes.

The leader was a thirty-eight-year-old traffic police captain. He strode over, stared directly at Chen Fei, and asked in a deep voice, "You beat these people?" Chen

Fei looked at the traffic police captain in front of him, and explained: "They just acted on me, I am fighting back in self-defense."

"You said self-defense is self-defense, things are not that simple!" The traffic police captain snorted coldly, waved, and the traffic police under his opponent said, "Take people away, buckle the car, and drag it to the traffic police team!"

As soon as the voice fell, a few traffic policemen were about to come over to arrest people. Chen

Seeing this, Fei's eyes condensed, and one stepped forward and asked aloud: "Why are you arresting me?"

"Why? It's up to you to beat people in public and cause serious injuries." The traffic police captain glared at Chen Fei and shouted in a deep voice.

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